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Level One
Level One

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 7:52 am
How large is the gap them?

Be specific.
Level Seven
Level Seven

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 8:11 am
He had about 10 years worth of growth on his ROTJ self and devoted himself to studying the dark side in that time. He's also confirmed to be more powerful. I wouldn't say that the gap is huge but it's definitely considerable. Probably bigger than the gap between ROTS and ROTJ, which is a decent gap but no clear superiority.
Level Three
Level Three

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 8:17 am
i personally thought that the gap between ROTJ and ROTS had always been somewhat significant, but i personally think that the DE amp is even bigger.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 12:01 pm
BoD wrote:He had about 10 years worth of growth on his ROTJ self and devoted himself to studying the dark side in that time. He's also confirmed to be more powerful. I wouldn't say that the gap is huge but it's definitely considerable. Probably bigger than the gap between ROTS and ROTJ, which is a decent gap but no clear superiority.

*6 years, at least two of which were spent recuperating and climbing back to his former level, thus leaving even less time to improve from where he had left off. I don't see a reason to believe the increment between RotJ and DE was greater than the one between RotS and RotJ as the latter is 23 years and his methods of consolidating power didn't change afterwards; he just kept on doing what he had always done.
Level Seven
Level Seven

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 12:10 pm
@Azronger Cheers for correcting me, always get the dates mixed up for post-ROTJ. How much more powerful would you say ROTJ Sheev is than his ROTS self?
Level Three
Level Three

How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

January 10th 2020, 2:08 pm
he did get a much healthier body, which clearly made him stronger. he actually got stronger as time passed, meaning that in 6 years, he couldve feasibly been twice as strong as ROTJ.
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How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious? Empty Re: How large is the gap between ROTJ sidious and DE sidious?

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