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Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 18th 2021, 4:35 pm

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 18th 2021, 4:48 pm
He’s one of the most powerful sith of the era

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 18th 2021, 5:00 pm
So was Bandon

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 18th 2021, 5:34 pm
Going Sion assuming that he has his immortality.

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 3:52 am
Sion served in Malak's Sith Empire, by which time he was already "dead" (having been struck down during Exar Kun's reign). Bandon is canonically the second most powerful Sith in Malak's Sith Empire, right behind Malak himself. Sion already had his immorality by this point, and yet Bandon was chosen over Sion to serve as Malak's apprentice, with many Sith at the academy believing Bandon would soon be able to challenge Malak for the title of Master.

As much of a joke as most people consider Bandon, I'm pretty sure he's just canonically above Sion, even given Sion's immortality.

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 7:26 am
KingKopecz wrote:So was Bandon

I don’t think Bandon is included in the quote

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 7:35 am
Vaelias wrote:
KingKopecz wrote:So was Bandon

I don’t think Bandon is included in the quote
What quote?

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 7:44 am
KingKopecz wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
KingKopecz wrote:So was Bandon

I don’t think Bandon is included in the quote
What quote?

Three lords stood above all others: Darth Nihilus, whose hunger devoured all life around him; Darth Sion, whose shattered body was held together by hatred; and Darth Traya, once a Jedi Master but now the Lord of Betrayal.
-The Old Republic: Codex Entry: Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 7:51 am
Bandon was also said to be second to Malak.

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 8:25 am
KingKopecz wrote:Bandon was also said to be second to Malak.


Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 9:27 am
Darth Bandon.

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 9:44 am
Vaelias wrote:
KingKopecz wrote:Bandon was also said to be second to Malak.

He's Malak's shadow hand and therefore is second only to him

Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide: wrote:A Shadow Hand's expertise in cruelty, trickery, and the dark side are second only to the Master-for now.

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 5:11 pm
Underachiever599 wrote:Sion served in Malak's Sith Empire, by which time he was already "dead" (having been struck down during Exar Kun's reign). Bandon is canonically the second most powerful Sith in Malak's Sith Empire, right behind Malak himself. Sion already had his immorality by this point, and yet Bandon was chosen over Sion to serve as Malak's apprentice, with many Sith at the academy believing Bandon would soon be able to challenge Malak for the title of Master.

As much of a joke as most people consider Bandon, I'm pretty sure he's just canonically above Sion, even given Sion's immortality.

Where was in stated that many at the Academy thought that Bandon would soon challenge Malak? Was that in the game, or a source/supplemental book?

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 5:21 pm

In time, Bandon may even challenge Malak for the mantle of Dark Lord, for this is the way of the Sith: the strong must rule, and when the apprentice surpasses the Master, the Master must fall.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Prima Guide

Some in the Sith hierarchy wondered if Bandon would someday rise to challenge Malak for the mantle of Dark Lord, for that was the way of the Sith: the strong must rule, and when the apprentice surpasses the Master, the Master must fall.

Star Wars Databanks: Darth Bandon

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 7:31 pm
Tybalt wrote:@nfactor1995

In time, Bandon may even challenge Malak for the mantle of Dark Lord, for this is the way of the Sith: the strong must rule, and when the apprentice surpasses the Master, the Master must fall.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Prima Guide

Some in the Sith hierarchy wondered if Bandon would someday rise to challenge Malak for the mantle of Dark Lord, for that was the way of the Sith: the strong must rule, and when the apprentice surpasses the Master, the Master must fall.

Star Wars Databanks: Darth Bandon

That is just the way the sith work though that doesn’t mean Bandon is currently in a position to challenge Malak, Maul was meant to one day challenge Sidious doesn’t mean he is close to him, 12 year old Zannah was meant to surpass Bane it doesn’t mean she’s close to achieving that

This doesn’t really prove anything

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 9:25 pm
@Vaelias nfactor1995 asked where the information came from. Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion 1289255181
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion Empty Re: Darth Bandon vs Darth Sion

January 19th 2021, 11:41 pm
bandon easily
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