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Level Seven

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 12:17 pm
StrangerThingsFan77 wrote:Also, you were the one who brought up the time gaps, and it was perhaps the least relevant part of the discussion (literally just a singular point).
Huh? I said I was going to go back and clarify a lot of this stuff, lol. Establishing the time gaps counts as clarifying.

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 12:21 pm
BreakofDawn wrote:
StrangerThingsFan77 wrote:Nah, I disagree with this as well:

Held the upper hand against base ROTJ Luke, though was clearly outmatched by him when Luke became enraged (see film for reference).

Gets kicked down the stairs by pissed off Luke, walks up the stairs then forces a calmed down Luke onto the defensive to the point that he retreats to a balcony to gain distance.

Given that Luke was holding back and went deliberately on the defensive that's hardly an indication he held the upper hand. If anything Luke was the one with an edge given that Vader is literally breathing hard trying to breach his guard and Luke isn't even fighting back lol.

Level Four
Level Four

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 12:26 pm
Vader’s skill declines when he draws on his anger, because his anger is based on self pity and loathing. A vastly post prime Ferus Olin went from being stomp material to a legit contender, just because Vader drew on his anger. As Luke’s power grew so too did his anger, whereas Vader’s declined. Luke’s anger draws on his inability to save his allies. The fact Vader stalemates him despite this is ridiculous wank for Vader
Level Three
Level Three

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 12:41 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I forgot, the inquisitors have shown the ability to destroy a building with their force lightning: 

Patterns of the force wrote:The salvo of Force-lightning from the Inquisitor enveloped the docking station and sundered it, exploiting every crack and crevice in its aging fabric. It blew apart dramatically, chunks of duracrete flying in all directions. Beneath it, in his Force cocoon, Kaj waited until he was sure the docking station had shed its last loose piece. Then he dropped his shield and thrust energy and matter away from him in a huge wave, sweeping everything in its path directly at the Inquisitor.

Masonry bombarded the scaffold, carried on a tide of Force energy. The solid surface beneath it heaved, then rippled like a banner in the wind. Bits of the facade broke loose and fell away, crumbling beneath the metal buttressing until the huge bolts lost their grip on the masonry. With a groan of surrender, the scaffolding toppled toward the street, carrying a trail of debris with it.

So what we have here is: Vader>Kajin Savaros>>>>>inquisitor who can destroy a building.

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 1:03 pm
BreakofDawn wrote:
StrangerThingsFan77 wrote:Nah, I disagree with this as well:

Held the upper hand against base ROTJ Luke, though was clearly outmatched by him when Luke became enraged (see film for reference).

Gets kicked down the stairs by pissed off Luke, walks up the stairs then forces a calmed down Luke onto the defensive to the point that he retreats to a balcony to gain distance.

While this may be contrary to the intent of the thread, I think it's good to correct --

Luke's actually described to be winning this engagement per Vader's POV in RAFODV. Vader doesn't force Luke on the defensive -- multiple sources, including Lucas, stress that Luke deliberately chose to only use defensive techniques. Luke jumps away because he doesn't want to fight.

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 1:06 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:
BreakofDawn wrote:
StrangerThingsFan77 wrote:Nah, I disagree with this as well:

Held the upper hand against base ROTJ Luke, though was clearly outmatched by him when Luke became enraged (see film for reference).

Gets kicked down the stairs by pissed off Luke, walks up the stairs then forces a calmed down Luke onto the defensive to the point that he retreats to a balcony to gain distance.

While this may be contrary to the intent of the thread, I think it's good to correct --

Luke's actually described to be winning this engagement per Vader's POV in RAFODV. Vader doesn't force Luke on the defensive -- multiple sources, including Lucas, stress that Luke deliberately chose to only use defensive techniques. Luke jumps away because he doesn't want to fight.

I already said that. Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 4183286560
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 1st 2019, 2:03 pm
BreakofDawn wrote:Ones that I have on hand:


Ripped information from the mind of a genius (the man behind the Death Star array) despite the man's best attempts to resist him, 

Drained Luke's mind of the knowledge that Leia is his daughter despite Luke trying to resist.

Reached across to Birra Seah with the Force from somewhere else in the Endor system. 

Tried to Facetime Luke from his meditation chamber on the Executor (which IIRC doesn't do anything other than allow him to survive without his helmet) and nearly succeeded while the other was on Tatooine and in intense concentration. 


