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Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 2:00 am
Dooku vs Kun. Thoughts?

All Out:

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 2:25 am
Kun dies
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 2:27 am
The Count.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 2:41 am
Dooku all day

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 3:01 am
Dooku wins, no contest really.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 7:40 am
1.Exar Kun >>> Exar Kun's spirit > Kyp Durron & Luke Skywalker >> Count Dooku.

2.Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord > Ajunta Pall > Karness Muur >>> Karness Muur's spirit > Darth Krayt >>>> A'sharad Hett < Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Count Dooku

3.Exar Kun > Dark Reaper >> Count Dooku.

Honestly, the idea Dooku can win is comical.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 8:06 am
The handling of Kenobi with Anakin is better combatively than anything we've seen from Kun thus far.

Yet the handling of 1,000,000 minds/bodies of the senate while facing/winning over Vodo is better in terms of magnitude

Dooku could win in single combat for sure based of Legends.

Unless the primary depictions for Dooku are the Christie Golden novel, movies and 2008 TCW , then he's fucked without lube Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1076326320
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 8:53 am

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 8:54 am

1.Exar Kun >>> Exar Kun's spirit > Kyp Durron & Luke Skywalker >> Count Dooku. wrote:

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

2.Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord > Ajunta Pall > Karness Muur >>> Karness Muur's spirit > Darth Krayt >>>> A'sharad Hett < Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Count Dooku wrote:

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

3.Exar Kun > Dark Reaper >> Count Dooku. wrote:

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

Honestly, the idea Dooku can win is comical. wrote:

Yeah, I agree. It's almost as comical as thinking Kun isn't sub-SF Malak.

Last edited by NotAA3 on April 20th 2019, 8:57 am; edited 1 time in total

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 8:55 am
Quoting hates me right now lmao.

Edit: Fixed my post.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 8:58 am
Also, Dooku wins.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 9:51 am
LadyKulvax wrote:1.Exar Kun >>> Exar Kun's spirit > Kyp Durron & Luke Skywalker >> Count Dooku.

2.Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord > Ajunta Pall > Karness Muur >>> Karness Muur's spirit > Darth Krayt >>>> A'sharad Hett < Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Count Dooku

3.Exar Kun > Dark Reaper >> Count Dooku.

Honestly, the idea Dooku can win is comical.

Mind going more in-depth with the reasonings for the 3 points you wrote here? Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181 Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181 Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181 @LadyKulvax

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 9:56 am
I have to say Kenobi~Dooku is one of the most meme-worthy things I've heard. Apparently using passages that never actually happened within Legends continuity is definitive evidence and every other account of the fight should be ignored.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 10:55 am
TrevaDaProgSnob wrote:
LadyKulvax wrote:1.Exar Kun >>> Exar Kun's spirit > Kyp Durron & Luke Skywalker >> Count Dooku.

2.Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord > Ajunta Pall > Karness Muur >>> Karness Muur's spirit > Darth Krayt >>>> A'sharad Hett < Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Count Dooku

3.Exar Kun > Dark Reaper >> Count Dooku.

Honestly, the idea Dooku can win is comical.

Mind going more in-depth with the reasonings for the 3 points you wrote here?  Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181  Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181  Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 1289255181  @LadyKulvax

Well the first is simply a feat, Kun's spirit was fucking around with Luke's spirit and Kyp's mind whilst juggling a bunch of other shit on the side. It's easily beyond Dooku.

Second is basic scaling from Hett's duel with Kenobi. No matter what way you swing it, Krayt's growth nullifies any form of discrepancies you may percieve. Even if you want to ignore Kenobi moving fast enough to make Dooku shit himself and scale him from his TK cheapshotting of Kenobi then fine. It still doesn't account for Krayt's growth. Like, at all.

Third is just the fact that Kun's power sourced and created the Force Harvester and it would've drained anyone who got too close to it whilst active, including Dooku.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:04 am

Dooku's Telekenetic domination of Kenobi isn't a "cheap shot". Furthermore Kenobi never moves fast enough to make Dooku shit himself, at least not in the highest canon source (The film).
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:08 am
Couldn't care less when the novel is a vastly more legends-friendly source. This isn't a Canon Dooku, and if it was, it'd be a laughable stomp.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:09 am

Second is basic scaling from Hett's duel with Kenobi. No matter what way you swing it, Krayt's growth nullifies any form of discrepancies you may percieve. Even if you want to ignore Kenobi moving fast enough to make Dooku shit himself and scale him from his TK cheapshotting of Kenobi then fine. It still doesn't account for Krayt's growth. Like, at all. wrote:

