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Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 10:08 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
"Is that job offer for saving the Republic still open?"

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 360?cb=20091003183103

As a Padawan, her power was already noted to be exceptional:

Jedi Master Kavar wrote:"You always had deep connections to the Force. I am glad to see that it is once again your ally. When I first sparred with you during your training as a Padawan, I could tell that you were different. And it wasn't just your strong connection to the Force."

Her affinity for the Sever Force technique was carefully noted by Vima Sunrider after Surik's Master, Kavar, left for border skirmishes:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:After he leaves to fight the Mandalorians in the early skirmishes before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, she trains with other masters, including Vima Sunrider, who cautions the Jedi Exile to be mindful of her powers, particularly her aptitude for severing another's connection to the Force.

Once Meetra joins the Revanchists, Revan noticed her great potential in the Force:

Revan, The Old Republic: Revan wrote:"I was told you had been cut off from the Force, but I can sense its power in you. I always knew you had great potential,"

So much so, that he promoted her to General and gave her command of nigh-half of his Republic and Jedi forces:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Recognising her potential, Revan had made her a General, giving her control over nearly half of the Republic and Jedi troops under his command.

Throughout the Wars, the Mandalorians feared the name of the Exile:

Hk-47, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You were a General in the Mandalorian Wars, Master. I have seen the records of your battles, and I know that your name was one the Mandalorians feared."

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Ah, the Mandalorians were right to fear you in battle."

At the battle of Malachor V, the Exile's will was strong enough to survive the wound in the Force created by the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:In some ways it reminded her of Malachor V—the massive and instantaneous loss of life on that doomed world had created a wound in the Force. The activation of the mass-shadow generator had obliterated two armies, shredding apart the bonds of the Force that linked all living things.

Atris, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Now she seeks to create another echo, a wound in the Force, greater than the one before - greater than the one you caused. It will deafen all touched by the Force, until no life is left. You were strong enough to withstand it once - but few have your strength in such matters, especially if they are unprepared."

Surik instinctively severs herself from the Force so completely that it creates a wound inside her:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"In times past and in times future, there are Jedi who will stop listening to the Force, those that will try to forget it, but maintain unconscious ties. And those, as in the past just as I, who have had the force stripped from them. But no Jedi ever made the choice you did. To sever ties so completely, so utterly, that it leaves a wound in the Force."

Otherwise, the disturbance in the Force would've ripped her apart:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:The disturbance in the Force is so great that the Jedi Exile instinctively severs herself from the Force before the backlash rips her to pieces.

This event causes Meetra immense damage to her psyché which can still be felt on her by many during the Dark Wars:

Moza & Chodo Habat, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Forgive me, Chodo, but the human - I could feel her suffering. I did not feel it until she stood before us, but then it filled my senses. Have you ever felt such an intensity before?"

"Only once before. The day I came to Telos and strode upon its ashen surface. It is a planet's worth of pain."

"I do not know how she endures."

"It is because she has no choice. Perhaps in helping to heal a planet, it will help her become whole again."

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Now we shall see if you can overcome the weight of Malachor,"

Visas Marr, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"I wish to learn how it is she still walks when her spirit is nothing more than a shell... when you feel as though the Force, as if life itself, has abandoned you."

HK-47 notes how enormous this effect was:

HK-47 & Meetra Surik, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Statement: Overwhelming odds is also a good tactic, master. There are few Jedi that can long hold their ground against a hundred attackers all firing at once... or being turned on by their own troops. But the most effective weapon against Jedi seems to be the erosion of the spirit."

"What do you mean?"

"Answer: Revan claimed that psychological warfare against Jedi was important because much of their power comes from their state of mind, their connection to this religion called the "Force." Revan said that many Jedi have the capability to form connections to life around them, although few of them realized the extent to which this is possible."

"Recollection: I believe my Master speculated that many Jedi did not fully form such connections because of their discipline, because they never opened their lives to the passions around them. I believe Revan termed it that "one would need to be a human being to develop such connections." It is something that the Jedi code could not teach. One simply knew it instinctively, or not."

"Observation: Master, I am somewhat surprised that I need to explain this to you at all, considering your past with Revan."

"What are you talking about?"

"Answer: Why he said you had such capability, Master, but it would be your downfall. To tie so much of yourself into others - if they suffer or die, then you would die too."

"Observation: I think Revan pitied you, master. It was very insulting, if I may say so."

"It sounds like a Force bond."

"Clarification: Whatever it is called, master, it seems to be quite a vulnerability. Revan even admitted as such. When a Jedi, or any soldier, suffers doubt, it weakens them. With the Jedi, however, it is more pronounced, since they are extreme examples. Surely, the loss of your troops and the Jedi who served under you had a detrimental effect on you and your ties to the Force."

To clarify, Meetra withstands the shockwave of the MSG and only severs herself instinctively because in her weakened state she couldn't withstand the deaths of those she was bonded to:

Atris to Revan, The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Meetra was much closer to the mass-shadow generator than you were. She felt the shock wave; it nearly killed her. Left her vulnerable. At the same time, she felt the deaths of the Mandalorians and her fellow soldiers through the Force. It was all too much to bear in her weakened state. It would have killed her.” She paused for emphasis, before continuing. “Instinctively, she protected herself the only way she knew how. She cut herself off from the Force … permanently.

As the Exile returns to the galaxy, the Sith Triumvirate have conquered much of the slice and the galaxy is rife with palpable negative energy strong enough that the Sith can feed off of it:

The Essential Atlas wrote:The Sith seemed to have achieved the victory they had long sought. Less than one hundred Jedi, nearly all of them in hiding, survived the Sith's purge. Many citizens took this unimaginable event as proof that the Force had turned malevolent, or that cosmic balance was nothing more than a story for children. Despair was palpable, and many planets offered only halfhearted and ragged defense against Sith attackers. Planets throughout the slice surrendered, and the Sith fed on the psychic misery of a shattered Republic.

