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Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 10:34 am
EmperorCaedus wrote:Yea, I’ll rebuttal in the mean time, sorry it got buried under Lorenzo.

Take your time, no need to rush. I have a busy schedule these days.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 11:21 am
1. yoda jobbing. i never said he did. i actually said the probability of him jobbing is nigh existent.
2. no, vader is in fact stronger than older yoda. idk about ROTS yoda, who is stronger, but he is in fact stronger than ANH yoda. my respect thread is chronological, so just scroll down to the ANH section.

Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 2:51 pm
HU assuming no one gets to your post before me I'll respond to it. There are so many many things about your post I wanna dive into.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 3:03 pm
KingofBlades wrote:HU assuming no one gets to your post before me I'll respond to it. There are so many many things about your post I wanna dive into.

EC will write a respond but feel free add your thoughts. Always good to debate with you. However I lack time these days and want to save some of my tricks for Ant.
Quorian Debatist
Level One
Level One

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 21st 2020, 2:34 pm
Message reputation : 100% (5 votes)
So it's no secret I'm no Anakin fan - not even in the closet for him - but HU was calling me all sorts of racial slurs and expletives under the false pretense that Anakin was indeed "my boy" so I feel compelled to respond to him.

HellfireUnit wrote:Let's start with debunking the quote.

Revenge of the Sith wrote:"The most powerful Jedi of his generation. Perhaps of any generation. The fastest. The strongest. An unbeatable pilot. An unstoppable warrior. On the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. He has not just power, not just skill, but dash: that rare, invaluable combination of boldness and grace."

1 - This quote claims Anakin is the most powerful Jedi of all times. However this quote is only correct when it comes to raw power, lore and featwise, there are many contradictions to this quote. One being:

Inside the spacious interior of the Galactic Senate chamber, Yoda challenged the Emperor. The two engaged in a spectacular duel—a contest between the most powerful practitioners of the Force’s light and dark sides.

Anakin is powerful yes, we all know that. But his lack of knowledge and experience prevents him from reaching full potential, therefore he is unable to use the Force as Sidious or Yoda, even Kenobi and Mace. Anakin always focused on saber combat, barely studied the nature of the Force and its techniques. Him being unable to overpower Kenobi is a proof.

2 - Anakin being the fastest and strongest:

This quote is directly false. Anakin's speed is below Yoda, who is able to blitz several Jedi Masters and match the speed of Emperor whom Anakin being unable to sense. The arguments about honing his senses are based on nothing and if anyone wants to debate it, I am up for that. His speed being equal to Kenobi who is sub post-suit Vader in terms of being fast proves it.

3 - Anakin being an unbeatable and unstoppable pilot/warrior:

False. Kenobi beat him, Dooku was beating him and Kenobi, a non Force Wielder beat him in piloting and he was at Vane's mercy. 

This quote has more than three wrong points. It is even less reliable than %80 quote since there are many evidences that contradicts with it. 

Revenge of the Sith wrote:"Skywalker is arguably the most powerful Jedi alive, and he is still getting stronger."

This quote contradicts with the first one which appears to be certain about Anakin being the most powerful Jedi of his generation. But now, it is arguable? 

Now forget about the previous quotes, lets proceed to part where Anakin being the third most capable swordsman in the order for people who claim him being superior to Yoda:

Mace Windu's fighting abilities are second only to Yoda."

To the uninitiated, lightsaber combat can seem like a confusing blur of swipes and blade clashes, but on close examination, the secrets of the Jedi Knights become clear. To understand the combat of these warriors, we must delve into the sacred history of the fabled Seven Forms of Jedi lightsaber combat and look at how these have played out in the Star Wars saga. Only then can we understand the extraordinary combat moves of Yoda, perhaps the greatest lightsaber master the Jedi Order has ever seen.

With a stooped, small appearance, Yoda may not look like a warrior, but his skills with a lightsaber were unequaled.

"We've not seen Mace fight yet, and we know that he's second only to Yoda."

You are claiming Anakin being superior to Yoda but it is apparent that he is below even Windu.

