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Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:59 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
iamthatguy wrote:
CuckedCurry wrote:Bro I don’t really care for Canon but that quote doesn’t say shit.

It says the logical pairing is to pair the weakest Jedi, Ezra, with Maul.  Therefore, Maul is the strongest since he is paired with Ezra, who is the weakest.

Right, but that’s what you’re saying, not what the quote is saying. With the additional context that Maul knows Malachor far better than everyone else, meaning he would naturally attract less attention than everyone else, it seems much more apparent that he is the most logical choice for this reason as well as the fact that he’s much better than Ezra. Regardless, that quote does not outright confirm Maul’s superiority. Ahsoka leaving Maul with Kanan is more indicative of Ahsoka>Kanan>Maul than your quote is of Maul > Ahsoka > Kanan Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1220391476

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 4:15 am
iamthatguy wrote: @SithSauce  @Nute_Chethray  @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing.  Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Didn't know the "weakest" meant the most powerful and "Ezra" refers to Maul Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:02 am
CuckedCurry wrote:
iamthatguy wrote:
CuckedCurry wrote:Bro I don’t really care for Canon but that quote doesn’t say shit.

It says the logical pairing is to pair the weakest Jedi, Ezra, with Maul.  Therefore, Maul is the strongest since he is paired with Ezra, who is the weakest.

Right, but that’s what you’re saying, not what the quote is saying. With the additional context that Maul knows Malachor far better than everyone else, meaning he would naturally attract less attention than everyone else, it seems much more apparent that he is the most logical choice for this reason as well as the fact that he’s much better than Ezra. Regardless, that quote does not outright confirm Maul’s superiority. Ahsoka leaving Maul with Kanan is more indicative of Ahsoka>Kanan>Maul than your quote is of Maul > Ahsoka > Kanan Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1220391476

Wow, the sheer amount of mental gymnastics on display are mindboggling  Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187  

The quote solely refers to power, it has nothing to do with knowledge of Malachor at all.  Since Ezra is the weakest, it is LOGICAL to pair him with Maul.  Logically, you can conclude Maul is the strongest.  The idea it is referring to the landscape of Malachor is completely baseless, since it specifically makes note of Ezra's power level in relation to the rest of the group.  However, nowhere is Maul's knowledge of the terrain mentioned in the quote as the reason for accompanying Ezra. It isn't even mentioned period.

Besides the official confirmation from, the episode also portrays Maul as her superior.  Maul casually takes on 3 inquisitors , whereas Ahsoka+Kanan were struggling with them. Maul senses Vader before Ahsoka does. Maul moves faster than Ahsoka and saves Ezra before she does. It's literally right in front of your face that Rebels Maul is > Rebels Ahsoka.

Last edited by iamthatguy on February 9th 2021, 9:17 am; edited 2 times in total

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:04 am
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote: @SithSauce  @Nute_Chethray  @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing.  Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Didn't know the "weakest" meant the most powerful and "Ezra" refers to Maul Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

It doesn't. The logical pairing of Ezra (the weakest) with Maul, does. You pair the weakest with the strongest. Maul is the strongest. Maul is > Ahsoka.
Level Four
Level Four

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:15 am
Don’t shout at me redneck. You’re concluding something that hasn’t been concluded. The quote does not say Maul is the strongest, and I’m saying that Ahsoka leaving Maul to fight Kanan points towards Darth Failure being in Kanan’s general vicinity as opposed to Ahsoka’s. Why does it only refer to power? Because you say it does? Doesn’t work like that sausage.

Maul is her superior because he killed some inquisitors quicker? Come on bro. Are we just gonna ignore that Ahsoka and Kanan are not murderous clowns that don’t bat an eyelid at killing someone? Are we gonna ignore that Ahsoka put the same Inquisitors on their ass a few episodes before, when they were threatening others? When push comes to shove, Ahsoka did indeed leave Maul to face Kanan on his own, because she knows Maul will choke, or he’ll slip, or he’ll fall on his own blade, or he’ll straight up lose—it doesn’t matter, either way she holds him as sub Kanan, and as no match for her own power and skill.