This would've had serious effects on the Exile's ability to focus on the Force:

Deceived wrote:Due to her empathic sense, Aryn felt the dread in the air as a tangible thing, a pall that overhung the entire planet. It wore on her, weighed her down. The towers of duracrete and transparisteel seemed ready to fall in on her. She felt hunched, tensed in anticipation of a blow. The dread was omnipresent, an entire planet of billions of people projecting raw emotion into the air.

She could not wall them out. She did not want to wall them out. The Jedi had failed them. She deserved to feel what they felt.

Fate of the Jedi: Ascension wrote:Luke and Jaina were fighting back-to-back. The Sith attacking them had two advantages. One was the fact that they outnumbered the two Jedi. The second was that they were being reinforced by the emanations of the dark-side nexus within the temple. It surged forth like psychic sewage, clogging the Jedi's reflexes as it fueled their enemies.

As the Exile searches for Jedi Masters Vrook Lamar, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell and Lonna Vash, she slowly but steadily regains her connection to the Force up to the Jedi High Council meeting on Dantooine:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Every step on our journey shall bring with it discoveries - with persistence, you shall grow in the Force. And for every planet we reach, all that we touch with our presence, you shall grow - for you will have no choice."

She quickly becomes too powerful to effectively mask her presence in the Force from Darth Nihilus:

Kreia & Meetra Surik, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Ah, you are here. You felt it, did you not?"

"It was Visas' Master - he can feel my presence in the Force."

"The time to hide your presence is coming to a close, and you will need to increase your training."

She nigh-instantly achieves mastery of the form considered to be the pinnacle of mastery of the Force when she meets Master Kavar:

Master Kavar, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"This form is considered the pinnacle of Force Mastery. Now watch carefully. . .

Excellent! I'm impressed with how quickly you've mastered this form. I always knew you were gifted.

Canderous Ordo, in his time as Mandalore, is so impressed by Meetra's combative prowess as of the battle of Onderon, that he compares her to Revan:

Mandalore the Preserver, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"I thought that Revan was a singular Jedi, but now there's you. With all our martial training, battles and ethics, even our greatest warriors are no match for you."

Kreia teaches her in a number of sparring matches against Visas Marr where Meetra was not allowed to use the Force at all, whereas Visas could:

Kreia to Meetra, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Let's see what you can do when hands and mind are divided - no Force techniques other than weapon skill."

This is very impressive as Visas is the fourth most skilled and powerful Sith in the Triumvirate:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:A Shadow Hand's expertise in cruelty, trickery and the dark side are second only to the Master - for now.

The Exile's combative displays throughout these sparring sessions earn her Kreia's highest respect:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"There is nothing more for me to teach you. You know as much of battle as I."

This is incredibly impressive, as Kreia is a consummate master of lightsaber combat:

Kreia, Knights of the d Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"The Jedi practice many forms, many styles of lightsaber combat. It is good to know them, but not to rely on them."

Mysteries of the Jedi wrote:There are seven main forms of lightsaber combat. Every Jedi has a favourite, but the most skilled can switch between all the styles depending on the situation.

Even as of the Mandalorian Wars, Kreia(real name Arren Kae) was as skilled in combat as Yusanis, the Echani's greatest:

Brianna, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"He left our family to serve in the Mandalorian Wars. But his choice was not because of battle. He went to join my mother, one whose movements and spirit matched his. His only desire was that they fight together, side by side, for as long as there were enemies amassed against them. I never saw her face, and she did not return from the final battle of the war."

Knights of the Old Republic wrote:Yusanis was the most famous of Echani warriors, fighting against oppression and villainy until encountering Darth Revan. Discovering that Revan had killed an Echani senator, Yusanis attempted to tell authorities but fell to the powers of the Sith Lord, despite his own impressive abilities and the cortosis weave inherent in all Echani vibroblades.

Only to survive and come back even stronger as Darth Traya:

Master Kavar & Darth Traya, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"I thought you had died in the Mandalorian Wars."

"Die? No. Became stronger? Yes."

Darth Traya was the most skilled duelist of all the Sith after the death of Darth Malak:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Meanwhile, Sith survivors wage civil war, culling the weak and electing leadership by the lightsaber's blade.

Kreia offers the Exile the chance to draw power from external sources, but Surik refuses such power as she did at Malachor V, and focuses on her own strength:

Meetra Surik & Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Why do we have that psychotic Wookiee on board?"

"The beast is a lesson in strength. Learn that lesson, then you will understand."

"I fail to see what that... animal, could teach me."

"Because he is life at its most primitive. And he represents what happens when civilization comes to primates - the illusion that we are something more than our instincts."

"And what lesson is to be learned from him?"

"The beast's strength is prodigious, and you can learn much from it... or draw upon it. His life can be a beacon in the dark places of the galaxy where there is no life."

"Hanharr is incredibly strong - yet he is powerless."

"Yes. Now the question is why."

"He is haunted by his past, and it weakens him. Because raw strength is nothing compared to the power of one's will."

"Ah... you are a perceptive one indeed. In this instance, you are correct. All that strength... that anger. Yet it is held in check, restrained by his beliefs, his doubt. Everyone is made up of events in their past, and it forms walls around one's spirit, or breaks such walls down. The mind makes some powerless - and gives strength to others."

"His life debt owns him, erodes his strength. It makes him a slave."

