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Level Four
Level Four

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March 1st 2021, 9:39 am
Darth Nihl vs Satele Shan
Jacen Solo vs Freedon Nadd
Jango Fett vs TPM Maul
Plo Koon vs Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor
Naga Sadow vs Darth Krayt
Tenebrae vs Knightfall Vader
Corran Horn vs Aurra Sing
Joruus C’baoth vs Saesee Tiin

Location: Kolar’s garden


Random matches Empty Re: Random matches

March 1st 2021, 10:32 am

Random matches Empty Re: Random matches

March 1st 2021, 10:38 am
Satele Shan
Jacen Solo
TPM Maul
Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor
Darth Krayt
Knightfall Vader
Aurra Sing
Joruus C’baoth

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March 1st 2021, 11:55 am
Jacen in a great fight
Jango easily
Either way
Tenebrae.... stops at TPM Anakin
If Tiin gets close he wins, if not Joruus
Level One
Level One

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March 1st 2021, 6:28 pm
Vaelias wrote:Satele Shan
Jacen Solo
TPM Maul
Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor
Darth Krayt
Knightfall Vader
Aurra Sing
Joruus C’baoth

Seems fair.
Level Two
Level Two

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March 1st 2021, 6:53 pm
Nadd oneshots
Horn easily

Random matches Empty Re: Random matches

March 1st 2021, 9:03 pm
Satele Shan
Jacen Solo
TPM Maul
Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor
Darth Krayt
Knightfall Vader
Corran Horn
Joruus C’baoth
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

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March 1st 2021, 10:40 pm
Level Seven
Level Seven

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March 2nd 2021, 6:08 am
Darth Nihl vs Satele Shan
Jacen Solo vs Freedon Nadd - Stomp.
Jango Fett vs TPM Maul
Plo Koon vs Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor - Plo if he has his lightsaber, Kar in a stomp if it comes to H2H or a Force battle.
Naga Sadow vs Darth Krayt
Tenebrae vs Knightfall Vader - KFV stomps if original Tenebrae or Vitiate, "Tenebrae" stomps if Echoes or Valkorion.
Corran Horn vs Aurra Sing - No clue.
Joruus C’baoth vs Saesee Tiin
Level Four
Level Four

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March 2nd 2021, 11:58 am
Bro this Tiin betrayal is unacceptable
Level One
Level One

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March 2nd 2021, 12:47 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Jango easily

Ok I'll bite, why?

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March 2nd 2021, 1:22 pm
Greatly challenges Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn's superior Random matches 1289255181
Level One
Level One

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March 2nd 2021, 1:38 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:Greatly challenges Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn's superior Random matches 1289255181

But he didn't, Mace stomped him.

Level Five
Level Five

Random matches Empty Re: Random matches

March 2nd 2021, 1:39 pm
Darth Nihl vs Satele Shan
Jacen Solo vs Freedon Nadd
Jango Fett vs TPM Maul
Plo Koon vs Haruun Kal! Kar Vastor
Naga Sadow vs Darth Krayt
Tenebrae vs Knightfall Vader
Corran Horn vs Aurra Sing
Joruus C’baoth vs Saesee Tiin Don't know

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March 2nd 2021, 2:12 pm
If deflecting 4 blaster bolts is considered a challenge for Mace then he really does suck.
Level Three
Level Three

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March 2nd 2021, 2:14 pm
Mace sucks yes

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March 2nd 2021, 2:40 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:Greatly challenges Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn's superior Random matches 1289255181

But he didn't, Mace stomped him.

Mace noted that Jango is the deadliest man in the galaxy, thereby conceding inferiority, which shows that Jango only lost due to his jetpack malfunction 

On a realer note:
Level One
Level One

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March 2nd 2021, 3:41 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:Greatly challenges Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn's superior Random matches 1289255181

But he didn't, Mace stomped him.

Mace noted that Jango is the deadliest man in the galaxy, thereby conceding inferiority, which shows that Jango only lost due to his jetpack malfunction 

On a realer note:

Deadliest man in the galaxy compared to who at the time that Mace himself would know? Even then this would only apply to Non-Force Sensitives, since they fight completely different compared to a Force User. Even taking that into account, that still means jack all considering Mace completely wasted him even after noting that fact.

Also making a mistake in a combat situation means the death of anyone, that literally doesn't matter as a negative point to Mace because it applies to anyone. Jango also made a mistake and he was swiftly killed. The best of the best soldier in an army could make a single mistake and that ends up being the death of them.  He decided it's a good idea to jetpack straight within 5 feet of a guy wielding something that could cut him in two. This both costing him his jetpack and his life, when he could have done anything better in that situation.

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March 2nd 2021, 4:59 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:Greatly challenges Mace Windu, Qui Gon Jinn's superior Random matches 1289255181

But he didn't, Mace stomped him.

Mace noted that Jango is the deadliest man in the galaxy, thereby conceding inferiority, which shows that Jango only lost due to his jetpack malfunction 

On a realer note:

Deadliest man in the galaxy compared to who at the time that Mace himself would know? Even then this would only apply to Non-Force Sensitives, since they fight completely different compared to a Force User. Even taking that into account, that still means jack all considering Mace completely wasted him even after noting that fact.

Also making a mistake in a combat situation means the death of anyone, that literally doesn't matter as a negative point to Mace because it applies to anyone. Jango also made a mistake and he was swiftly killed. The best of the best soldier in an army could make a single mistake and that ends up being the death of them.  He decided it's a good idea to jetpack straight within 5 feet of a guy wielding something that could cut him in two. This both costing him his jetpack and his life, when he could have done anything better in that situation.
Said "mistake" only cost him his life because he was interrupted mid-fight, not because of anything Windu did Random matches 1668617588

Source for the quote only applying to non-forceusers?

