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Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 5:27 am
They aren't bound by any dogma like the Jedi in this regard, and I imagine there is some pride to be had in continuing your line. There could also be some ideas related to eugenics that might prompt a Sith to want to pass on their genes. Yet so few of them express a desire to have children.

In this thread lets answer:

1. What Sith Lords do we know of that have had children, and why did they choose to do so (we will restrict this to children had while they were Sith Lords).

2. Of the Sith who chose not to, did any of them ever explain why? Otherwise, what are some potential reasons?

For the first, we know the Wyyrlok's are a 4 generation long line of Sith whose sole purpose is to serve Darth Krayt as his closest and most trusted confidante. Being raised and indoctrinated from infancy in this way has its advantages: crushing any thoughts of rebellion before they even have a chance to manifest, passing on the strength of your Force sensitivity along with any desirable heritable traits and so on. Also, I wonder if in breeding the Wyyrlok line they had to go through a lot of trial and error: non-Force sensitive births, searching for a powerful/suitable mate to continue the line with etc.

As for those who did not have children, particularly those like the Banite Sith who seek only the strongest to join their ranks, I imagine there is an element in which they cannot control how powerful their offspring could be, not to mention time constraints in actually raising and training them.

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 5:33 am
Because they're often ugly af
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 6:19 am
I doubt they care about having a lineage for the sake of pride or anything. The dark side is about the self - to have children is to prioritize someone else over the self, and that is unthinkable. The ones who did have children for this purpose are clearly outliers like the Dark Jedi Exiles, the Kressh line, and several SWTOR Sith. If Sith did have children, I would imagine it was usually toward an egoistic end like Freedon Nadd, or they were exceptions and served a higher purpose than the self like the Wyyrloks. Others like Palpatine and Valkorion probably only had children as experiments.

Last edited by Azronger on April 24th 2019, 6:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 6:19 am
Sith families were heavily prevalent in the TOR era at least, with a lot of pureblood/Dark Jedi ancestry and so on. I imagine this became a lot less important as the Sith blood died out, and so only power/potential was considered.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 6:25 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Meatpants wrote:Sith families were heavily prevalent in the TOR era at least, with a lot of pureblood/Dark Jedi ancestry and so on.

Oh yeah, a lot of the Sith back then wanted to maintain blood purity because they either believed true Sith blood would spawn more powerful offspring or because they were just racists. So I guess it's a combination of pride and serving the needs of the Empire.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 6:35 am
Azronger wrote:
Meatpants wrote:Sith families were heavily prevalent in the TOR era at least, with a lot of pureblood/Dark Jedi ancestry and so on.

Oh yeah, a lot of the Sith back then wanted to maintain blood purity because they either believed true Sith blood would spawn more powerful offspring or because they were just racists. So I guess it's a combination of pride and serving the needs of the Empire.

I think it’s beyond mere Xenophobia. We must remember that the Sith ideal, and that of the Sith species naturally is hierarchical in nature. You could perhaps argue that the Sith species followed Master Morality; they had castes, and their power was symbolised by the Force and Sith magic. When the Dark Jedi arrived, they were already following the Dark Side, and naturally the Dark Side inherently necessitates a hierarchical structure based on power. The Dark Jedi therefore acclimatised themselves to the Sith system of castes by maintaining that structure and marrying/breeding into the noble class. You see many examples in history, for example the Macedonian nobility in Egypt.

Yes, Force power/potential is not restricted to certain races/species, but there is of course certain species/bloodlines that inherently carry the Force from generation to generation naturally, hence why the Sith/Dark Jedi noble class attempted to maintain their bloodlines. But even if this wasn't the case, the need to keep bloodlines "pure" and the caste system in place was of great necessity, at least for a very long time. It meant maintaining superiority of a certain class over others. A society structured as such is not easily changed. Stability necessitated such a hierarchical society. At least unless Sith such as Malgus or general development over time wanted to shake things up.

But since the Sith empire is long extinct, power is the only real factor here. Bloodlines don't really matter past the TOR era.

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 11:54 am
A child demands love and selflessness. Exactly the opposite of the Sith philosophy. 
Now some are able to overcome their natural instincts, but most are afraid they might not. So they choose to have no children.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
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Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 12:01 pm
Well Sidious lacks a penis, we have no idea if Plaguies' lungs could withstand the amount of pressure put on them during muunoid intercourse. Dooku was too focused on Asajj Ventress as his lover and despised the thought of any of his servants or in this case offspring turning against him. Vader has no Penis it was burned away on mustafar. Maul had a Penis but he was too devoted to sheev to do anything with it, then Kenobi robbed him of it. Tenebrous was a Bith who was completely diametrically opposed to the physical self. Bane was completely hairless due to his mining on apatros, meaning he likely cannot attract a mate, and he refused to abuse zannah since she was only a child/daughterlike figure already to him. Revan could have had children, but his jedi ways inhibited that, and on his Sith side there was nobody actually attractive enough to want to procreate with.

It all seems quite clear to me at least

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 2:30 pm
Because none of them can get a girl
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 3:14 pm

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 24th 2019, 4:14 pm
In-sidiousvader wrote:Revan could have had children, but his jedi ways inhibited that, and on his Sith side there was nobody actually attractive enough to want to procreate with.
... Except for the part where he did have children...?

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

April 25th 2019, 11:08 am
In-sidiousvader wrote:Well Sidious lacks a penis, 
Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Source10

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

May 10th 2019, 7:06 am
why do serial killers not have children?

well that's a toughie.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

May 10th 2019, 10:56 pm
They are usually seen to be enormous liabilities.
Level One
Level One

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

May 13th 2019, 10:06 pm
Cuz they aint got time for thots
Level Three
Level Three

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

November 18th 2019, 11:17 pm
Sith especially during the Banite era were psychopaths who were extremely smart. They didn't particularly care about children.
Level Three
Level Three

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

November 18th 2019, 11:17 pm
The instances on the top of my head were the Wyyrlok family.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

November 19th 2019, 4:31 pm
TOR: Children can be more powerful than the parents, and so are a threat (e.g. Vitiate and Dramath). 

PT: They're ugly af -
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Why do so few Sith Lords have children? Empty Re: Why do so few Sith Lords have children?

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