"Everyone is made up of events in their past. It makes some powerless - and gives strength to others. It is because he is not ready to give up his ties yet - it is much like Jedi who will not give up their code. It is to surrender yourself, to make yourself a slave to a teaching or belief, that makes it so that belief will always rule you."

"Are you testing me to see if I still have any ties to the Jedi Code?"

"I ask nothing. But since you beg a question, I will ask it. Are you prepared to give up all that is a Jedi, entirely? Until then, you will always be weak."

"I think there is hope for the Jedi - and their code."

"I have felt as much from you. But listen to me. To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. It is something no Sith or Jedi has ever truly learned. That is the lesson of strength. Yet that is not the only lesson that the beast can teach us. Not only does one's will control one's strength, but one's will can control and draw upon the strength of others. Surely you have felt the beast's presence on board this ship - stalking, restless."

"It is a rage coming from him - to kill, to hunt."

"It is a more primal connection you feel. And the hunger you feel does not stem from Hanharr - it is something you may draw upon, his very life, if need be. He does not realize how deeply his life debt runs - but he will. When you suffer, call upon that hunger, and the beast shall be that upon which your will may draw strength. Reach out... feel his presence within the ship, clawing at you, pacing. Feel the rumbling of the hull, the metal around you like a cage... and the building anger, the blood that rises behind the eyes, a bloodlust that cannot be sated. If you accept it, you will find your strength increase, and your vitality return to you faster with every breath."

"I do not need his strength - there is nothing to be gained from this."

"Are you sure? It will grant you strength, vitality for the times ahead. Forsake it, deny it, and you will deny power."

"The only power I need is myself."

"Ah... and that is the choice of Malachor V, at last. You have made a strange choice - a unique choice. Very well. I accept it. And know that that is the true lesson of strength - to turn away from strength that is not your own."

"Were you testing me?"

"I am always testing you, never forget that. Always be on your guard - otherwise, you may learn something."

Kreia further suggests that Meetra should abuse her bonds to draw strength from her companions but Surik refuses:

Kreia & Meetra, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its touch upon you. Do not let the higher mysteries blind you to others. Turning away from that which tempts you or causes you fear is not strength. Facing it is. I have seen you display many acts of mercy - charity, in our journey. Why?"

"There is enough suffering in the galaxy - if I can alleviate for one person, then I have made a difference."

"Even if it weakens those you help? Even if it robs them of the strength needed to grow? You have been chased, hounded, since our first meeting. And it has only made you stronger, more capable."

"I fail to see how small acts of mercy can be harmful."

"Ah, then you have learned nothing. From such small things, from such critical points, the universe and its masses may be moved... that is why you must be careful in all that you do, and in every choice you make. Aiding them gives you strength by taking on their challenges but weakens them. If that is your choice, then use their dependency, feed upon it, until you have exhausted them, then leave them. And I would view the ones you travel with much the same way."

"They are loyal companions - and I will not harm them."

The Exile's power is so great, she seemingly glows with the Force:

Hanharr & Meetra, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"There is something wrong with you - it is like you carry... light within you, and it casts fire across your skin. It is a contrast to the Shadowlands around you - it is a fire, a beacon in the darkness, and it makes you a target."

"It is the sign of one who is at peace."

"I have never seen such a fire within a human - or any other beast. It feels wrong."

Meetra & Brianna, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Are you all right?"

"Yes, your features, your stance - there is a calm about you that I did not notice on Telos."

"What do you mean?"

"There is an energy about you, a lightness in your movements. It is something I have seen in only the most disciplined and revered of the Echani weaponmasters, yet it comes to you with ease."

"I do feel better... I feel more in touch with my surroundings... and others."

"It shows in your features. It is beautiful to see."

Atton Rand & the Exile, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You seem pretty calm - it's almost streaming off of you. A lot calmer than you were on Peragus when I first met you."

"What do you mean?"

"On Peragus, you seemed... well, a little less at peace with yourself. Now, you're different. It's hard to explain."

"I'm fine. In fact, I haven't felt this good in a long time."

Atton Rand & the Exile, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"I don't know what it is, but you look different. It's hard to explain - but it's, uh, it's good to see."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like you've got this glow, but only when I see you out of the corner of my eye."

"I feel as if I'm more in touch with the Force than I ever have been."

Atton Rand & the Exile, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You know, I noticed a glow before, but now... now it's bright around you. You've come a long way since Peragus... and despite all we've been through, you seem a lot better for it."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like... well, it's like you've found this center, and nothing's going to budge you from it. Even with all the crazy stuff that's been happening, you seem at peace."

"It's hard to explain, but even with everything that's happening, I feel at peace."

She's so strong that she can imbue her allies with light side energy and drastically increase their effectiveness in combat:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:...bathing [her] team in light and increasing their combat potential.

The Exile recovers from an attack by Darth Sion and a pair of Sith Lords so severe that Kreia and her other bonded companions believe she's dead:

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 5159638-12q7zp

Mical the Disciple, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"She was our last chance, and now she is dead. Now they have won."

HK-47 notes that he's observed that the Exile seems able to continue on even whilst suffering the worst wounds:

HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Observation: It does seem unlikely, Master, but I have observed that you - allies included - seem to be able to recover from the most grievous injuries, and quickly as well."

By the time the High Council reunites, the Jedi Exile has recovered much of her connection to the Force:

Zez-Kai Ell, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"He's right. It's... all the deaths you've caused to get here. You feed on it, and you grow stronger. You're like Malachor... it's in you, it's what you are now. You must have noticed as you've fought across all these planets, killing hundreds, only to grow more and more powerful. Why do you think that was?