Brought down a cathedral big enough to house a labyrinth.

Shattered a stormtrooper's armour. 

Crushed a TIE fighter in motion and throw it as a projectile. 

Effortlessly throw platforms while engaged in an intense duel with SK. 

Sent SK flying across a platform.

Seized SK in a Force choke more than once. 

Ragdolled Celeste Morne. 

Threw around platforms on Kashyyyk. 

Melted durasteel. 

Destroyed everything in the Jedi Council Chamber while enraged. 

More or less ragdolled Jax Pavan. 

Brought down a huge (albeit damaged tree - about half of it was cut away by his lightsaber so he still had to crush and then bring down the actual tree) to crush the Dark Woman.

Ragdolled dozens of stormtroopers with a Force wave (that didn't work like a domino effect as it launched them into the air rather than just backwards).

Ragdolled clones of SK. 

Manipulated the strike of an exhausted but rapidly recovering SK's lightsaber.

Ragdolled three Jedi.

Held Tsui Choi in place with the Force despite the latter quickly becoming aware of this and was still unable to free himself. All of this happened while Vader was heavily wounded. 

Ragdolled Kento Marek. 

Ragdolled Sha Koon.

Lightsaber skill

Held the upper hand against Ben Kenobi despite holding back.

Was described as having impenetrable defences by SK, who deemed a surrender to be the only way to avoid a stalemate.

Outmatched the Dark Woman.

Toyed with Celeste Morne.

Outmatched ESB Luke.

Held the upper hand against base ROTJ Luke, though was clearly outmatched by him when Luke became enraged (see film for reference).

Held his own against 4 Jedi at once then killed one as he ragdolled the other three. 

Blitzes Roan Lands before Ferus Olin can react.

Speedblitzed and stomped a Jedi knight shortly after Mustafar.

Credited with having "unparalleled" lightsaber skills in the context of TFU II.

Bested and disarmed the Dark Apprentice.

Almost killed SK before the latter used lightning.

Defeated a Jedi master with low difficulty despite the master having a considerable amount of time to gather his strength.


Hid his presence from the Emperor.

His mere presence heavily strained Ben Kenobi.

Obviously there are a lot more but I don't have them all to hand right now. I'll add them when I get a better Wi-Fi connection, along with rough timestamps for each of the above feats.

I'd also bring up him choking Xizor from across the galaxy.

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 10th 2019, 5:23 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
From The Art and Making of The Force Unleashed

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Vader_13
Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Vader_14
Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Vader_15

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 12th 2019, 1:28 am
Sidious - Wolf in sheeps clothing 

Vader - Sheep in wolves clothing
Level Seven
Level Seven

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 12th 2019, 11:20 am
Honestly, I think one of his most impressive feats is hiding himself from Sidious in the Force despite being in fairly close proximity before ESB. That's a pretty insane feat for Vader.  

Also, forgot to add him holding his TIE interceptor in place when Starkiller stole it while before ANH, and it was a complete stalemate for a moment until he decided to let it go despite SK apparently maxing out the thrusters. It's even more impressive when you consider that Vader's TIE interceptor had superior systems to the standard TIE fighter.

Oh, he's also thrown around starships with ease.
Level Two
Level Two

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 12th 2019, 11:49 am
WalkingInCircles wrote:Also, forgot to add him holding his TIE interceptor in place when Starkiller stole it while before ANH, and it was a complete stalemate for a moment until he decided to let it go despite SK apparently maxing out the thrusters. It's even more impressive when you consider that Vader's TIE interceptor had superior systems to the standard TIE fighter.

Proof he deliberately let go and wasn’t overwhelmed?
Level Seven
Level Seven

Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Legends Darth Vader Wank Thread

October 12th 2019, 12:03 pm
Greysentinel365 wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:Also, forgot to add him holding his TIE interceptor in place when Starkiller stole it while before ANH, and it was a complete stalemate for a moment until he decided to let it go despite SK apparently maxing out the thrusters. It's even more impressive when you consider that Vader's TIE interceptor had superior systems to the standard TIE fighter.

Proof he deliberately let go and wasn’t overwhelmed?
It wasn't to show he wasn't overwhelmed, lol. That's why I said "for a moment" he completely matched it, then the grip is described as suddenly disappearing instead of weakening.
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