That’s right, no matter which continuity or incarnation, Maul sucks. This is the reality, Iamthatguy


Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:22 am
CuckedCurry wrote:Don’t shout at me redneck. You’re concluding something that hasn’t been concluded. The quote does not say Maul is the strongest, and I’m saying that Ahsoka leaving Maul to fight Kanan points towards Darth Failure being in Kanan’s general vicinity as opposed to Ahsoka’s. Why does it only refer to power? Because you say it does? Doesn’t work like that sausage.

It only refers to power because it's just that:  It directly refers to Ezra's power in relation to the rest of the group.  Nowhere does it establish Maul's knowledge of Malachor as the reason for him accompanying Ezra.  Logically, Ezra, who is called the weakest by the quote, would be accompanied by Maul.  Therefore, since Maul accompanies the weakest, he is the strongest.

Maul is her superior because he killed some inquisitors quicker? Come on bro. Are we just gonna ignore that Ahsoka and Kanan are not murderous clowns that don’t bat an eyelid at killing someone? Are we gonna ignore that Ahsoka put the same Inquisitors on their ass a few episodes before, when they were threatening others? When push comes to shove, Ahsoka did indeed leave Maul to face Kanan on his own, because she knows Maul will choke, or he’ll slip, or he’ll fall on his own blade, or he’ll straight up lose—it doesn’t matter, either way she holds him as sub Kanan, and as no match for her own power and skill.

He didn't kill them.  He engaged them, pushed them back.  Ahsoka and Kanan were trying to do the same but failed.  It has nothing to do with killing them.

Ahsoka stomping them previously on Lothal is meaningless, since there is something called GROWTH, which the inquisitors clearly experienced a good amount of between Lothal and Malachor.

That’s right, no matter which continuity or incarnation, Maul sucks. This is the reality, Iamthatguy

Cool.  Don't really care tbh Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181 .  Just love seeing you guys get upset over your favorite character being sub Maul, let alone post prime Maul. Poor Dooku. Poor Ahsoka. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Level Four
Level Four

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:34 am
Xi Jinping wrote: It only refers to power because IT ONLY REFERS TO POWER.
Damn, you got me. Guess I’ll go pack my bags and launch myself off a cliff Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1220391476

It refers to Ezra's power in relation to the rest of the group. Nowhere does it establish Maul's knowledge of Malachor as the reason for him accompanying Ezra. Logically, Ezra, who is called the weakest by the quote, would be accompanied by Maul. Therefore, since Maul accompanies the weakest, he is the strongest.

This is where there’s a misconception on your end; you’re assuming that, because the source is referring to Ezra’s power relative to everyone else’s, that it’s also doing the same with Maul. However, there is nowhere in that piece of literature that supports your assumption. It doesn’t say logically, they paired the strongest or logically, they paired the most skilled, instead it just says Maul is paired with the weakest of the group. Maul has a much greater knowledge of how Malachor is mapped out, and how Malachor works, for lack of a better term.

Moreover, if Ahsoka and Kanan unanimously decide to pair the strongest member of the group with the weakest as you claim, then why would she also leave Maul with the 2nd (though honestly he’s 3rd as he’s > Maul)  weakest member of the group in a combative scenario? Sheev wouldn’t leave Yoda with Asajj Ventress and say look bro you have to beat her first.

Cool.  Don't really care tbh Where Ahsoka Tano stands .  Just love seeing you guys get upset over your favorite character being sub Maul, let alone post prime Maul. Poor Dooku. Poor Ahsoka.