You have almost completely restored your connection to the Force, but there are dark places, places that echo within you still.

Kreia reveals herself and her 'incredible power' to the High Council before draining their own power:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Script wrote:[Vrook is] surprised, just been attacked by an old woman with incredible Force powers.

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Kreia impales herself with a lightsaber so the Exile, unprepared for the pain, must endure it:

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Kreia drains the Exile's Force power to recover from the aforementioned self-impalement, leaving her weak:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Script wrote:"Let that pain be a lesson - and a reminder of what you have forgotten. Pain travels both ways along connections in the Force - it casts echoes, always - and one can learn to draw strength from such connections... and take it from others. It is a lesson you know well... and you have taught to others... at the end of the Mandalorian Wars."

Kreia fires a drain force on the Exile, draining her energy.

The Exile survives this attack, and by intensely studying a Holocron achieves a form of Force Enlightenment that can be used in combat:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:The holocron spoke of a way of calling upon several defensive aspects of the Force all at once, a form of sudden enlightenment - it is possible that when active, a Jedi would be almost completely shielded by the Force.

Enlightenment, Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game wrote:A Jedi who dedicates their time to intense study of the Force may achieve enlightenment.

The Exile returns to Telos IV to face Atris who has turned to the dark side, taking the moniker of Darth Traya:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:As a former member of the Jedi Council, Darth Traya is a master of lightsaber combat.

She is a virtuoso of the lightsaber, even moreso than Master Kavar was:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:Kavar isn't as much of a lightsaber virtuoso as the other Jedi masters you've met, but he makes up for this with his extremely potent Force powers.

Kavar's skills as a Jedi Guardian were legendary, even amongst the Mandalorians:

Mandalore the Preserver, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Kavar, huh? The famed Jedi guardian? The Mandalorians counted on the fact that it would be you, not Revan, who would lead the Jedi against us during the Mandalorian Wars."

Traya further commanded the combative abilities attained through a trove of Sith holocrons:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:You confront her in her meditation chamber, where it's revealed that Traya has gathered dozens of Sith holocrons.

Darth Traya a.k.a Atris, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"All this collected knowledge, all these teachings of combat and the Force - they are mine to command."

Despite her vast prowess as a combatant, she was no match for the Exile's lightsaber skill:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:But Atris's pride is no match for the Jedi Exile's lightsaber prowess.

Surik immediately rushes to the defense of Citadel Station in orbit as Darth Nihilus' seemingly endless army invades:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:The Sith's numbers seem limitless...

How can you hope to defeat a force so vast and powerful?

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:Placing the cores won't be easy thanks to the hordes of Sith commandos and officers in your way.

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:The Lord of Hunger is protected by several chambers full of Dark Jedi and Sith heavy troopers. You must defeat these minions to reach the bridge and challenge Darth Nihilus himself.

Star Wars Miniatures Bust: Darth Nihilus wrote:Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy, so corrupted that his very presence meant death.

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Amazingly dark and devastating powers are the purview of some of the greatest Sith Lords of the Knights of the Old Republic era. They devastate and consume entire worlds with a thought... Average beings stand no chance of stopping these ultra-powerful monsters of the dark side.

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"He is one who has learned the greatest of the Sith teachings - and it enslaved him."

Even as of the Cold War era, his teachings and power were feared or treasured. Jedi Knight Nariel was dispatched to recover Darth Nihilus' Sith Holocron at all costs:

Nariel, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"This is a Sith Holocron. It was created centuries ago by a powerful dark lord called Darth Nihilus. The Empire must never access the terrible secrets contained here. My ship is waiting nearby, I should go. We've saved countless lives today."

The power obtained by Sith Lord Vaverone Zare if given the Holocron by the Voidhound, is 'exponential' and made her Darth Alluress, essentially over-night:

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 20190510

Darth Nihilus managed to stun the Exile, but Visas Marr's pleading give time for Meetra to recover and subsequently defeat the Dark Lord with Marr's help:

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia wrote:Although Darth Nihilus managed to stun the Exile, he was unprepared for the devotion of his former pupil Marr to the young woman. Marr tried to exchange her life for that of the Exile, giving the former Jedi time to recover. Together, they confronted Darth Nihilus. The Sith Lord was no match for their combined might, and he fell in battle.

Meetra then travels to Malachor V. Revan valued Malachor V's power so much that he hid its existence from his apprentice Darth Malak, unlike the Star Forge:

Chronicles of the Old Republic wrote:Revan's power continues to grow, and he secretly strengthens his stronghold, hiding it even from his apprentice, DARTH MALAK. Soon, the evil force infecting the planet became the FORGE for Darth Revan's shock troops; the feared SITH ASSASSINS - fallen Jedi, tempted and cajoled by the evil of Malachor V, and under Revan's evil command. Soon, a shadow academy to the one on Korriban is constructed; and an evil enclave mirroring the Jedi academy on Dantooine is complete.

This was, however, before the battle of Malachor V and the creation of a wound in the Force which massively increased the power of the planet:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:In some ways it reminded her of Malachor V—the massive and instantaneous loss of life on that doomed world had created a wound in the Force. The activation of the mass-shadow generator had obliterated two armies, shredding apart the bonds of the Force that linked all living things.

It is immensely strong in the dark side:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface—drowns them in the power of the dark side. It corrupts all life, and it feeds on death."

It completely corrupted Arren Kae, known widely as Kreia before becoming the original Darth Traya:

Chronicles of the Old Republic wrote:JEDI MASTER KREIA, Revan's old mentor, is still haunted by guilt, wondering whether it was her teaching that resulted in Revan's fall to the dark side, and begins to search for him. Sensing his last location, she travels to Malachor V, but is unable to shield her emotions, and is completely consumed by the dark side of the Force.

