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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 5th 2019, 3:57 pm
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 5th 2019, 5:16 pm
I’ll go Mundi as well. Fights Grievous for a decent period while exhausted and distressed at fellow Jedi dying around him, plus considered one of the best duelists in the order as well as In the top ten of his age among the Jedi.

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 5th 2019, 5:33 pm
Zallow takes it imo.
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 12:38 am
I’ll too go with Mundi. Plus there’s that statement about him being 3rd to Yoda and Windu.

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 12:50 am
There is no such statement.
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Level Three

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 1:09 am
@LOTL really? What is this then? 

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 30967610

It’s from
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 2:44 am
It’s referring to seniority/position on the council, but Mundi is a high tier Jedi regardless.
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 3:14 am

Anyway Mundi contending with Grievous while exhasuted and keeping pace with Ventress even for a few seconds puts him out of Zallows league.

Hell even if we just go by speed showing Ven is screwed.

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 3:54 am
mastercilghal wrote:@LOTL really? What is this then? 

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 30967610

It’s from

That's a canon quote.

The movie storybook for Revenge of the Sith states that Yoda Mace and Obi Wan are the leading Jedi Masters in the Order. That also fits in with the lore

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 3:56 am
The issue is I didnt get the impression that Mundi really contended with Grevious

The general beats him in a matter of seconds once they are alone, disarming him. I'll need to review the fight
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 3:58 am
No there’s legends quotes confirming Mundi is in the “upper tier” of the council, if that’s what you’re disputing.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:07 am
Mundi can defend against Grievous somewhat decently, and he survives alone against him an indeterminate time which might have been longer than a few seconds, because you’ll notice his clothing is ripped up.

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:26 am
Meatpants wrote:No there’s legends quotes confirming Mundi is in the “upper tier” of the council, if that’s what you’re disputing.

I gave those quotes

Obviously I have knowledge of them

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:30 am
Perhaps Mundi is third on the Council but Obi-Wan is third in the Order.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:42 am
You gave those quotes?
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:43 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:Perhaps Mundi is third on the Council but Obi-Wan is third in the Order.


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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:56 am
The quote talking about Obi Wan being among the top 3 likely refers to power since he has been on the Jedi Council for only 4 months and is a junior among Council Members

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 4:56 am
Meatpants wrote:You gave those quotes?

Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:00 am
Anakin is on the council in RotS though, at least halfway through, so Kenobi gets cucked again
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Suspect Hero | Level Four

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:06 am
Greysentinel365 wrote:^

Anyway Mundi contending with Grievous while exhasuted and keeping pace with Ventress even for a few seconds puts him out of Zallows league.

Hell even if we just go by speed showing Ven is screwed.

Lmfao Zallow ~ Malgus > Leneer ~ FTL++

Will people stop this cancer speed argument?

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:28 am
Meatpants wrote:Anakin is on the council in RotS though, at least halfway through, so Kenobi gets cucked again

Anakin isn't a Jedi Master so yeah, Kenobi reigns supreme.

Post Mustafar Kenobi beats Jinn and Dooku combined tbh

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:33 am
Jedi Anakin isn't even Yoda/Sidious level lol. He is a confirmed tier 8, and there are at least 3 quotes including one from the associate producer that confirm that both are around even at the start of ROTS before Anakin turns to the dark on the IH during their battle

Last edited by LOTL on June 6th 2019, 5:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:34 am
Mustafar Kenobi gets ragdolled by AotC Dooku

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:36 am
Meatpants wrote:Mustafar Kenobi gets ragdolled by AotC Dooku

Mustafar Kenobi ragdolls Jinn and Vjun Dooku together

Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

June 6th 2019, 5:38 am
Yeah OT, not very certain on the outcome. On mobile, so I'll see the battle later

Last edited by LOTL on June 6th 2019, 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi - Page 2 Empty Re: Ven Zallow vs Ki-Adi-Mundi

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