To summarize, quotes you provide proves nothing and contradicts in-universe and G-Canon sources. I can write way more stuff under this subject but I am saving most for my future debate with Ant. As I said, patience padawan. There is still much I can pour into this topic. Thanks for reading. @EmperorCaedus

Here is what your typical canned Anakin response would look like to your post.

This is KINGOFBLADES! If my understanding is correct, he is a white male, he likes Anakin, and he likes kissing girls on the lips. Seems like an all around decent guy, so let's see what KINGOFBLADES has to say:


A decent enough response I feel. But you don't want me to just steal someone's else post and write it in my own words, as that's a waste of both of our times hence why I never even attempted to do so.

First off, whether you buy it or not there is a strong contrast in @Gᴏᴀᴛ quotes in favor of Anakin as opposed to vice-versa. So we'll get the ones out of the way that KINGOFBLADES missed.


I missed some too, but I'm not an Anakin fanatic like some pretend they are, so I'll give myself a pass. I just want you to realize that Anakin has a wealth of quotes in his favor. I'm not sure at what point in time or what ratio you start counting them but they greatly outnumber Yoda's. Had the quotes outnumber Yoda's 10:1 would that count towards some sort of "undeniable proof?" Start counting down from there until you're still impressed by how outnumbered Yoda is.

But are you simply a quote guy? I mean, it seems so by your post but lets another direction with this. Something I haven't seen a KINGOFBLADES bring up before in regards to MUSTAFAR! I will avoid bringing up the Guillardian scale though you can insert it where you see fit (KOB did). There is one obvious place it fits here, but I don't want to tread too far on a familiar path here. If you notice it, just assume it's meant to be there without my words tickling your ear.

The only objective universal constant in Star Wars is yes, The Kenobian Scale. Let's tinker around with that here until it fits.

First off, we have AOTC!Anakin being above AOTC!Kenobi:

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Sw-aot10
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree128
(Also note that Anakin helped exhaust Dooku here and then Yoda fought that Dooku)

We then have TCWMovie!Anakin almost matching Dooku (while Kenobi struggles with Ventress):

It's noted that Dooku is impressed by his growth (incase you didn't watch video):
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Clone-10

Anakin then does extremely well against Dooku again.

Anakin greatly outdoes S6!Kenobi in a fight again.

Then of course ROTS!Anakin outdoes Kenobi against Dooku again. Then he goes Zonakin and obliterates Dooku. KINGOFBLADES touched upon this more in-depth.

Another Kenobian example is Sai Sircu. The events of the game happen between S1 and S2 of TCW. Here she casually one-shots Kenobi/Fisto while Dooku tanks it:

After she gets a powerup, Anakin/Mace are able to tank her attack and fight her as well:

What this does is it indicates that Anakin's starting point is above Kenobi, and he always kept ahead of Kenobi to a point where he can annihilate people who can beat Kenobi.

Of course, the Anakin who beat Dooku was still under the thrall of The Dragon while Knightfall Vader had "killed" The Dragon and unlocked his proper Darkside mindset. No longer encumbered by restrictions or his emotions this is his perceived peak.
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree141

Here is him "unsealing his shielding" in full context before he even killed The Dragon. This full release made Dooku - who you argued was beating Anakin - look like a joke. "All his fears and all his doubts shrivel in its flame."


These quotes are especially important because they allow Anakin access to dormant powers he's been holding back. In AOTC he could briefly tap into powers on par with Yoda, but he lacked control over his own powers. Since we also knew his potential far eclipsed Yoda, this wasn't a case of "potential."

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Unknow12
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Unknow11
(Credit to Ant)

During Mustafar, The Dragon had come back to life when Anakin started doubting himself and he had sunk his poison in him.
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree142

This is important to note because when this happened the other two times in the novel, he could barely walk.

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree131

(This scan just to confirm what it wanted to do again)
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree146

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree132
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree134

The second section is the mindset he entered the room to see Sheev and Mace fighting. We'll expand on him still being scared well into the fight and before:

Anakin's Fear and Condition:

So there are some deep psychological issues that affect his strength and ability to well... function.