I don’t care for canon Dooku and Ahsoka, and where they stand doesn’t concern me. All I know is Maul sucks. If you can’t handle the truth then you’re in the wrong business Sonny Jim

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:40 am
iamthatguy wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote: @SithSauce  @Nute_Chethray  @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing.  Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Didn't know the "weakest" meant the most powerful and "Ezra" refers to Maul Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

It doesn't.  The logical pairing of Ezra (the weakest) with Maul, does.  You pair the weakest with the strongest.  Maul is the strongest.  Maul is > Ahsoka.
Or is is because they're on a sith nexus and Maul is a sith. Or is it because he's most willing to kill and therefore can protect him best. Or is it because they really wanted Ezra to die like the fodder he is. Or did they put Maul with Ezra since they'd have the weakest lightside presence and therefore Ezra is less likely to be targetted by inquisitors (consider, Ahsoka and Kanan were targetted by two inquisitors, Maul and Ezra by one). Or is it because of one of a gazillion other possible reasons Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:45 am
Damn, you got me. Guess I’ll go pack my bags and launch myself off a cliff Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1220391476

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1019854026

This is where there’s a misconception on your end; you’re assuming that, because the source is referring to Ezra’s power relative to everyone else’s, that it’s also doing the same with Maul. However, there is nowhere in that piece of literature that supports your assumption. It doesn’t say logically, they paired the strongest or logically, they paired the most skilled, instead it just says Maul is paired with the weakest of the group. Maul has a much greater knowledge of how Malachor is mapped out, and how Malachor works, for lack of a better term.

It is doing the same with Maul?? That's what logically means?? Since Ezra is the weakest, it's logical to pair him with Maul. Since it's logical to pair the weakest with the strongest to ensure survival, Maul is > Ahsoka.

Nowhere is Ezra's lack of knowledge on Malachor compared to Maul's, nor is any other member's of the group compared to Maul. The only thing being addressed is power, Ezra is the weakest. Logically, he is paired with Maul. Maul is the strongest.

Moreover, if Ahsoka and Kanan unanimously decide to pair the strongest member of the group with the weakest as you claim, then why would she also leave Maul with the 2nd (though honestly he’s 3rd as he’s > Maul)  weakest member of the group in a combative scenario? Sheev wouldn’t leave Yoda with Asajj Ventress and say look bro you have to beat her first.

Because she was going to save Ezra Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181

I don’t care for canon Dooku and Ahsoka, and where they stand doesn’t concern me. All I know is Maul sucks. If you can’t handle the truth then you’re in the wrong business Sonny Jim

I've seen better debating in EvanNova's comment section, and this is the supposed Star Wars forum everyone on Youtube talks about. Lol.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 9:49 am
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote: @SithSauce  @Nute_Chethray  @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing.  Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Didn't know the "weakest" meant the most powerful and "Ezra" refers to Maul Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

It doesn't.  The logical pairing of Ezra (the weakest) with Maul, does.  You pair the weakest with the strongest.  Maul is the strongest.  Maul is > Ahsoka.
Or is is because they're on a sith nexus and Maul is a sith. Or is it because he's most willing to kill and therefore can protect him best. Or is it because they really wanted Ezra to die like the fodder he is. Or did they put Maul with Ezra since they'd have the weakest lightside presence and therefore Ezra is less likely to be targetted by inquisitors (consider, Ahsoka and Kanan were targetted by two inquisitors, Maul and Ezra by one). Or is it because of one of a gazillion other possible reasons Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Your appeal to disbelief would work, If it wasn't explicitly mentioned that LOGICALLY, Maul is the best pairing for Ezra, since he is the WEAKEST. Logically, you pair the weakest with the strongest to survive. Therefore, Maul is the strongest, since he is paired with Ezra based on Ezra's power level, nothing else.

There's also no implication nexi function the same way in Canon.
Level Four
Level Four

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 10:01 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Yǔ mò ěr yīyàng ma? Cóng luójí shàng jiǎng, zhè yìwèizhe shénme? Yóuyú yǐ sī lā shì zuì ruò de, yīncǐ jiāng tā yǔ máo ěr pèiduì shì héhū luójí de. Yóuyú jiāng zuì ruòzhě yǔ zuìqiáng zhě pèiduì yǐ quèbǎo shēngcún shì héhū luójí de, yīncǐ,Maul> Ahsoka.

