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The Witness
The Witness

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 1:58 am
SithArchaeologist wrote:Sith:
1. Darth Sidious (DE)
2. Vitiate
3. Darth Krayt (Reborn)
4. Darth Vader (Knightfall)
5. Darth Plagueis
6. Darth Malak
7. Darth Tyranus
8. Darth Maul
9. Darth Tenebrous
10. Darth Revan

1. Luke Skywalker
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Yoda
4. Revan
5. Kyp Durron
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi
7. Dooku
8. A'Sharad Hett
9. The Hero of Tython/The Barsen'thor III
10. Saba Sebatyne

I would take out Maul and replace him with ROTJ Vader. Tenebrous shouldn't be that low. Exar Kun and Nihilus are missing. A'Sharad Hett has nothing to suggest he is a top 10 jedi. Replace Obi Wan with Mace Windu. I would take Saba out aswell.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 5:09 am
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@LadyKulvax

It means Caedus > Kyp Durron, essentially.

And what makes Durron impressive?

Pulling off a feat that Luke exhausted himself on. Namely Dovin Basals. Which only proves that Caedus not being able to break Luke's TK grip probably isn't as dominating a performance as it has been portrayed to be. In other words, Caedus is between Luke and Kyp Durron. And yeah, Kyp is well beyond either of Starkiller and Dooku given the aforementioned. And Caedus is stronger than him.

ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:
Jaina isn't going from still almost dying to a massively hindered and immolated Caedus to beating him without any such advantages in a straight fight, when we've got nothing to suggest her growth between LOTF and FOTJ: Apocalypse is overly extensive.

When did I ever claim she would beat him? As far as I'm concerned what I actually claimed was that I wasn't sure if there is any evidence Caedus would stomp her as of FOTJ and you've provided none. Also, just because there isn't any evidence of massive power growth doesn't mean she can't have undergone any and if her feats reflect massive growth then we should logically surmise she did undergo growth. And once again I'm gonna need evidence of why Jaina is impressive as of FOTJ because if her power growth isn't massive from LOTF to FOTJ then there's essentially no evidence she's vastly beyond Hope Malgus let alone actual high tier combatants like Starkiller who you've placed Caedus above.

Jaina beat Warmaster Tsavong Lah whilst her legs were pinioned and that was well before LOTF Jaina. She's a very impressive Force-user even before her massive improvement in LOTF.
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 8:48 am
@LadyKulvax the dovin basal feat was achieved when Durron was in his prime, when Jacen became a Sith Lord, Durron was past his prime, as he had admitted he could not be capable of doing what he had done before.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 12:05 pm

Pulling off a feat that Luke exhausted himself on. Namely Dovin Basals. Which only proves that Caedus not being able to break Luke's TK grip probably isn't as dominating a performance as it has been portrayed to be.

... I'll just leave Cilghal's rebuttal so I don't have to bother going over it again myself:

mastercilghal wrote:the dovin basal feat was achieved when Durron was in his prime, when Jacen became a Sith Lord, Durron was past his prime, as he had admitted he could not be capable of doing what he had done before.

As for the TK hold it's indicative of massive superiority. Characters who are weaker than their opponent in Force Power have still managed to break out of a Force Choke in mere seconds yet Caedus spent minutes pinned and helpless at Luke's mercy. It's also worth noting that this wasn't Luke's full power and he restrained Caedus effortlessly.

In other words, Caedus is between Luke and Kyp Durron. And yeah, Kyp is well beyond either of Starkiller and Dooku given the aforementioned. And Caedus is stronger than him.

This'd be great if Caedus actually scaled to Durron in any way. I could maybe try comparing Starkiller to Durron is I really cared enough tbh but as of now, you've given me no sufficient reason to.

Jaina beat Warmaster Tsavong Lah whilst her legs were pinioned and that was well before LOTF Jaina. She's a very impressive Force-user even before her massive improvement in LOTF.

You're making the same mistake as you did in the tournament. You seem to be suggesting that Tsavong Lah is actually impressive but as of now you've given me no reason to think she is as you haven't provided any feats for her. And this time it's worse as well because I have almost no knowledge on the NJO era so I genuinely don't have knowledge on characters feats and scaling chains.


Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 1:08 pm
Sam wrote:
SithArchaeologist wrote:Sith:
1. Darth Sidious (DE)
2. Vitiate
3. Darth Krayt (Reborn)
4. Darth Vader (Knightfall)
5. Darth Plagueis
6. Darth Malak
7. Darth Tyranus
8. Darth Maul
9. Darth Tenebrous
10. Darth Revan

1. Luke Skywalker
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Yoda
4. Revan
5. Kyp Durron
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi
7. Dooku
8. A'Sharad Hett
9. The Hero of Tython/The Barsen'thor III
10. Saba Sebatyne

I would take out Maul and replace him with ROTJ Vader.  Tenebrous shouldn't be that low. Exar Kun and Nihilus are missing. A'Sharad Hett has nothing to suggest he is a top 10 jedi.  Replace Obi Wan with Mace Windu. I would take Saba out aswell.

Forgot about Windu and Galen, tbh. I'd add them both. Kun and Nihilus would both likely be in the top 15.
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 15th 2019, 1:24 pm
@ladykulvax The Tsavong Lah feat has been debunked. The warmaster was not in the best condition and she defeated him by cheap-shotting him.
 njo Jaina is really bad. She’s below TUF Jacen who has admitted he’s far below Mara, Kyp and Luke as a duelist.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 5:10 am
Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 6:19 am
The correct Sith list that you came here for;

1. KFV
2. Darth Sidious/Physical JA Exar Kun
3. Count Dooku
4. Darth Vader
5. Darth Maul
6. Vitiate
7. Darth Malak
8. TOTJ Exar Kun
9. Darth Plagueis
10. Darth Tenebrous

Krayt belongs somewhere on this list, as does Caedus, but I don't know enough to place them.