So going back to Mustafar! Anakin was poisoned by The Dragon and he never dealt with The Dragon like he did on The Invisible Hand or right before Knightfall. He had already fallen to the Darkside and was still subject to his power, so it wasn't an issue of him overcoming it through the Darkside, but rather overcoming it through getting his emotions in check. He didn't know how to use his anger to his benefit anymore and was clouded by rage to a point where he choked his wife almost to death, and was willing to chase Kenobi to the ends of the Earth in places that were utterly retarded to follow him. Not just jumping over him at the end, but Anakin was trying to fight him while climbing and putting himself within a hair's breadth of the lava constantly. If you contrast this to his prior "unlocks" then this would be like him being fully prepared for a Lorenxam vs him just flailing and panicking during a Lorenxam he never studied for. He wasn't dumber, he just didn't have the answers to things he should have known and tried to fake it as best as he could.

Here is what it says about him before he even kills The Dragon at varying points in the novel but allows him to get his emotions in check:
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree130
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Scree140

Contrast those descriptions to what it states about Mustafar.

IE, the Fear was still very much a part of him when he fought Obi-Wan. He was calling on power, yes, but he couldn't actively channel that into the same specific mindset that allowed him to throttle Dooku and raid the Jedi Temple. The rage was in his head again but he wasn't effectively putting it "out there" where it needs to be. The fear was still eating away at him and the venom was still in his veins. So, it is very possible he was weaker or rather hindered from his full power at the time. There are more in-depth explanations of this to be found I'm sure, but I just want to summarize it for you here.

But what does The Kenobian Scale have to do with this? I'm glad you asked.

The thing with Dooku is that he's had 3 fights with Yoda, and all 3 times Yoda failed to subdue or put him down. He's had 2 fights with Mace Windu (once Kenobi helped Mace) and it ended in a stalemate for the amount of time it lasted. Anakin grew to a point where he could rival Dooku and then grew to a point where he could destroy him.
Then Anakin grew past that.

So Anakin was at a level beyond a level where he destroyed Dooku who could give a sturdy challenge to the other two top Jedi, and could beat Kenobi or gain the upper hand almost every encounter.

So, if Kenobi and Anakin are then equaled at this point in time it:

a) Validates that The Dragon had indeed hindered Anakin's power


b) Kenobi grew in power by a large enough degree that he jumped Dooku in raw power

The first option speaks for itself, but I want to touch upon the implications of the second.

We accept that Anakin at lesser levels was a decent degree above Dooku. If Kenobi was equal to Anakin this would mean that he jumped past Dooku in raw power - who could challenge Yoda and stalemate Mace - and had jumped past Jedi Anakin in raw power as well.

What this means is that even though Anakin was the young Chosen One who had the potential to be the strongest Force user ever, and was growing by leaps in bounds in TCW to a point where he outpaced Kenobi at every turn; that Kenobi eventually surpassed that. That Dooku who had outpaced Kenobi's growth at every turn had been surpassed. That not only did Kenobi surpass Anakin's Jedi growth, but he also kept in lockstep with Anakin having no restrictions on his power and Kenobi grew to a point where he had matched the entirety of Jedi Anakin's growth and Darkside Anakin's growth.

So if we're to believe Anakin wasn't weakened and was indeed KFV+ levels on Mustafar then that would put Kenobi at quite a ways beyond Dooku. Dooku who could routinely challenge the top three Jedi of all time without ever definitely losing. This would show just how much growth Kenobi received throughout the 9 days (iirc) of ROTS, and it shows that he had more in store than what he ever showed previously.

So why would this be a knock on Anakin exactly? If you're going in this direction it doesn't exactly make Kenobi fodder to Yoda. It doesn't prove that Yoda could overpower Kenobi in a power struggle. If anything it should allow Kenobi to repeat this against Yoda as well. If he can do this against someone beyond Dooku, then he can be stubborn enough to match Yoda too.

All this argument does to me is simply place Kenobi closer than you'd like to think he is to Yoda. It doesn't erase Anakin's feats. It doesn't erase Dooku's feats. It builds on them.

