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Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 6:50 pm
i get the first part, but him avoiding the dark side in TFU 2 lasted only for so long, didnt it? i havent actively researched any of this into actual depth, but i do remember starkiller using the dark pretty heavily against vader at one point.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 7:16 pm
HP cherry picking as usual.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 7:58 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:i get the first part, but him avoiding the dark side in TFU 2 lasted only for so long, didnt it? i havent actively researched any of this into actual depth, but i do remember starkiller using the dark pretty heavily against vader at one point.

Some advice: stop bullshitting and read the novel.
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 9:02 pm
i found this, for the SK vs Vader fight, btw.

it seemed pretty informative to me, but if any of u spot any wrong info with it, do tell.
Level Six
Level Six

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 10:49 pm
ISV is a huge Vader fan though, keep that in mind. He is also a user around here.

Besides, if I recall correctly HP / @The Apprentice replied to that thread.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 28th 2019, 11:48 pm
The Apprentice wrote:Vader fans need to get over the fact that their trophy was stolen from them, and that Galen is, and always will be Vader's superior.

I don't give a niggly about Vader's trophy. Let's not pretend that anyone pointing out the obvious is merely trying to wank Vader/raise him over SK for agenda purposes.

The Apprentice wrote:TFU: Vader largely holds his own at the start of the fight through Galen being conflicted and underestimating him. As soon as both of these factors were removed, Galen dominated him in Lightsaber combat and then ragdolled him.


The Apprentice wrote:As soon as both of these factors were removed, Galen dominated him in Lightsaber combat and then ragdolled him.

I sense a very convenient omission of certain facts. It's almost as if Vader hadn't been cut deeply across his throat, shoulder and thigh; the result of which caused his prosthetics to betray him to the point where he couldn't hold his lightsaber properly. All of this happening because Vader was too slow on a block to his chest. So SK's revelation made him quicker than Vader by an unquantifiable amount, remembering that he was already quicker than Vader at the start of the duel, where Vader was stronger. So Starkiller's superiority in speed is unquantifiable, as usual.

The ragdoll happening after a long duel. Must mean SK can ragdoll Vader at will.


Starkiller and "unquantifiable" go really well together, like peanut butter and jelly. Great combo.

TFU2 is about the same tune as well.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 12:30 am
Vader largely holds his own at the start of the fight through Galen being conflicted and underestimating him. As soon as both of these factors were removed, Galen dominated him in Lightsaber combat and then ragdolled him.

Let's just forget Vader suffered a deep wound across the throat that broke his concentration, then one across the shoulder before being stabbed in the thigh, as well as having his concentration completely broken.
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 1:21 am
what were the conditions galen had against him in TFU 1?
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 2:19 pm
The thread in question was made by ISV, one of the worst Vader wankers in the history of CV/SI who's love for the character is only exceeded by his sheer stupidity.

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 2:25 pm

🇪🇭 Why exactly are you trying to engage me on a topic that is relevant to our SS when you berated me a couple of months ago for doing that exact same thing?


Why are you trying to engage me on this when we're already having a discussion on it in another thread?


Both of you do me a favour, and be fucking patient.

Last edited by The Apprentice on November 29th 2019, 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 2:26 pm
I can't live without your attention, darling. The children miss you.

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 2:29 pm
Btw sorry if I'm coming across as aggressive, I feel like shit rn.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 29th 2019, 2:38 pm
No worries. Hope you feel better soon!  Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 228124001
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:00 pm
Incoming Galen ~ ESB Luke arguments
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:19 pm
I can't even see Galen equalling anh Vader tbh
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:22 pm
ROTJ Vader > ESB Vader >> ANH Vader ~ Starkiller ~ TFU 2 Vader > Galen ~ TFU 1 Vader.

Now to wait for HP's angry response.

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:27 pm
Lies smh. I would respond if I wasn't currently dedicating all of my efforts to crushing that pile of shit MP calls a post.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:39 pm
You? Crushing something? 

Mum, get the camera! We're about to witness something rarer than a solar eclipse!
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:40 pm
@breakofdawn more like ROTJ vader at his best>> ROTJ vader> ESB vader>> ANH vader (he is said to have surpassed his previous prime by a good bit, so he is in fact stronger than TFU 2)>> TFU2 vader =ish Star killer> start of game SK> prime star killer =ish TFU 1 vader.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 8:42 pm
See, my post was half bait, half informed. Yours was the equivalent of dropping live meat in the path of a starving bear. 

Good luck.

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 9:09 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:@breakofdawn more like ROTJ vader at his best>> ROTJ vader> ESB vader>> ANH vader (he is said to have surpassed his previous prime by a good bit, so he is in fact stronger than TFU 2)>> TFU2 vader =ish Star killer> start of game SK> prime star killer =ish TFU 1 vader.

Shit scaling.
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 9:19 pm
How does Starkiller ragdolling Vader make him his equal?
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 9:43 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:How does Starkiller ragdolling Vader make him his equal?
Who are you asking?

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 9:52 pm
INB4 "muh injured, muh psychologically hindered."

Seriously, I can somewhat understand the former argument, but the latter is complete conjecture not supported within the material. Don't you think if Vader was psychologically unbalanced Williams might have actually mentioned it?
Level Three
Level Three

Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

November 30th 2019, 9:53 pm
i dont think it matters lol
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Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen/ Starkiller vs Darth Vader

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