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RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 27th 2020, 10:45 pm
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Sheev isn't faster. Kenobi moved faster than any Jedi or Sith in history while his physcials and force reserves were wrecked and he's already matched MF Vader's TK. If you want to say they were both attacking then they come out as equal. If you want to say Anakin was defending then Obi-Wan output several times the energy he did to break the shield. 

The idea of Obi-Wan's style familiarity saving him in inherently hypocritical as the same statements attribute this advantage to Anakin as well. Some sources even state that the two were constantly trying to stray from their norms to catch each other off. So if anything each of them had to put more effort into their saber moves. Likewise the idea of Kenobi being able to divert all his power in to augmentation and leave his defense to instinct is countered by Anakin simply doing the same and tossing power into his augment.

The "enormous difference" statement doesn't change the feat itself. Kenobi still performed all the same feats. We just know he did it despite being at a huge disadvanatge, which makes it even better. Likewise to acknowledge this quote you also concede to other half of thing which confirms MF Anakin as a full blown 9. 

Can Kenobi beat Sidious? No. But the idea that this will be a stomp is just absurd. Much like with Mace and Yoda, Palps needs lightning to end this one quickly. If he doesn't use it he has a marathon on his hands.

Deal with it.
Level Four
Level Four

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 28th 2020, 8:14 am
RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 39523600

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 10:05 am
Anyone besides me going to unpack that?
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 10:58 am
Nah, Grey is speaking big facts ngl.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 3:48 pm
Anyone besides me going to unpack that?

I might if I feel like it.

Nah, Grey is speaking big facts ngl.

 I think wank is more accurate.
Level Six
Level Six

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 3:51 pm
There is nothing to unpack here. Grey's wank is laughable. Dooku ragdolling Kenobi is more than enough for a proof.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 8:41 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:There is nothing to unpack here. Grey's wank is laughable. Dooku ragdolling Kenobi is more than enough for a proof.

True but it's Dooku. 

Kenobi in the ROTS novel from what I remember was amped due to enlightenment so if it's this version of Kenobi, again going on how people interoperate Anakin being hindered or not, you could make a case for Obi-Wan.

I do agree that Sidious > Kenobi under normal circumstances. Given the richter scale it's ragdoll range if not far off.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

July 29th 2020, 10:33 pm
HeartoftheForce wrote:The idea of Obi-Wan's style familiarity saving him in inherently hypocritical as the same statements attribute this advantage to Anakin as well.

You seem to have misunderstood something.  It's not that Obi-Wan's familiarity with Vader's style gave him a one-sided advantage, and thereby leveled the otherwise-lopsided playing field. It's that their mutual familiarity--the fact that each fighter already knew the perfect countermove to the other's every move--caused a battle that would otherwise have been shorter, to be protracted.  And the battle being protracted ended up working in Obi-Wan's favor, because it allowed enough time for Vader to falter on an emotional level, which Obi-Wan capitalized on.

HeartoftheForce wrote:We just know he did it despite being at a huge disadvantage, which makes it even better. Likewise to acknowledge this quote you also concede to other half of thing which confirms MF Anakin as a full blown 9.

In a sense that's true, but you've chosen a pretty strange way to frame it, given that the 'huge disadvantage' in question is just that Obi-Wan is an enormously less capable fighter compared to Vader.  And yes, Vader is a nine.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 3rd 2020, 9:47 am

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 3rd 2020, 11:09 am
Unless Sidious is drugged/drunk/high there is absolutely no scenario in which Kenobi wins, sabers-only or not.
Unending Void
Unending Void

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 18th 2020, 4:40 pm
In an all-out fight there is literally no comprehensible way for Kenobi to win this. Sidious is better in just about every way. If Sidious fights Kenobi with only sabers it would be closer but he would still win after a time. Obi-Wan would do better than the B-team but worse than Mace.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 20th 2020, 11:00 pm
‘Enlightened’ Kenobi is still solidly an eight and can’t compete with Sidious.

People are blowing the whole ‘letting go’ sequence out of proportion. Kenobi was hindered . Letting go just put him back to his Utapua state of mind.

Going into the fight Kenobi had: a) A clear reluctance to kill his brother-in-arms. He does not however have any qualms killing Sidious or Grievous. b) He’s emotionally exhausted from the bombshell that was Order 66 and his apprentice turning evil, while in meantime Anakin is drunk on his newfound powers. c) He feels guilty for allowing Anakin to fall and harbors a death wish.

Even after ‘letting go’ he still doesn’t have the heart to finish the job and throughout his exile still feels guilty and heartsick as we saw in DL:RoDV and The Last of the Jedi calling into serious question ‘letting go’ was a permanent character development boost rather than a temporary suppression of attachment; attachments which wouldn’t weigh him down in any other situation.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 12:46 am
Why would you create this thread?

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 1:34 am
LOTL wrote:Why would you create this thread?

Read the OP, and you'll get your answer.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 2:38 am
Sas wrote:
LOTL wrote:Why would you create this thread?

Read the OP, and you'll get your answer.

It was a rhetorical question
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 4:21 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Mace_or_Yoda_to_compete_with_the_Emperor
Unending Void
Unending Void

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 4:27 am
Obi-Wan equalled MFV in force push.

MFV = Sidious


RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 4:28 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
DarthFatcow wrote:"To fight this lord Sidious, strong enough you are not"
Don't really need more evidence than that, lmao.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 21st 2020, 10:39 pm
Technically, Yoda lost the fight against Sidious, as well. RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 3344068304

He overestimated his own abilities, and, as the book put it, "just didn't have it."

I love that everyone tries to make sense of the statements conflicting with their tier lists / power rankings.

Anakin was Sidious' equal.

So was Yoda, supposedly.

And Yoda was stronger than Obi-Wan.

And yet Obi-Wan beat Anakin in sabers and matched him in the Force, while Yoda lost to Sidious.

Obi-Wan > Anakin = Sidious = Yoda > Obi-Wan
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

September 23rd 2020, 10:27 am
I'd say Kenobi can hold on in sabers for a bit. If Sheev uses lightning he gets overpowered instantly.

RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

January 26th 2021, 11:30 pm
Mustafar Kenobi wank knows no bounds it seems.

Kenobi is a tier 8, Sidious is tier 9. Kenobi gets fodderized instantly.
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RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi - Page 2 Empty Re: RotS Sidious vs Mustafar Kenobi

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