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Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:07 am
"Actual ragdolling/one-shotting" consists of the victim having their active Force barriers torn through and being wholly unable to resist the opponent's power. Cheap-shots and exploiting defensive lapses are considered as illegitimate. Cases where you believe X is capable of dominating Y but has not directly done so are also not permissible.
Level Three
Level Three

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:28 am
The Luke Vs Caedus is the easiest one that comes to my mind: 

In the next instant, Caedus found himself flying across the cabin toward his observation bubble. Luke had not gestured, had not flinched, had not even shifted his gaze; he had simply grabbed Caedus in the Force and hurled him five meters into his chair.
"Don't lie." Luke started across the cabin. "I'm getting tired of it."
Caedus sprang out of the chair... or attempted to. Instead, he found himself struggling against an invisible weight. He felt as if he were accelerating to lightspeed with a faulty inertial compensator.
"Luke, you've gone mad." Caedus reached for the controls on the arm of his chair and discovered he couldn't even do that much. "You can't do this. I know you're having trouble dealing with Mara's death, but..."
"This has nothing to do with Mara," Luke said. "And you're lucky it doesn't. If she were here-if she had known what you were using Ben for-there'd be pieces of you scattered along the entire length of the Hydian Way."
The irony of the statement was far from lost on Caedus, but he was too astonished-and too frightened-to take any pleasure in it. While it was true that Luke had taken him by surprise, it was equally true that he had done so with no visible effort-and that he was continuing to hold him with no apparent exertion.
Keenly aware that all that stood between him and a quick death was Luke Skywalker's much-strained sense of decency, Caedus let a little of his very real fear seep into the Force, just enough to seem properly alarmed.
"Then I'll take it for what it's worth," Luke said. Leaving Caedus Force-pinned in his chair, he started toward the door. "I'll show myself out."
Legacy of the Force: Inferno
Arguably it’s the most extreme example of ragdolling i’ve ever seen.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:37 am
Dooku's ragdolling of Anakin comes to mind;

He felt the dark side of the Force grow and gather, and he wanted to call out to Anakin, but didn't want to give away their positions.

He needn't have worried. Whoever the Sith was, he knew exactly where Anakin was, for, to Obi-Wan's horror, his apprentice was suddenly lifted like a doll and flung into the air. Anakin's body slammed into the wreck of a cruiser. He fell to the ground.

-- Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown

And Ventress;

Dooku's lip curled in a manner that might have been a smile or a snarl. Abruptly Ventress found herself dangling in the air as he whirled her around behind him and then threw her down like a spoiled child discarding a disliked toy.

-- Dark Disciple
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:54 am
I should clarify: Legends only.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:55 am
Bane ragdolling Foharg - confirmed by Kas'im to have not lowered his defenses.


And later Qordis despite the Force shield he raised.


Lord Hoth immobilizing a Sith minion with his attention elsewhere:

"An explosion on the edge of the battle briefly drew his attention skyward. One eager minion of the Sith lunged forward, seeking glory beyond her wildest expectations by trying to kill the mighty general while he was distracted. Hoth never even turned his gaze, but merely cast out with the Force, imprisoning her in a stasis field. She stood helpless, frozen in place until struck down by the careless follow-through from a vibroblade wielded by one of her own side." path-of-destruction:
Level Three
Level Three

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:57 am
Kilius wrote:Bane ragdolling Foharg - confirmed by Kas'im to have not lowered his defenses.


And later Qordis despite the Force shield he raised.


Lord Hoth immobilizing a Sith minion with his attention elsewhere:

"An explosion on the edge of the battle briefly drew his attention skyward. One eager minion of the Sith lunged forward, seeking glory beyond her wildest expectations by trying to kill the mighty general while he was distracted. Hoth never even turned his gaze, but merely cast out with the Force, imprisoning her in a stasis field. She stood helpless, frozen in place until struck down by the careless follow-through from a vibroblade wielded by one of her own side." path-of-destruction:
The Hoth example isn’t exactly the best one since the book doesn’t explain whether or not that “sith minion” was a force user or not.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 9:58 am
Azronger wrote:I should clarify: Legends only.

Dark Disciple arguably is. Like SoD, it was approved by Lucas, scripts were finished, animation had begun etc. all before the Disney takeover. Novel is based on the Lucas approved scripts.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 10:14 am
Malgus did this to some of the Jedi during the sacking of Coruscant, it's explicitly stated he tore through their defences.

Saarai ragdolled Darth Stryfe.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 11:12 am
Jake wrote:
Azronger wrote:I should clarify: Legends only.

Dark Disciple arguably is. Like SoD, it was approved by Lucas, scripts were finished, animation had begun etc. all before the Disney takeover. Novel is based on the Lucas approved scripts.

I'd need explicit confirmation.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 12:37 pm
Galen vs Vader at the end of TFU.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 12:46 pm
I’m not convinced a lot of these examples apply. I’ll look more into them later.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 12:50 pm
If it's not specifically stated that X had their force barrier up and Y completely smashed through it, all ragdolls are just cheapshots imo. 'Tis a standard we should uphold.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 17th 2019, 1:22 pm
Vader V Kota.

