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Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 19th 2019, 7:47 pm
The Ranking is:

1. KF Vader
2. Darth Sidious
3. Yoda
4. Mace Windu
5. Count Dooku
6. RotS Kenobi
7. Kit Fisto
8 Qui Gon

The list of additions is: SoR Revan, Darth Nyriss, SF Malak, Meetra Surik, Darth Traya, SoR HoT, Revan Reborn, Kavar
Feel free to integrate any or all of these characters.

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 8:41 am
Yoda is = Sidious lol, and Jinn is above Fisto.

Anyway (KOTOR/TOR additions are bolded):

1. KF Vader

2. Darth Sidious/Yoda

3. Yoda/Darth Sidious

SoR Revan

4. Mace Windu

5. Count Dooku

Revan Reborn

SF Malak


6. RotS Kenobi

Darth Nyriss

Meetra Surik

7. Qui Gon

Darth Traya

8. Kit Fisto

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 10:02 am
SoR Revan
1. KF Vader
2. Darth Sidious
3. Yoda
4. Mace Windu
Revan Reborn
SF Malak
5. Count Dooku
6. RotS Kenobi
Darth Nyriss
Meetra Surik
Darth Traya
7. Kit Fisto
8 Qui Gon
Level Six
Level Six

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 10:29 am
S Tier (characters with immense strength and unorthodox abilities): Sidious>=Yoda>Mace Windu (Vaapad)>SoR Revan

A Tier (characters that could almost never be matched in combat and Force): KFV>Darth Tyranus>Revan Reborn

B Tier: 

Obi-Wan Kenobi
SF Malak
Kit Fisto
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Nyriss
The Exile
Darth Traya

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 11:09 am

Darth Nyriss
Meetra Surik
Darth Traya

What makes you think Meetra, Traya and Nyriss are > the HoT?

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 11:23 pm
I'll reorder the PT ranking, since I don't agree with all here.

1. Yoda/Sidious
2. KF Vader
3. Mace Windu
4. SoR Revan
5. Revan Reborn/Dooku
6. Kenobi
7. SF Malak/SoR HoT
8. Kit Fisto/Darth Nyriss
9. Qui-Gon/Meetra
10. Kreia
11. Kavar
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 21st 2019, 11:31 pm
When Qui-Gon is sub Fisto :nygax:
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 22nd 2019, 1:14 am
The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

September 23rd 2019, 3:25 am
Reordering ranking by applicable Force power:

Darth Sidious / Yoda
KF Vader
Mace Windu
Mustafar Kenobi / SoR Revan
Count Dooku / Revan Reborn
SF Malak
IH Kenobi
Darth Nyriss
Kit Fisto
Qui Gon
Meetra Surik
Darth Traya
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 5:56 pm
1. SoR Revan 
2. KFV
3. Darth Sidious/Yoda
4. Mace Windu
5. SoR HoT
6. Revan Reborn
7. SF Malak
8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus
10. Darth Nyriss
11. Meetra Surik
12. Kit Fisto
13. Darth Traya
14. Qui Gon Jinn

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 6:29 pm

8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus

Why is Kenobi above Dooku?
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 7:26 pm
Word Salad wrote:@EmperorCaedus

8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus

Why is Kenobi above Dooku?
Kenobi defeated Mustafar Vader, who is > Zonakin, who defeated Tyrannus

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 7:51 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:
Word Salad wrote:@EmperorCaedus

8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus

Why is Kenobi above Dooku?
Kenobi defeated Mustafar Vader, who is > Zonakin, who defeated Tyrannus

Kenobi defeated MFV through having knowledge of his form, defending and backpedaling the entire time, plus abusing his overconfidence. For an actual comparison see Dooku stomping Kenobi with TK twice at the start of ROTS.

Also, what makes you put MF Vader > Zonakin?