Yǔ Maul xiāng bǐ,Ezra duì Malachor de liǎojiě wú chù bùzài, yǔ Maul xiāng bǐ, gāi tuánduì de qítā chéngyuán yěshì rúcǐ. Wéiyī yào jiějué de shì lìliàng, yǐ sī lā shì zuì ruò de. Cóng luójí shàng jiǎng, tā yǔ mò ěr pèiduì. Mó'ěr shì zuìqiáng de.

No idea what you’re saying here bud, but it’s sounds like nonsensical garbage. Just the same old crap you’ve been spouting for the past few posts. I’ve already addressed this like 4 times, not doing so again.

Because she was going to save Ezra

So she left her friend to die, is basically what you’re saying? As opposed to, perhaps, her leaving Maul because she knows Kanan is capable enough as well as the fact that she did indeed need to leave to face the vastly more worthy Vader? Work it out bro

I've seen better debating in EvanNova's comment section, and this is the supposed Star Wars forum everyone on Youtube talks about. Lol.

Grow up manchild, your inferiority is nobody’s fault but your own. I think we’re done here. I’ll send your bill over ASAP and you can send your concession over as soon as you’re ready Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181


Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 10:04 am
No idea what you’re saying here bud, but it’s sounds like nonsensical garbage. Just the same old crap you’ve been spouting for the past few posts. I’ve already addressed this like 4 times, not doing so again.

Concession accepted   Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181  Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181

Grow up manchild, your inferiority is nobody’s fault but your own. I think we’re done here. I’ll send your bill over ASAP and you can send your concession over as soon as you’re ready  Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181

Ahh, the squirming has commenced Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1019854026
Level Four
Level Four

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 10:05 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Ok bro

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:30 pm
iamthatguy wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
iamthatguy wrote: @SithSauce  @Nute_Chethray  @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing.  Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 815462187
Didn't know the "weakest" meant the most powerful and "Ezra" refers to Maul Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

It doesn't.  The logical pairing of Ezra (the weakest) with Maul, does.  You pair the weakest with the strongest.  Maul is the strongest.  Maul is > Ahsoka.
Or is is because they're on a sith nexus and Maul is a sith. Or is it because he's most willing to kill and therefore can protect him best. Or is it because they really wanted Ezra to die like the fodder he is. Or did they put Maul with Ezra since they'd have the weakest lightside presence and therefore Ezra is less likely to be targetted by inquisitors (consider, Ahsoka and Kanan were targetted by two inquisitors, Maul and Ezra by one). Or is it because of one of a gazillion other possible reasons Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Your appeal to disbelief would work, If it wasn't explicitly mentioned that LOGICALLY, Maul is the best pairing for Ezra, since he is the WEAKEST.  Logically, you pair the weakest with the strongest to survive.  Therefore, Maul is the strongest, since he is paired with Ezra based on Ezra's power level, nothing else.

There's also no implication nexi function the same way in Canon.
You know that the logic behind why Maul was paired with the weakest is exactly what I addressed and just restating what it says does nothing? Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Ezra is the weakest so Maul who's on a nexus is the strongest. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who isn't hindered by the nexus is the strongest. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who isn't clouded by the nexus is the best to defend him. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who doesn't have a lightside presence makes them draw the least attention (shown by two inquisitors gunning for the jedi and the third just randomly finding Maul as she stood by the others). Ezra is the weakest so Maul who's most willing to kill is best to defend him. Etc. Etc.

