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Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Empty Re: Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion

October 16th 2019, 5:28 am
WalkingInCircles wrote:
Gaunter O'Dimm wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:

 The thing is, she lost at her own wish. Instead of releasing her power in a form of omnidirectional Force Maelstrom, why didn't she focus her power and release it directly on Outlander?

She did.

Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Screen11Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Screen12Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Screen10


THIS is how you focus your power and release it directly on the enemy:

THIS is not:
You understand that those pictures are showing Vaylin amping up the power in front of her (evidenced by the increase in the rippling energy flowing in front of her and throughout the shield) as the Outlander draws closer, correct? Not only that, but her desperate sounds throughout the video, the enhanced gusts of Force enhanced wind flowing towards them and the Outlander's increasing struggle to step through all indicate that she was rapidly amping up the power directed at the Outlander.

You understand that in every single fight Vaylin participated in, she was using hand gestures to direct and focus her power, correct? In every single fight... except her final fight. You understand that the video clearly showes her releasing her power omnidirectionaly, and that using selectively chosen images doesn't help your case, correct? Even assuming she was amping her power output (instead of, for example, struggling to maintain her current output),  she wasn't directing it.

Just in case you didn't see (or ignored it), THIS is how you FOCUS your power and release it DIRECTLY on the enemy:

Btw. are you going to adress KingofBlade's arguments, or is this just another case of you "responding later" and never actually doing it?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Empty Re: Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion

October 16th 2019, 7:37 am
In the scene, the background wall is breaking apart evenly under Vaylin's power. She released her energy in all directions at once; she didn't focus it on the Outlander. There's no need to pretend otherwise.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Empty Re: Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion

October 16th 2019, 10:52 am
Btw. are you going to adress KingofBlade's arguments, or is this just another case of you "responding later" and never actually doing it?

[size=35]If only it were that simple.[/size]
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Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion - Page 2 Empty Re: Revan & Knightfall Vader vs. Vaylin & Valkorion

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