Level Seven
Level Seven

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 7:59 pm
Changing bits of Ellimist's:

Darth Sidious / Yoda
Mace Windu
KF Vader
Mustafar Kenobi / SoR Revan
Count Dooku / Revan Reborn
SF Malak
IH Kenobi/HoT
Darth Nyriss
Kit Fisto
Qui Gon
Meetra Surik
Darth Traya

I'm assuming HoT refers to pre-KOTET/JUS/Onslaught, as they'd then be up with KFV and maybe Mace. 
Quorian Debatist
Level One
Level One

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 8:39 pm
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 8:56 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Word Salad wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:
Word Salad wrote:@EmperorCaedus

8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus

Why is Kenobi above Dooku?
Kenobi defeated Mustafar Vader, who is > Zonakin, who defeated Tyrannus

Kenobi defeated MFV through having knowledge of his form, defending and backpedaling the entire time, plus abusing his overconfidence. For an actual comparison see Dooku stomping Kenobi with TK twice at the start of ROTS.

Also, what makes you put MF Vader > Zonakin?
Level Seven
Level Seven

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 8:58 pm
More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 9:10 pm
WalkingInCircles wrote:More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
What are you talking about?
Level Seven
Level Seven

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 9:12 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
What are you talking about?
Not clicking into whatever that document is, and Quorian's spamming of it in virtually every thread made me think it was another kind of malware.
Level Three
Level Three

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 9:26 pm
WalkingInCircles wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
What are you talking about?
Not clicking into whatever that document is, and Quorian's spamming of it in virtually every thread made me think it was another kind of malware.
It's a google doc... there is no malware on google docs
Here's what it says

Kenobi defeated MFV through having knowledge of his form, defending and backpedaling the entire time, plus abusing his overconfidence. For an actual comparison see Dooku stomping Kenobi with TK twice at the start of ROTS.

Also, what makes you put MF Vader > Zonakin?

No to all of those. Kenobi was making him overextend [1] Anakin knew about his form just as much and helped him develop it. [1] Abusing his overconfidence is irrelevant considering he was exact equals most of the fight and Anakin made no mistakes until he did. [2] Anakin grew wildly in power from KFV to Mustafar. [3] And Obi-Wan matched Dooku at lesser levels. [4]

So it seems clear to me that nothing you said counts and you wasted an entire post pointing out your ignorance. All 2200 of them.

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 9:37 pm
Word Salad wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:
Word Salad wrote:@EmperorCaedus

8. RoTS Kenobi
9. Darth Tyrannus

Why is Kenobi above Dooku?
Kenobi defeated Mustafar Vader, who is > Zonakin, who defeated Tyrannus

Kenobi defeated MFV through having knowledge of his form, defending and backpedaling the entire time, plus abusing his overconfidence. For an actual comparison see Dooku stomping Kenobi with TK twice at the start of ROTS.

Also, what makes you put MF Vader > Zonakin?

Even if the statements on the IH battle that you have made are true( they are not, since bypassing the opponent's guard by exploiting minute openings is in no way a stomp lol), Mustafar Kenobi is in a separate sphere to early movie Kenobi in the force, there being at least a noticeable difference between them so that doesn't matter in this case
Reynard (Ethanion)
Reynard (Ethanion)

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 10:00 pm
1. Darth Sidious
2. Yoda
3. KFV
4. Office Sheev/Vaapad Mace
5. Dooku/Base Mace/Base Yoda/BOROTS Anakin
6. ROTS Kenobi
7. Kit Fisto
8. SOR Revan
9. Qui Gon/Revan Reborn
10. SF Malak
11. SOR HoT
12. Darth Nyriss
13. Volfe Karkko
14. Meetra Surik
15. Kreia
16. Kavar 

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 10th 2019, 10:11 pm
WalkingInCircles wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
What are you talking about?
Not clicking into whatever that document is, and Quorian's spamming of it in virtually every thread made me think it was another kind of malware.

Links that have "google docs" in name can't have any kind of malware. They're hosted within Google Doc textpage and they are unable to display any kind of active content. They can, at worst, have shitty links inside them, but clicking on Google Docs can't do anything to your PC.

It's Google, dude. The biggest internet company. They know their shit.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 11th 2019, 3:06 am
WalkingInCircles wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:
WalkingInCircles wrote:More hacked accounts? @TheEllimist @Azronger @DarthAnt66
What are you talking about?
Not clicking into whatever that document is, and Quorian's spamming of it in virtually every thread made me think it was another kind of malware.

Quorian Debatist is simply making fun of HP for having posted Google Docs links in two of his SSs now. There's nothing malicious there.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking Empty Re: Integrate these KotOR/TOR characters into this PT Ranking

November 11th 2019, 5:28 am
My bad, sorry for the tags.
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