^all these are valid options

Also wrong, dark nexuses are confirmed to amp the power of darksiders just like in legends: 

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 O0Ev-qv-lAbB-x1PlO2KJRCICbJm8_9lhPJ2siPwenCBkXvZnmifMwxg6K0U-CML2NeBAdMEbnrULX-cJ9LfcUjjYvuMMgGSdK_x
Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 RH_ztRmZmpBDiYHojx0z73wTw8IM6mcxuaSSCZOS7kUt0hu2GCcHcisL4F3BVDKpNY3eSAXjhfofbGzwX8jLwCiPmdA8Qjh8wilU

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 8:36 pm
You know that the logic behind why Maul was paired with the weakest is exactly what I addressed and just restating what it says does nothing? Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Nah, you were mentioning other nonsense like "because Maul is willing to kill".

Ezra is the weakest so Maul who's on a nexus is the strongest. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who isn't hindered by the nexus is the strongest. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who isn't clouded by the nexus is the best to defend him. Ezra is the weakest so Maul who doesn't have a lightside presence makes them draw the least attention (shown by two inquisitors gunning for the jedi and the third just randomly finding Maul as she stood by the others). Ezra is the weakest so Maul who's most willing to kill is best to defend him. Etc. Etc.

^all these are valid options

Literally zero implication nexi combatively amp users in Canon.

Also wrong, dark nexuses are confirmed to amp the power of darksiders just like in legends: 

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 O0Ev-qv-lAbB-x1PlO2KJRCICbJm8_9lhPJ2siPwenCBkXvZnmifMwxg6K0U-CML2NeBAdMEbnrULX-cJ9LfcUjjYvuMMgGSdK_x
Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 RH_ztRmZmpBDiYHojx0z73wTw8IM6mcxuaSSCZOS7kUt0hu2GCcHcisL4F3BVDKpNY3eSAXjhfofbGzwX8jLwCiPmdA8Qjh8wilU

1. It says Mustafar is a unique place, so it doesn't apply to Malachor.
2. Zero basis it's referring to combat. He can grow more powerful over time because of the darkside's presence there, doesn't mean it will initially amp him.
3. Let's say for a second that nexi in Canon do amp their users, Maul still performed better against 3 inquisitors on Malachor, than did Ahsoka did against 2 on Lothal.
Level Two
Level Two

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 11:17 pm
Also wrong, dark nexuses are confirmed to amp the power of darksiders just like in legends: 

Let's see the quote.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 10th 2021, 5:12 pm
Physically touching and tapping into a fulcrum of power isn't the same as being passively amped by a nexus simply by standing upon it.
Level One
Level One

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 10th 2021, 8:28 pm
I honestly feel she goes back and forth to being either underrated or overrated frankly. Although her actual good feats are perhaps just....a mere handful. But that I think is where the problem is.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 11th 2021, 3:47 pm
Dooku Levels or at the very best Ben Kenobi ones

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 12th 2021, 9:19 am
Malachor is a confirmed vergence/nexus in canon. That said, the implication is that a vergence has to be consciously accessed/tapped-into before an 'amp' can be gleaned... The Force user in question doesn't seem to receive an instantaneous, passive amp just by stepping foot onto a vergence.