Here, Meetra experiences what was so far the worst trauma of her life, even moreso than the 'pain of a planet' that'd left her spirit an 'empty shell'. Likely due to the fact that Meetra could not simply cut herself off from the Force as she had done to survive the first time:

Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Traversing its surface had been agony. Mentally, she had still sensed the anguish of all who had lost their lives there. Physically, the intense gravity of the world had held her in its crushing grip, leaving her gasping for breath. It had been the most awful and horrific experience of her life

Meetra is then faced with the prospect of single-handedly defeating an entire legion of the best Sith in the triumvirate:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:The Trayus Academy is the home of those Jedi who have succumbed the to dark side taint of Malachor V. To reach the structure's core, where Darth Sion and Kreia await, you must face a legion of elite Sith single-handedly.

These Sith are among the most fearsome of any time in galactic history. The Jedi of this era are stated to be the most combatively capable ever:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Even more so than in the Clone Wars, these are the days of the Jedi in their prime.

The strongest of the Jedi joined the Revanchists:

Meetra Surik, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"The strongest of the Order went there. I sensed opportunity."

Upon the end of the Sith Civil War, these Crusaders-turned-Sith bent the knee to the Triumvirate:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:The Sith students of Darth Revan and Darth Malak are many of the same Jedi Crusaders that once fought for the Republic. Already proficient in the Jedi arts, these marauders acquire new nefarious talents studying at the feet of Headmaster Jorak Uln - one of Exar Kun's original Sith acolytes.

During the Dark Wars, surviving Sith students submit to the triumvirate.

The strongest of these Sith are stated to be those Surik has to fight through:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:Skills and subtlety may have served you well previously, but here there is no substitute for raw destructive power, whether through combat feats or Force attacks. Only by fighting your way through the Sith's strongest guardians can you earn the right to confront your nemesis.

Many of these Sith are bladeborn or blademasters; the Sith equivalent of a Jedi Weapon Master, who've faced at least ten Force-users in combat to earn their stripes:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Established by Darth Revan and heavily utilized by Darth Sion, these surreptitious butchers specialize in practical modes of Jedi execution. They drain the Force from their targets to augment their own powers and expertly turn captives into Sith with a combination of torture, Sith poisons, and the dark-side-drenched masks they wear.

The most elite of these assassins are the Bladeborn - Sith blademasters who sometimes use lightsabers but more often wield dreaded tremor swords. Secluded on Malachor V, the Sith Assassins become pivotal tools for the Sith Triumvirate.

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:Traced to the Bladeborn, a Sith offshoot dedicated to sword mastery, these cortosis-faced weapons were given to “blademasters” who survived no less than 10 lightsaber-wielding warriors in combat.

These Sith were responsible for a purge that killed tens of thousands of Jedi:

Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Kreia took the name Darth Traya, and her followers called themselves the Sith after the long-lost species that had invaded the Republic a millennium before. They began a systemic purge of the galaxy, hunting down those who still held fast to the Jedi Code, killing them by the tens of thousands.

Despite all of that, Meetra's stated to have no issue killing this legion due to being a destructive powerhouse:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:This shouldn't be a problem, however; after all that [the Exile's] been through, [the Exile] should be a powerhouse of destruction.

Meetra then faces Darth Sion, one of the most rage-ridden, willful Dark Lords ever, stated to be an ultra-powerful monster:

Star Wars Insider #88 wrote:Perhaps the most rage-filled Sith Lord yet encountered, Darth Sion is a shattered mesh of flesh and bone. Sion is in constant pain, but his body is held together by will and fury. He is a true, immortal manifestation of the Dark Side of the Force.

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Average beings stand no chance of stopping these ultra-powerful monsters of the dark side.

Killing Darth Sion is far from easy, he's walked off an enraged dark Force wave from Darth Nihilus that could disintegrated heavily-armored troops and buckle bridge supports:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Script wrote:{Nihilus turns, dark wave energy exploding from him, blasting Sion back, as supports smash down around him. It would be awesome if Sith soldiers are hurled about by Nihilus' power, or are disintegrated as he attacks Sion.}

"Now it ends. And the darkness comes."

[Gameplay Programmer: Sion stalks off, disgusted.]

However, Sion within the Trayus Academy is far more powerful than he was on the Ravager:

Darth Sion, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Now you realize the true power of the dark side. As long as the dark places of this world flow through the cracks of my flesh, I cannot be killed."

As Surik convinces Sion to let go of his hate, Sion states that the Exile will surpass Traya:

Darth Sion, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You are strong... I cannot see as she does, but I know, that in time, you shall surpass her power."

This is impressive, as Arren Kae, having retaken her moniker as Darth Traya, claims Sion's strength to be equal to that of her severed hand:

Darth Traya, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"No, you simply did not learn the lesson I sought to teach - that your strength is as meaningless as the strength of my hand."

She proves such by choking Sion out in mid-conversation:

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 3873949-9dgr0

Traya is immensely powerful, so much so that she one-shotted almost 20 elite Sith assassins with a smile:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:In the next scene, cut to a shot of Kreia from behind, with Dark Side assassins materializing behind her, whispering - there should be almost up to 20, enough to make the audience go, "oh crap."

Cut to a camera of Kreia's face, smiling. She does not turn around as the assassins advance.

Cut to black, play Kreia's stinger - I want this to be a "flash of black" like a quick cut in a movie.

Cut to a scene of Kreia still walking along the same path, but ALL the assassins are lying dead on the ground.