Last edited by Jake on May 16th 2019, 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 6:33 am
Azronger wrote:Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

No Nyax or UnuThul?

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 7:15 am
Gᴏᴀᴛ wrote:
Azronger wrote:Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

No Nyax or UnuThul?

Az doesn't do NJO, iirc.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 8:16 am
TheGlory wrote:
Gᴏᴀᴛ wrote:
Azronger wrote:Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

No Nyax or UnuThul?

Az doesn't do NJO, iirc.

Then why is Darish Vol on his list? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 8:22 am
Gᴏᴀᴛ wrote:
TheGlory wrote:
Gᴏᴀᴛ wrote:
Azronger wrote:Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

No Nyax or UnuThul?

Az doesn't do NJO, iirc.

Then why is Darish Vol on his list? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588

Probably because he's got one feat, one main accolade and one line of scaling to his name that the vast majority are aware of, thus making him easy to analyse and assess. Nyax may have one main feat, but he has backstory etc to consider.

EDIT: Moreover, I'm guessing he's just ranking Jedi/Sith.
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 9:39 am
Just like others before, i’ll simply make a list of my top 10 most powerful force users/overall combatants( sometimes, I will be including two characters in the same rank, since i’m unsure on which of the two should be before the other) 
1- GM Luke Skywalker 
2- DE Darth Sidious 
3- Darish Vol/Sarasu Taalon (pool) 
4- Lord Nyax
5-Yoda/KF Vader
6-peak Kyp Durron/Plagueis 
8- windu/Count Dooku/Caedus/Vader
9- the hidden one 
10- Revan

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 11:21 am

Where is Starkiller? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 11:52 am
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@mastercilghal

Where is Starkiller? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588 

I’ve made clear in the past I don’t know anything about him. I will read the force unleashed novels eventually, but for now i can’t place him.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 12:24 pm
Who cares about Starkiller when we have more important Sith to consider; Nihilus, Dooku, Plagueis etc.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 12:25 pm
Plus, Starkiller isn't a Sith.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 12:46 pm
mastercilghal wrote:
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@mastercilghal

Where is Starkiller? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588 

I’ve made clear in the past I don’t know anything about him. I will read the force unleashed novels eventually, but for now i can’t place him.

If you want a general summary of his abilities read my case in the top 50 most powerful Force Users tourney once it's done. I'll make sure to tag you.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 12:47 pm
Meatpants wrote:Who cares about Starkiller when we have more important Sith to consider; Nihilus, Dooku, Plagueis etc.

I care.

B A I T.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 12:47 pm
Meatpants wrote:Plus, Starkiller isn't a Sith.

He's a Jedi though.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 1:02 pm
TheGlory wrote:
Gᴏᴀᴛ wrote:
Azronger wrote:Can't make a top 10 or 20. Too difficult. Here are the obvious candidates though:

  • Darth Sidious
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Darth Krayt
  • Darish Vol
  • Darth Vader
  • Yoda
  • Mace Windu
  • Darth Plagueis
  • Valkorion
  • Darth Tenebrous
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Darth Tyranus
  • Darth Maul
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Galen Marek
  • The Starkiller clone
  • The Dark Apprentice

No Nyax or UnuThul?

Az doesn't do NJO, iirc.

It's more so I don't rank characters I don't know much about.
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 16th 2019, 1:57 pm
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:
mastercilghal wrote:
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@mastercilghal

Where is Starkiller? Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 1668617588 

I’ve made clear in the past I don’t know anything about him. I will read the force unleashed novels eventually, but for now i can’t place him.

If you want a general summary of his abilities read my case in the top 50 most powerful Force Users tourney once it's done. I'll make sure to tag you.
Thank you
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 17th 2019, 4:00 am
Dark Siders
1. Darth Sidious
2. Valkorion / Darth Krayt / Nyax
3. Darth Krayt / Valkorion / Nyax
4. Nyax / Darth Krayt / Valkorion
5. Darth Vader
6. Darth Plagueis
7. Darth Wyyrlok III / Darish Vol
8. Darish Vol / Darth Wyyrlok III
9. Darth Tyranus
10. Darth Maul

Just a rough draft. People I'm unsure about but would consider adding are: Tenebrous, Vaylin, Nihilus, Dark Apprentice (dark Galen), Joruus C'baoth and anyone else I've forgotten.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 17th 2019, 4:21 am
Light Siders
1. Luke Skywalker
2. Yoda
3. Mace Windu
4. Anakin Skywalker
5. Galen Marek
6. Revan Reborn
7. Cade Skywalker
8. Obi-Wan Kenobi
9. Outlander / Arcann
10. Arcann / Outlander

I'm sure I'm forgetting some important ones for this too but heck it.

Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

May 17th 2019, 7:07 am

1. Luke
2. Yoda
3. Best Durron
4. Anakin
5. Mace
6. Galen
7. Revan/Obi Wan/Outlander
8. Revan/Obi Wan/Outlander
9. Revan/Obi Wan/Outlander
10. Cade

Not sure about the Sith. Sidious is the best but there can be many contenders after him.

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Top 10 Sith and Jedi?  - Page 3 Empty Re: Top 10 Sith and Jedi?

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