The most blatant example is Anakin on Mortis: when consciously tapping into its power, he was able to trounce the Son and Daughter simultaneously... But he never displayed power remotely comparable to that later in the same arc(while on the same vergence), because he never attempted to consciously amp himself in a similar way again... Same with Vader on Mustafar, for that matter.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 16th 2021, 5:31 am says that Maul is actually in his prime in rebels. It doesn’t mean that he is above Ashoka. I think they are equals or close during twilight of the apprentice. The only reason why Maul losses to Kanan is his arrogance which as always doesn’t let him take opponents, who he see as weaker than him, seriously. It is debatable how Rebels Ahsoka and Maul scales to Dooku who fought against Yoda. His achievements are still looks better, if we don’t look closer to Maul and Ahsoka. For example: pre prime Maul could match Sidious in lightsaber combat even without his double bladed lightsaber and landed a kick onto him. During SoD and season 7 he grew in power and in rebels he is at least still in prime, or even stronger than before, while Dooku’s  growth ended with his death. Ahsoka in her turn defeated Maul during season 7. Yes, Maul wasn’t going all out like during his fight with Sidious, actually he was holding back and even hadn’t intention to kill Ahsoka in the beginning at least. Then, we got a proof that Ahsoka grew stronger during next 10 years, to the point when she became able to match her former master, at least for a while, who was stated by Maul himself as superior to him and by Vader himself superior to his younger iteration, who was superior to Dooku. Another  part of this discussion is why Vader is superior to Anakin. I don’t think that during that period of time when he faced Ahsoka he already became tiers above in lightsaber combat than Anakin. He is for sure much physically stronger and already overcame cons of his alternated physical abilities, but he clearly not as good as Anakin during ROTS. If Anakin overcame minuses of Djem So with his foot work and made it more mobile and agile developing it into his ultimate lightsaber form, Vader had to make his style comfortable with his body. It developed into direct and strong swings with his lightsaber. I think closer to OT he managed to become clearly superior duellist than Anakin was, but during their fight he was someone like Dooku level. Vader was clearly stronger force user, but he almost hadn’t used force in the fight, because as we know canon Vader obsessed with idea of lightsaber combat, that is why he likes to deal with his opponents mostly with his lightsaber. So, Ahsoka fought against Vader who was clearly superior to her and not in his prime, but still wasn’t using all his power against her. Is it everything puts her above Dooku? I am not sure about this. Dooku is better force user and duellist. Still, his fight against Yoda is superior feat due to the fact that they had force usage contest. So, Dooku>/~Ahsoka/Maul.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 16th 2021, 6:19 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
iamthatguy wrote:Nah, you were mentioning other nonsense like "because Maul is willing to kill".

Ah yes because willingness to kill isn't exactly what caused the death of two inquisitors (for example, Ahsoka would never just choke the seventh sister).

Also still completely ignoring all other things, nice

iamthatguy wrote:Literally zero implication nexi combatively amp users in Canon.

Again just ignoring everything except one part I addressed specifially anyways

iamthatguy wrote:1. It says Mustafar is a unique place, so it doesn't apply to Malachor.
2. Zero basis it's referring to combat. He can grow more powerful over time because of the darkside's presence there, doesn't mean it will initially amp him.
3. Let's say for a second that nexi in Canon do amp their users, Maul still performed better against 3 inquisitors on Malachor, than did Ahsoka did against 2 on Lothal.

1. Mustafar and Malachor are directly compared and both are said to be vergences, in which people are said to have stronger interactions with the force than usual

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Unknown_1
(thanks to Makor for finding this and other scans Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 3344068304)

2. Being more powerful would influence combat by definition  Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181. Also making the baseless assumption it works over time, Maul was on Malachor on an extended period of time anyways. But again this is completely baseless since the power is already present in the place, so darksiders wouldn't draw more on it over time. Additionally Vader immideatedly went from the ship to the cave, so if thats all the time required Maul would've already been more amped than Vader was on Mustafar

3. While amped. And when Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

When he first engaged the trio he knocked away the seventh sister and then got stalemated by the two others. Then the seventh returned to the fight, bladelocked maul and Kanan stopped the fifth brother from cutting him from the side. 

The next fight Maul chokes the seventh sister in the middle of a duel between her and Ezra. Then Ahsoka disarms the fifth brother and Maul cuts him down. the eight was killed by Kanan, so you can't refer to this engagement. 

So we have Maul beating the seventh in the first fight and then getting stonewalled by the two others, before she recovers and Ahsoka and Kanan save him. And again note Maul is fully willing to kill them. 