Yet she's even more powerful within the Trayus Core, where the Exile faces her hardest battle:

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Official Prima Game Guide wrote:The nexus of the Trayus Academy, the core is a clawlike altar built over a colossal geyser of dark side energy. It is here that you face your ultimate battle and fulfill your destiny.

Traya throws out all of the cards. But is defeated despite all of the power she weilds:

Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide wrote:Traya uses vast telekinetic powers to wield a trio of lightsabers against her, but she is ultimately killed by the person she considered her greatest disciple.

The Exile was capable of accomplishing this because she overcame the guilt and pain that she had been enduring for a decade:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Meetra had been close enough to feel the shock wave; to survive it she had cut herself off from the Force, shielding her psyche against the horrors of what she had unleashed. Many years had passed before she regained her connection to the Force, but in the end, surviving the trauma of Malachor V had given her the strength to defeat Darth Traya and her followers.

The Exile still has the strength left to pull a ship out of orbit and escape Malachor V:

Darth Traya, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"You may take one of the ships that orbit Malachor and depart this place."

Traya states she has used the Exile so as to surpass her own power:

Darth Traya, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"From the moment you awoke, I have used you. I have used you so that you might become strong, stronger than I."

Even as a spirit, Traya was immensely strong in the Force:

Darth Vowrawn & the Emperor's Wrath, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"Such pure dark side energy, is she not utterly beautiful?"

"I've never sensed anything so alive with the dark side."

The Entity Codex Entry, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:Darth Baras’s rise to power has been facilitated by his enslavement of a Sith spirit known only as the Entity. Baras dominated this centuries-dead Sith into using her powers of precognition and farseeing to aid his ascendancy onto the Dark Council while plotting the destruction of all enemies in his path. The Entity chafes at her enslavement, desperately seeking freedom from this ignoble fate. Centuries ago, she nearly brought the galaxy to its knees and all but eradicated the Jedi Order; to be used as a mere political tool by Darth Baras is an insult to these past deeds.

Meetra Surik spends the next few years rebuilding the Order, training many Jedi, and bringing them back triumphantly to Coruscant:

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds wrote:Meanwhile, the Exile trained new Jedi recruits, forming a council of her companions who achieved mastery and welcoming others who came out of hiding. After years of slow but steady growth, the reborn Jedi Order made a triumphant return to its long-abandoned temple on Coruscant.

But the Jedi Exile could not forget Darth Traya's final warning, suggesting that evil remained in the Unknown Regions. With the Jedi Order flourishing, the Exile left the known galaxy to follow her former commander Revan into darkness.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 10:08 pm
The Exile discovers that T3-M4 had a hidden recording revealing what had happened to Revan meant for Bastila Shan. After deliberating, Meetra Surik travelled to Nathema where she experiences the Void. It is stated that it was fully capable of driving her insane and that it was the worst trauma she had ever suffered, worse than revisiting Malachor V which was worse than the spirit-emptying pain and guilt of an entire planet caused by her activation of the Mass-Shadow Generator, which remained in her psyche well over a decade after and massively crippled her mentally:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:She had visited Malachor V years after the cataclysm of the mass-shadow generator. Traversing its surface had been agony. Mentally, she had still sensed the anguish of all who had lost their lives there. Physically, the intense gravity of the world had held her in its crushing grip, leaving her gasping for breath. It had been the most awful and horrific experience of her life … until now.

On Malachor she’d felt the echoes of unimaginable pain and suffering—but at least she’d felt something. Here on Nathema, there was only a cold emptiness. It was unnatural; abhorrent. On Malachor she had felt the echo of great destruction; here there was only the unbearable void of annihilation.

Her body reacted with a revulsion so strong she felt physically ill. Her mind briefly tried to imagine what had happened to cause such an abomination, then recoiled from the answers. Her mind went blank and her body numb.

She stood motionless for several minutes, or maybe it was several hours; time had no meaning here. But the incessant squawking of T3 eventually roused her from her stupor.

Drawing on the mental focusing techniques she had learned as a Padawan, she forced herself to concentrate on something—anything—besides the inescapable nonpresence of the Force.


The entire process took less than five minutes, but for Meetra it might as well have been an eternity. She had managed to keep busy up until this point, but while waiting idly by for T3 to finish she began to notice the absence of the Force once more.

She could feel the Void pressing in on her from all sides. At the same time it was pulling on her, trying to rip away the very essence of her existence. Nature abhors a vacuum; the emptiness was trying to fill itself with her energy. For an instant she felt as if she were going to become undone, her physical body discorporating into trillions of subatomic particles that would scatter across the entire surface of Nathema.

No! she screamed in her mind. The Void will not take me! I am more than just a collection of random matter and particles! I am a living being. I am Meetra Surik!

The affirmation of her own existence seemed to push the Void back, at least for the moment. But Meetra knew she couldn’t hold out against it much longer. As much as she tried to ignore what she felt—or, more precisely, didn’t feel—all around her, she knew it was only a matter of time until the horrors of Nathema stripped away her sanity.

Meetra then takes it upon herself to spend four days without sleep and sustenance, relying solely upon the Force:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:For several days she pored through the archives, stopping neither to eat nor to sleep, taking a quick meditation break every few hours to replenish her fading stores of energy and mental focus.

She arrives on Dromund Kaas, instantly noting the dark side miasma:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:MEETRA FOUGHT TO KEEP the Ebon Hawk steady on its descent through the fierce storms raging in the skies above Kaas City spaceport.

She knew the storm-ravaged world had to be the world Canderous had spoken of; the one Revan had seen in his dreams. The dark side was powerful here.

