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did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty did jedi know about anakins crime ?

August 23rd 2019, 4:43 am
in AoTC anakin fueled by rage slaughtered the entire village after his mothers dead .
yet everyone is acting like nothing happened , he remains within the jedi order no questions asked .
if they didn´t know it makes sense , but yoda feeled skywalker is in tremendous pain .
if yoda or any other jedi suspects anakin did something wrong shouldn´t he been questioned ,
or stand trial or be excomunicated from the order right away ?
Level Six
Level Six

did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

August 23rd 2019, 6:23 am
Didn't they know about Shmi's death? If yes it is normal that they didn't question Anakin. Also as I know, only Sheev and Padme knew about Anakin's slaughter of Sand People.

did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

August 23rd 2019, 7:08 am
Probably not. Anakin has no reason to tell them. If they inquired Anakin would just lie or only tell part of the truth(like he saw his mother die but leave out the slaughter). Even if they were suspicious he was leaving something out the Jedi had many pressing concerns with the loss of 200 Jedi, the outbreak of the war, organizing an army and a Jedi command structure, and conducting war strategies, to really invest all their time and resources in Ani's personal issues. They were always worried about his emotional issues but kept him in the order because of the prophecy. 
Level Six
Level Six

did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

August 23rd 2019, 7:12 am
O-Siri wrote:Probably not. Anakin has no reason to tell them. If they inquired Anakin would just lie or only tell part of the truth(like he saw his mother die but leave out the slaughter). Even if they were suspicious he was leaving something out the Jedi had many pressing concerns with the loss of 200 Jedi, the outbreak of the war, organizing an army and a Jedi command structure, and conducting war strategies, to really invest all their time and resources in Ani's personal issues. They were always worried about his emotional issues but kept him in the order because of the prophecy. 

Yeah, basically this.
Level Seven
Level Seven

did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

September 6th 2019, 11:26 am
Yoda and Mace are implied to somewhat know about it. Other than that, no.
Level Three
Level Three

did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

December 6th 2019, 1:14 pm
Anakin revealed it to A'Sharad Hett after getting enraged that he was a Tusken. He tried to killed A'Sharad, but he disarmed Anakin quickly. A'Sharad vowed to never tell the Jedi what Anakin did on Tatooine, and to himself. After he became a tusken raider again, he regretted his decision not to tell the Jedi of Anakin's darkness, knowing that he became Darth Vader. 

So yes, only one Jedi knew. I am not sure if Yoda or Mace knew either.
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did jedi know about anakins crime ? Empty Re: did jedi know about anakins crime ?

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