For starters, you're talking about two unquantifiable measurements. There's no way to quantify whether Hett's growth made up for the gap between Hett and Kenobi. Secondly, in the most thematically relevant depiction of events (the film) Kenobi and Skywalker aren't letting themselves get clowned and as elaborated on by the JN are going all out from the very beginning meaning Kenobi can't have vastly increased the tempo of his speed given it was already at its zenith. Moreover, even if you want to use that passage all Kenobi does is increase his pace massively which Dooku obviously wasn't expecting and thus was completely caught off guard. I mean come on Kenobi can't speed blitz Dooku as we can tell from the fact that Dooku has hit him with TK before he could react twice. Thirdly, Dooku didn't cheapshot Kenobi. Kenobi was actively aware of Dooku and was staring him right in the face as he got ragdolled. All Dooku did was subdue Kenobi before the latter can react and this happened while Anakin was breathing down his neck. If Dooku can use TK to dismiss Kenobi under unfavourable circumstances then he will do so when the circumstances are in his favour. And finally, Hett's growth is utterly useless unless you actually have a comparison between Dooku and Kenobi which you don't.

Last edited by NotAA3 on April 20th 2019, 11:16 am; edited 1 time in total
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:11 am
So, let's dismiss the official canon policy because it doesn't fit with my argument and the novel is more "Legends Friendly"?

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:15 am

Couldn't care less when the novel is a vastly more legends-friendly source. This isn't a Canon Dooku, and if it was, it'd be a laughable stomp. wrote:

The film is the highest canon source though be it canon or Legends and you're gonna have to put up with it given the canon policy we're using here is the one from 2012 which has the movies as G-Canon and the novels as C-Canon.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:26 am
Revenge of the Sith wrote:He threw himself spinning up and away from the two Jedi to land on the situation table, disengaging for a moment to recover his composure-that had been entirely too close-but by the time his boots touched down Kenobi was there to meet him, blade weaving through a defensive velocity so bewilderingly fast that Dooku dared not even try a strike; he threw a feint toward Kenobi's face, then dropped and spun in a reverse ankle-sweep-But not only did Kenobi easily overleap this attack, Dooku nearly lost his own foot to a slash from Skywalker who had again come out of nowhere and now carved through the table so that it collapsed under Dooku's weight and dumped the Sith Lord unceremoniously to the floor. This was not in the plan.

Yeah, totally never happened. No way Kenobi could be even remotely close to Dooku whilst Dooku's attacks are 'easily' countered by Kenobi's reactions or Kenobi straight up moves too fast for Dooku to even try attacking.

Not comparable at all, nope.
Level Two
Level Two

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:28 am
Honestly, what's comical is that people are so sure to crown the SF Malak quote as infallible without really trying to measure how much it actually breaks the lore with these looping scaling chains. We would basically have to assume an entire swath of events didn't happen AND numerous statements and sources get retconned in the process as well. IIRC according to Chee it's better to rationalize inconsistencies than force a retcon, in which case I tend to side with Kun's antics over the Malak quote.

Kun pounds Dooku into the dirt as well.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:31 am

Start posting things that happened in the actual movie (The highest canon source in Legends) then we'll talk.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:34 am

Yeah, totally never happened. wrote:

Glad you acknowledge it. In the film, the passage cited never happens. Instead Dooku "effortlessly/easily" holds off the duo per The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader, The Junior Novelization and The Relaunched Fact Files while they attempt to push him back. This was while the duo were going all out as well as clarified by The Junior Novel.

No way Kenobi could be even remotely close to Dooku whilst Dooku's attacks are 'easily' countered by Kenobi's reactions or Kenobi straight up moves too fast for Dooku to even try attacking. Not comparable at all, nope. wrote:

Even if I do acknowledge this passage it still doesn't prove the two are comparable lmao. All that happens is Kenobi easily jumps over a tired Dooku's blade. It hardly proves he's comparable.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:45 am
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@LadyKulvax

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun 815462187

Yeah, I agree. It's almost as comical as thinking Kun isn't sub-SF Malak.

Try to refrain from posts that lack substance and only serve to degrade other members.

Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

April 20th 2019, 11:57 am
LadyKulvax wrote:1.Exar Kun >>> Exar Kun's spirit > Kyp Durron & Luke Skywalker >> Count Dooku.

2.Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord > Ajunta Pall > Karness Muur >>> Karness Muur's spirit > Darth Krayt >>>> A'sharad Hett < Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Count Dooku

3.Exar Kun > Dark Reaper >> Count Dooku.

Honestly, the idea Dooku can win is comical.

I'd just like to point out that there's no evidence for a lot of this scaling. Don't treat it as fact until you can back it up.
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Count Dooku vs Exar Kun Empty Re: Count Dooku vs Exar Kun

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