The power of the dark side is immense on Dromund Kaas:

Star Wars The Old Republic: Encyclopedia wrote:However, Dromund Kaas remains home to both the Emperor and his Dark Council. Even though the planet is bristling with the energy of the dark side, it is the Imperial military that has the largest visible presence on Dromund Kaas.

The dark side is so strong that after thousands of years it corrupts Kyle Katarn to the dark side, blocks Mara Jade's connection to the Force, blocks Ben Skywalker's senses and drastically effects the reflexes of Jaina Solo Fel and Grand Master Luke Skywalker:

Fate of the Jedi: Ascension wrote:"We need to watch one another closely. If Master Katarn could be swayed, then any of us could. Not just Vestara.
Luke stood for a moment, his eyes and other senses searching the landscape. “Anyone sense anything?
Ben extended himself in the Force, both opening himself to the vile sensation of the dark side and utilizing his senses—even smell, temporarily at least—to gather what information he could.
Other than the obvious, which is a metric ton of dark-side energy, I can’t sense anything,” Jaina said.
It’s…so strong,” Vestara breathed. Ben glanced over at her. Her brown eyes were wide, and her voice was a mixture of horror and attraction.
Vestara,” Luke said, sharply but not angrily, and she blinked as if coming out of a daze. “Do you sense any signs of the Sith or Abeloth?
She shook her head, looking more like her usual alert self. “No. That nexus pretty much drowns out anything else.
Luke and Jaina were fighting back-to-back. The Sith attacking them had two advantages. One was the fact that they outnumbered the two Jedi. The second was that they were being reinforced by the emanations of the dark-side nexus within the temple. It surged forth like psychic sewage, clogging the Jedi’s reflexes as it fueled their enemies.
I don’t think you did,” Luke replied. “They probably assumed we’d do exactly what we have been doing—investigating planets traditionally associated with Sith history. Khai probably chose this place because of the nexus. They could send a smaller team and still be stronger.”

Meetra attempts to find the peace required for enlightenment, but the dark side prevents that:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:She had opened herself up to the Force, looking for guidance and wisdom, but here on Dromund Kaas, where the dark side prevailed, it was difficult to find the inner tranquility necessary to find enlightenment.

The Exile joins forces with Lord Scourge in an attempt to rescue an imprisoned Revan. They concede the offensive early and Darth Nyriss doesn't let up her focus on attempting to break Surik, who holds her own:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:She raised her free hand above her head and fired off another burst of lightning. Both Scourge and Meetra threw themselves clear of the deadly electrical bolt, but in doing so they gave Nyriss the early advantage.


Before they could recover, she leapt at them. Despite her withered appearance, she moved with all the speed and ferocity of a dark side warrior in her prime. She landed right between her two adversaries, her blade flashing back and forth in a series of slashes and cuts that immediately threw her two opponents on the defensive.


Nyriss seized on the opportunity to focus all her efforts on breaking through Meetra’s defenses. The Jedi was clearly overmatched; though she managed to hold her ground, she was forced down to one knee.


Dazed, he looked up just in time to see another bolt of violet lightning catch Meetra in the chest. Like Nyriss, she threw up a barrier to save herself from the worst of it, but she was still knocked from her feet.

Having survived the engagement, Revan, Surik and Scourge take the time to recuperate. Revan believes that the aid of his allies could be enough to help him defeat the Emperor:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:In their last meeting he had overwhelmed Revan completely; it wasn’t even fair to call it a battle. Revan had grown since then. He was far more powerful now, but was he a match for the Emperor?

Alone, probably not. With the combined strength of Meetra, Scourge, and even T3, however, he believed they stood a real chance of victory.

Revan notes that Surik enters a 'warrior's trance' that she hadn't used prior:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:Meetra had gone into what he liked to call her warrior's trance; she sat still and straight, her eyes focused on nothing as she stared straight ahead.
He had seen it many times during the war against the Mandolarians. Before each major battle she would try to center her emotions, cleansing herself of all fear and hatred lest the imminent heat of battle draw her towards the dark side.
She believed she could transform herself into a perfect conduit for the Force, an incorruptible weapon of light.

Meetra, Revan, Lord Scourge and T3-M4 enter the Dark Citadel, within which emanates dark side energy so strong that even from the outskirts of Kaas City the Sith can sustain themselves on it through entire training sessions:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:The dark side power emanating from within the building was undeniable; he had felt the raw crackling energy every day in his years as an acolyte. He had drawn on it, focusing his mind and spirit to channel the power through his own body during the brutal training sessions.

They soon come within the presence of the 'god-like' avatar and manifestation of the dark side of the Force known as Tenebrae, who can cripple the connections of Jedi to the light side of the Force with his mere presence:

The Emperor's Fallen Jedi Codex Entrty wrote:His corrupting influence is so complete that none can stand in his presence without succumbing to fear, anger and hatred. The Emperor can wither and ruin even the strongest Jedi's connection to the light side.

Lord Scourge and the Hero of Tython agree that only Revan, Meetra and the Hero had successfully resisted the Emperor unlike the Sith:

Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"Revan, the Exile and I were all Jedi-trained. We all resisted the Emperor. What Sith have done so?"

Unlike entire Dark Councils:

The Old Republic: Encyclopedia wrote:For generations, the Emperor would remain withdrawn from society. When he finally appeared, the Emperor spoke only to the Dark Council, reducing the most powerful Sith in the Empire to trembling sycophants in his presence.

With Scourge and Revan preoccupied by Captain Yarri and the Emperor respectively, Meetra kills between two and four Imperial Guardsmen:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:"We have to help Revan!" Meetra shouted, and Scourge turned to see that she, too, had just finished off her opponents.

