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Arcann vs Vitiate - Page 2 Empty Re: Arcann vs Vitiate

March 30th 2020, 5:31 pm
darthbane77 wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:Vitiate

@darthbane77 seems like a silly way to give an opinion on who wins. You don't at all agree but get pushed to say you do?

Pretty sure that's not what I said happened. I spoke with Ant, and his points made sense to me. The scaling and everything is there, he showed it to me, and I had no arguments against it that Ant didn't address when I brought them up.

I just don't like the scaling, that doesn't equate to not agreeing with it. There are a lot of things I don't like that I still believe. I don't like that Anakin is more powerful than suited Darth Vader, but I accept it, etc.
Missunderstood then Arcann vs Vitiate - Page 2 1289255181
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