In comparison we have Ahsoka twice instantly knocking out the fifth brother while dueling the seventh sister, and her beating the seventh in a oneshot without weapons. 

heartoftheforce wrote:Let's see the quote
Posted a few and will post more in response to the others, hope it suffices Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181

BreakofDawn wrote:Physically touching  and tapping into  a fulcrum of power isn't the same as being passively amped by a nexus simply by standing upon it

In vergences the force is noted to make it easier for forceusers to access the power of the Force:

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Unknown_2
Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Unknown_3

With the explainations of how the force works in canon by Luke: 

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Unknown

it seems like vergences open "the door" wider naturally, therefore making it more easy for forceusers to draw upon higher levels of force. 

Your comment is only two above my own and SI keeps deleting my text when i try to copy-paste yours in so apologies for not quoting. 

Your first paragraph is explained by my reply to BoD, as for the second (your examples):

1. As a jedi there's a difference between the ability to draw on power and the willingness to do so. We don't see Anakin trying to overpower the Son again (he only did so because the Father designed a scenario in which he was forced to), so how could he display such power again? The only other times Anakin faced the Son were when Ahsoka was bound to his will and threatening suicide, when the Son specifically used trickery to avoid fighting, and when the Son died. 

2. As for Vader on Mustafar, we never see him having to draw upon the cave nexus in the first place, only when he performed rituals using the architecture of the sith temple, which obviously would require him to be there.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 17th 2021, 11:52 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote) says that Maul is actually in his prime in rebels.

That was a blog by a random person on Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1220391476. Matt Martin, who is not a random person, confirmed Maul is post prime.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 18th 2021, 12:04 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
[/quote] Ah yes because willingness to kill isn't exactly what caused the death of two inquisitors (for example, Ahsoka would never just choke the seventh sister). [quote]

She could immobilize them with force, she doesn't have to kill them.

Also still completely ignoring all other things, nice

Well, same goes for you and everybody else trying to find some covert intention of the quote.

1. Mustafar and Malachor are directly compared and both are said to be vergences, in which people are said to have stronger interactions with the force than usual

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 Unknown_1
(thanks to Makor for finding this and other scans Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 3344068304)

Still doesn't prove how it amps them. Interacting with a vergence doesn't mean you are amped by it. Baseless.

2. Being more powerful would influence combat by definition  Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1289255181. Also making the baseless assumption it works over time, Maul was on Malachor on an extended period of time anyways. But again this is completely baseless since the power is already present in the place, so darksiders wouldn't draw more on it over time. Additionally Vader immideatedly went from the ship to the cave, so if thats all the time required Maul would've already been more amped than Vader was on Mustafar

It doesn't say more powerful, it says "stronger interaction". So again, baseless.

3. While amped. And when Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 4 1668617588

Which you haven't proved at all.

When he first engaged the trio he knocked away the seventh sister and then got stalemated by the two others. Then the seventh returned to the fight, bladelocked maul and Kanan stopped the fifth brother from cutting him from the side. 

You're really reaching with this one.

That was clearly for dramatic purposes, with the ease Maul was handling them before, there is no reason he wouldn't have been able to react to the fifth brother.

The next fight Maul chokes the seventh sister in the middle of a duel between her and Ezra. Then Ahsoka disarms the fifth brother and Maul cuts him down. the eight was killed by Kanan, so you can't refer to this engagement.

I wasn't. I was referring to Maul taking on all 3 at once at the beginning.

So we have Maul beating the seventh in the first fight and then getting stonewalled by the two others, before she recovers and Ahsoka and Kanan save him. And again note Maul is fully willing to kill them. 

No matter how many times you repeat it, Ahsoka and Kanan didn't save Maul.

In comparison we have Ahsoka twice instantly knocking out the fifth brother while dueling the seventh sister, and her beating the seventh in a oneshot without weapons.

Yup, on Lothal. Quite a while before the Malachor fight. There's something called growth, which the inquisitors clearly went through seeing as how 3 of them gave Ahsoka and Kanan a tough time at the start.

How did Maul handle the three inquisitors?? He toyed with them.
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