Caedus V Luke (Second ragdolling).
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 18th 2019, 8:25 am
Arcann Tiplee'd the Outlander.
Level Three
Level Three

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 18th 2019, 8:54 am
I just remembered an example of one shooting, that being bota-empowered Vader against an imperial inquisitor: 

He had not time to be stunned. He struggled to parry the random blasts, but Vader's instability was roiling the Force so badly, a few blast got though. One was enough to crush the third Inquisitor.
Coruscant nights 3: patterns of the force 
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 18th 2019, 3:18 pm
Karness Muur vs Antares Draco. Also, there was the one Jedi who disintegrated an Inquisitor. And Vader choking Sa Cuis and three of his clones.
Level Three
Level Three

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 18th 2019, 3:52 pm
Azronger wrote:Karness Muur vs Antares Draco. Also, there was the one Jedi who disintegrated an Inquisitor. And Vader choking Sa Cuis and three of his clones.
Do you refer to Kajin Savaros, the “apprentice” of Jax Pavan in coruscant nights?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 19th 2019, 2:59 am
mastercilghal wrote:
Azronger wrote:Karness Muur vs Antares Draco. Also, there was the one Jedi who disintegrated an Inquisitor. And Vader choking Sa Cuis and three of his clones.
Do you refer to Kajin Savaros, the “apprentice” of Jax Pavan in coruscant nights?

Yeah, probably. Don't remember his name.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 19th 2019, 3:13 am
Going to go through these:

The Luke Vs Caedus is the easiest one that comes to my mind: 

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1419419311  Text makes note Caedus didn't have a barrier up.

Dooku's ragdolling of Anakin comes to mind;

Unclear if applicable.

And Ventress;

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1419419311  Ventress was thrown before she realized what was going on.

Bane ragdolling Foharg - confirmed by Kas'im to have not lowered his defenses. 

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1289255181 

And later Qordis despite the Force shield he raised.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1289255181

Lord Hoth immobilizing a Sith minion with his attention elsewhere:

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1419419311  I don't think the Sith would have up a barrier in that instance, plus Cilghal's point the Sith may not even be Force sensitive. 

Malgus did this to some of the Jedi during the sacking of Coruscant, it's explicitly stated he tore through their defences.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1289255181

Saarai ragdolled Darth Stryfe.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1289255181 More or less. 

Galen vs Vader at the end of TFU.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1289255181 More or less.

Vader V Kota.

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? 1419419311 Great feat, but doesn't satisfy OP. 

Arcann Tiplee'd the Outlander.

I'm not convinced that the Outlander had an active Force barrier up, or else there shouldn't have been much a fight. 

I'll go through the rest later.
Level Three
Level Three

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 19th 2019, 3:16 am
@azronger that was un unbelievable feat for me. He had very little training at the time. I don’t think Anakin Skywalker could have done it with so little training. But here is the feat:
Kaj turned and raised his hands, delivering a massive force-push from every angle against the inquisitor. One moment the inquisitor was falling toward Laranth, power streaming from his hands- the next he was simply gone. Where he had been there was only a fine swirl of ash.

coruscant nights 3
Later it’s confirmed by another inquisitor, who was watching the scene that it atomized his body so much that it didn’t even remain an echo of his force signature. That’s extremely impressive
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

May 19th 2019, 8:12 am
@DarthAnt66 Second Caedus ragdolling applies though, it' explicitly noted he throws up a defence yet still gets TK launched into the side of his StealthX:

Luke's StealthX nudged him again from behind-how? Caedus couldn't see. Force push? Something metallic inside the fuselage shrieked. He had a sense of someone rummaging furiously in the drives as if looking for a dropped hydrospanner, throwing fragments into the coils. He's ripping the thing apart...

Caedus tried to block Luke in the Force and suddenly got an idea of just how much power Luke could muster. His seat shot forward, sheared off the runners, tipped to one side, and he hit the console at an angle before he could buffer the collision with the Force. Something cracked in his chest. Pain flared, stopping his breathing.

The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Examples of ragdolling

September 4th 2019, 6:05 am
Ragdolling = breaking through a prepared Force user's defenses with (not significantly charged) telekinesis. 


  • Anakin vs. the Son and Daughter
  • Luke vs. Welk
  • Yoda vs. Ventress
  • Bane vs. Qordis
  • Bane vs. Fohargh


  • Dooku vs. Obi Wan
  • Sidious vs. Maul and Oppress
  • Sidious vs. S6 Anakin
  • Dooku vs. Ventress
  • Luke vs. Caedus
  • Vader vs. Kota
  • Valkorion vs. Vaylin, Outlander and Arcann
  • Vaylin vs. Outlander and Arcann
  • Arcann vs. Outlander
  • Revan vs. SoR strike team
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

September 4th 2019, 7:03 am
With the Dooku/Ventress one, I think Dooku basically just whittled her down briefly, and there was either a slip in her barrier or she simply didn't have the means to prevent Dooku from breaking through it due to exhaustion.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

September 4th 2019, 7:47 am
@The Ellimist Merged your thread with the existing one. Please use the search filter to see if the topic in question has already been made to avoid creating duplicate threads in the future.
King Joker
King Joker
Level One
Level One

What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite? Empty Re: What instances of actual ragdolling/one-shotting can you cite?

September 4th 2019, 1:27 pm
Perhaps a better example of Dooku ragdolling Ventress would be in their 1v1 in S3?
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