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Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 28th 2019, 11:41 pm
I swear there was a quote out there where she said something along the lines of her not being what she once was. Anybody know of anything like that?

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 29th 2019, 11:09 am
Yeah, I've seen the quote posted before though I don't remember when she said it.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 29th 2019, 11:14 pm

Satele: I find the entire scenario barbaric and wasteful, but we cannot allow the Empire to acquire the Colicoid weapons unopposed.
Player: Shouldn't this be your job?
Satele: Twenty years ago, I would be answering the challenge. But I am no longer the warrior you are.


You could probably ascribe more than one interpretation to this quote tbh.

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 29th 2019, 11:19 pm
So, Hope Malgus >> SWTOR Satele? Interesting.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 29th 2019, 11:38 pm
If you accept the interpretation that this is Satele stating she has declined it could have some interesting implications. We know that Marr claims that Satele is his equal at the time of his death and that there is the codex entry stating that Marr's abilities are second to none in the Empire during ROTHC. We also know that Act I HoT > Satele because of the quote where Satele declares him the Jedi's greatest warrior.

Act I HoT > KOTFE Chapter I Marr ~ KOTFE Chapter I Satele >= Act III Imperial protags ?

I'd have to think about this more Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? 1668617588
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 30th 2019, 2:20 am
Praxis wrote:I FOUND IT.

Satele: I find the entire scenario barbaric and wasteful, but we cannot allow the Empire to acquire the Colicoid weapons unopposed.
Player: Shouldn't this be your job?
Satele: Twenty years ago, I would be answering the challenge. But I am no longer the warrior you are.


You could probably ascribe more than one interpretation to this quote tbh.

Is she saying there she was once the protagonist's equal? Or am I reading that wrong?
Level Six
Level Six

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 30th 2019, 3:40 am
Nice find Praxis.
Level Five
Level Five

Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

August 30th 2019, 8:44 am
Azronger wrote:
Praxis wrote:I FOUND IT.

Satele: I find the entire scenario barbaric and wasteful, but we cannot allow the Empire to acquire the Colicoid weapons unopposed.
Player: Shouldn't this be your job?
Satele: Twenty years ago, I would be answering the challenge. But I am no longer the warrior you are.


You could probably ascribe more than one interpretation to this quote tbh.

Is she saying there she was once the protagonist's equal? Or am I reading that wrong

No I think that she just explain that she is past prime...
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Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR? Empty Re: Was Satele past her prime in SWTOR?

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