Meetra then throws her lightsaber at the Emperor, across the throneroom, faster than the Emperor can complete the swing of a lightsaber to kill Revan:

The Old Republic: Revan wrote:In desperation, she hurled her lightsaber with a wild sidearm throw, guiding it with the Force so that it spiraled end-over-end to intercept the descending blade, knocking it from the Emperor's grasp and sending it skittering across the floor.

As they face the Emperor, Meetra appears to sense Scourge's intentions prior to his betrayal but doesn't react:

Jedi Entity Codex Entry wrote:When asked how she came to die, the Jedi entity’s response has been blunt, saying only: “The betrayer always strikes with the best of intentions.

Revan states that it was her spirit that gave him the strength that allowed him to resist the centuries of mental warfare against Tenebrae and the Dread Masters:

Revan, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"It was she who gave me the strength to resist all this time, I didn't realise that until now."

Revan the Resurrected, Shadow of Revan wrote:"So many centuries. The Emperor and his Dread Masters, trying to wrench me apart, to unleash my anger and hatred."

Lord Scourge recounts that Revan and the Exile were the Jedi's greatest:

Lord Scourge, Star Wars: The Old Republic wrote:"Revan was both Jedi Master and Sith Lord. His student, the Exile, defeated the Sith Triumvirate, they were the greatest of your Jedi heroes. I had hoped to help them kill my lord Emperor. Until my vision, Jedi shining with the Force lined up to destroy him, all were swept aside. Revan and the Exile were cast at my feet."

Lord Scourge, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"Revan and the Exile were much like you. They truly believed that they could destroy the Dark Lord. I believed them, too."

Last edited by LadyKulvax on May 7th 2019, 5:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 10:11 pm
Big thanks to Selenial and SunRazer for their threads on the Exile, post two should be up later. I wanted to make this two-post RT because I felt that a Chronological Respect Thread could really help with understanding how she grows as a character. Better yet, there was a boat-load of stuff that I felt was missing. I didn't want to just repeat what Nova had done in his comicvine blog, and moreso I wanted to address all of these really bizarre theories about her bonding and feeding on death that has been perpuating for a long time.

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 10:16 pm
It's safe to post now, right?

Good work. She needs more appreciation. Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 1306544554
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 10:54 pm
Nova wrote:It's safe to post now, right?

Good work. She needs more appreciation. Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) 1306544554

Damn right she does.

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 11:26 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Absolutely exceptional thread. Great work.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 6th 2019, 11:39 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:Absolutely exceptional thread. Great work.

Thanks, I'm still only half-way done.

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 2:47 am
Sorry I have to ask... all of those quotes are real right?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 2:50 am
Do you have to troll?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 5:22 am
Second post now up.
Trayus Marauder
Trayus Marauder

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 8:04 am
Great work. Have any other projects planned?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 8:43 am
That took me four days, so I'll be taking a break from that.

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 11:40 am
Gewd work.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 12:34 pm
Excellent work as usual, you excel at making great RT's.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 5:05 pm
LadyKulvax wrote:Big thanks to Selenial and SunRazer for their threads on the Exile, post two should be up later. I wanted to make this two-post RT because I felt that a Chronological Respect Thread could really help with understanding how she grows as a character. Better yet, there was a boat-load of stuff that I felt was missing. I didn't want to just repeat what Nova had done in his comicvine blog, and moreso I wanted to address all of these really bizarre theories about her bonding and feeding on death that has been perpuating for a long time.

when is the Kun one coming 🇪🇭

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 7th 2019, 7:09 pm
@in-sidiousvader AP already made one for Kun...
Level Three
Level Three

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 8th 2019, 9:33 am
Excellent respect thread. It will help me a lot in the showdown i’m doing with Xolthol
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 8th 2019, 7:18 pm
Has this blog made anyone put the Exile higher? If so, where would you put her now?
Fated Xtasy
Fated Xtasy

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 8th 2019, 7:50 pm
its nice to see an RT about Surik, unfortunate that her character was in the hand of the most abysmal author. Great job though.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

May 9th 2019, 9:02 am
Fated Xtasy wrote:its nice to see an RT about Surik, unfortunate that her character was in the hand of the most abysmal author. Great job though.

Surely Karpyshyn is better than Karen 'Pro-Jedi Star Wars fans are Neo-Nazis' Traviss.
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

July 23rd 2019, 8:28 am
Awesome work. Meetra is ridiculously underrated.
Level Four
Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

August 29th 2019, 9:00 am
Level Three
Level Three

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

November 12th 2019, 8:43 pm
Bump for relevance
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

August 18th 2020, 9:53 am
Yeah, relevant once again.
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

August 19th 2020, 12:53 pm
Darth Vowrawn & the Emperor's Wrath, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:"Such pure dark side energy, is she not utterly beautiful?"

"I've never sensed anything so alive with the dark side."

The Entity Codex Entry, Star Wars The Old Republic wrote:Darth Baras’s rise to power has been facilitated by his enslavement of a Sith spirit known only as the Entity. Baras dominated this centuries-dead Sith into using her powers of precognition and farseeing to aid his ascendancy onto the Dark Council while plotting the destruction of all enemies in his path. The Entity chafes at her enslavement, desperately seeking freedom from this ignoble fate. Centuries ago, she nearly brought the galaxy to its knees and all but eradicated the Jedi Order; to be used as a mere political tool by Darth Baras is an insult to these past deeds.
Who was the most powerful darksider the Emperor's Wrath had met prior to seeing the Entity?
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Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019) Empty Re: Jedi Exile Meetra Surik: Chronological Respect Thread (2019)

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