But if you need a visible example to understand, have no fret, I got you:

Mustafar!Vader > KFV > Zonakin > Jedi!Anakin ~ Dooku > Kenobi
Mustafar!Vader ~ Kenobi >>> Dooku < Yoda

I used 3 greater than signs there.

Now while this on its own wouldn't be proof that Kenobi is > or ~ to Yoda, it would certainly bring him close enough that it wouldn't necessarily be a knock against Anakin.

If you're going that direction of course.

I don't know if I'm missing options here, but it seems that either of these two options doesn't impede Anakin's relation to Yoda so you can pick whatever option you want, and it's fine by me. Either Anakin was weakened, or Obi-Wan grew far beyond Dooku to a point that he very well might stalemate or overpower Yoda.

So either you bring down Mustafar!Vader or you raise Mustafar!Kenobi and no matter which way you go, it doesn't hinder whatever Anakin's true peak is in relation to Yoda. At least the way I see it. You have other points, but this is a point you brought up in an effort to lower Anakin and as I see it, your biggest point.
I'm just getting word down from the Kenobi brigade that we should pick option 2.  Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 1019854026

I used KINGOFBLADES' post because it's applicable. You can ignore it as it is a KOB post, and I can't tell you how to read your KOB posts, but it fits in well. I just wanted to present to you the implications of what you're arguing here as I feel that one part you think was just a small section is actually a lot more important than you'd think. Without Kenobi chaining Anakin to a tier, then what does he really have against him from your post? If you're going to go dirty and go Kenobi on me, then we'll use Kenobi.


On that note, it's not exactly easy to strip through active barriers either. I'm not sure why you expect Anakin to utterly swallow Kenobi's TK? If you're under the understanding that Anakin couldn't utterly ragdoll Kenobi hiding behind a barrier, then why could he ragdoll Kenobi through his max offensive TK? Think of it this way:

Anakin hits a stationary shield with TK defended by Rush Clovis. Rush then gets into a full sprint rush with the same shield and Anakin TKs him.

If the stationary shield was hard to move, then shouldn't the full sprint shield be just as hard, if not harder to move with the added momentum?

If this same logic applies to Star Wars, it's not hard to see why Anakin didn't instantly blow through his TK. All Kenobi would have to do in this instance is hold it back enough until it started engulfing itself and then went kablooey, and released all the coalesced energy at once point-blank. If Kenobi is powerful enough to hide behind a barrier from Anakin then he should be powerful enough to stave off TK, theoretically.

Now whether this is true or not, or whether this even matters is beside the point. It's also ignoring other sources that say Kenobi attacked and Anakin blocked iirc, but again, besides the point. Just something to throw in there... just something to Church of Chew on.


If you are building this into a "Suited Vader > Anakin" conclusion, then we can answer that when it comes too.

Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 21st 2020, 3:17 pm
i have a question- did u imply by any chance that kenobi 'getting an amp' and anakin 'being hindered' cannot happen at the same time? just elaborate on this, for me please?
Level One
Level One

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 21st 2020, 3:53 pm
Dooku and Vader.

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 26th 2020, 7:23 pm
@Quorian Debatist: Good post. Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 1289255181
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 27th 2020, 5:04 am
@Quorian Debatist I just had the time to read your post, great work. Simply impressive, most impressive. I would love to write a respond to it but I doubt if I can get it done in months.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 27th 2020, 11:44 pm
@Quorian Debatist @isv Would either of you lovely gentlemen happen to know the source of this lovely quote?

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Unknow10

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Sheev_sig_3
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 27th 2020, 11:47 pm
I appear to have found a source stating the same, but I assume it's not the same source due to the different font:

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Sheev_sig_3
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 27th 2020, 11:54 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 28th 2020, 12:26 am
Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 S-l1600

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Star-wars-target-exclusive-figures_1_8fd21e64648c90ad376f178519c1c1e7

Upon further inquiry, it seems every set of the toy line regurgitates the same accolade.

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Sheev_sig_3

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

January 28th 2020, 12:35 am
Syndiciate wrote:Dooku and Vader.
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Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 6 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

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