Also Mace has frequently been hit or stabbed or similar during engagements. One mistake =/= death, we have frequent examples of characters continuing forwards despite dropping their guard for a moment. For example when Mace got stabbed through the gut by Depa and still won the fight Random matches 1289255181
Level One
Level One

Random matches Empty Re: Random matches

March 2nd 2021, 5:48 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Said "mistake" only cost him his life because he was interrupted mid-fight, not because of anything Windu did Random matches 1668617588

Source for the quote only applying to non-forceusers?

Also Mace has frequently been hit or stabbed or similar during engagements. One mistake =/= death, we have frequent examples of characters continuing forwards despite dropping their guard for a moment. For example when Mace got stabbed through the gut by Depa and still won the fight Random matches 1289255181

He still thought it was a good idea to get within melee distance of a guy who's trained in close quarters combat and is one of the best in all of the Order's history and he should have known the situation on the ground and that there were wild beasts roaming about. For supposedly being the greatest BH at the time, he didn't take the time to analyze the situation, it's not like Windu was going anywhere and he still had plenty of options other than landing directly infront of him with just one blaster pistol.

Because Jango is a Non-Force User himself? You can't make a comparison to a Force User and Non-Force User, the way they fight and operate is completely different. One has a blade and mystical abilities, the other has gadgetry and blasters.

But sure if you want to apply it to a broad sense, it still doesn't mean much considering Jango still got beheaded either way.

I never specified that it could take one mistake to get killed, just that A mistake could end up costing someone's life.

That even being said, considering who Maul is, I don't see why he also wouldn't be able to give a fight to Mace anyway, certainly much longer than Jango did, which was seconds at best. I mean if Jango challenged Mace as by what you bring up, then why is that an impossibility for Maul? Then adding to the fact Maul is far more a ruthless combatant, not seeing why Jango wins.

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March 3rd 2021, 10:07 am
Jango is also trained and skilled in close quarters, it just so happened he was using ranged weaponry and got killed by an unexpected malfunction Random matches 1289255181. Also you're completely neglecting the circumstances of why Jango went down in the first place. The greatest jedi besides Yoda was distracted fighting a reek and lost his lightsaber, so attacking while he's vulnerable is actually a perfectly reasonable move. 

Where are you getting this from? This argument was only meant as a joke but your logic for why it doesn't count is heavily flawed. Just because they have different fighting styles doesn't mean they can't be compared lol. Infact there's multiple nonforceusers who have been compared to jedi in the past

Random matches NuD1r1lMXU4ML0GxegjdXD12uf8reJ2nJUYkKrIcph6sjjXgwABeeQRJSuLOml_7MCygO92C6LYIN9iMZDkHq8K8iRG-egg5zoTl

Due to a malfunction yes Random matches 2266747095

Yes in general a mistake can cost you your life. If Luke Skywalker trips and falls down a stairway he can break his neck. Doesn't mean its likely to happen. Mace is specifically talking about the fact that Jango will kill him if he does a mistake

"Who Maul is" The most notorious failure in Star Wars?
Level One
Level One

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March 3rd 2021, 10:28 am
Yeah a reasonable move, but why did he have to land and go for Mace's lightsaber to begin with? Jango had the perfect chance to just blast Mace from the air or as he landed, or wrap him up with his whipcord, or fire a missile at him or using his flamethrower. Yet he decides it's a good idea to first land on the ground and dive for the weapon....ok that's smart. Jango could have went with anything else, any better option and that's what he decides to go with.

Kir Kanos isn't exactly a Non-Force Sensitive, but I'll drop the point.

Also I'd have to regard that quote from Shatterpoint, because it was from a dream and often reality is way different than a dream. In reality, what happened is Jango was beheaded and quickly dispatched as per both the movie shows and the novel. Even in the dream sequence, it wasn't even in the context of a fight, but rather Mace killing Dooku.

Hell even the AotC novel makes no mention of Jango's jetpack even malfunctioning, Jango still used it after the Reek. So regardless of the jetpack or not, it wouldn't help Jango at all.

Finally, the huge bullish creature swayed, and Jango wisely rolled out the far side, opposite Mace, as the beast collapsed.The Jedi was on him immediately, lightsaber weaving through the air. Jango dodged and lifted into the air with his rockets, trying to keep one step ahead of that deadly blade and to occasionally fire a bolt at Mace.

The man was good, Mace had to admit. Very good, and more than once the Jedi had to parry desperately to turn a bolt aside. He kept up his offensive flurry, though, keeping Jango on the defensive with sudden stabs and slashing cuts.

One misstep...And then it happened, all of a sudden. Mace started to slash to the left, cut it short and stabbed straight out, then reversed his grip and sent the lightsaber slashing across, left to right. He spun a complete circuit, coming around to parry a blaster shot, but there was no shot forthcoming. That left to right reversal had cleanly landed. Jango Fett's head flew free of his shoulders and fell out of his helmet, to settle in the dirt."

--Attack of the Clones

You can hang upon this singular sentence of Mace "desperately parrying" all you want and a dream sequence that is different than reality and in a non context fight. But the fact is, Jango was on the defensive the whole time, this 'fight' if you really want to call it that, lasted no more than mere seconds and he was decapitated.

All evidence points to the fact that Mace stomped Jango and I don't see why he wins against Maul because of this, let alone easy.

But I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this point.

Also now that I think of it, where is this "one mistake" thing even coming from? It is coming from the AoTC novel? Because that's not what it was talking about, the one misstep was in regards to Mace completely decapitating Jango when he was moving to parry a blaster shot, but instead found Jango's head. It's clearly referring to that since Mace spun around to parry a blaster shot, but didn't find one.
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