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Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 4th 2021, 1:57 pm
Round 1: Darth Andeddu
Round 2: XoXaan
Round 3: Karness Muur
Round 4: Remulus Dreypa
Round 5: Sorzus Syn
Round 6: Ajunta Pall
Round 7: Ludo Kressh
Round 8: Naga Sadow
Round 9: Marka Ragnos
Round 10: Freedon Nadd
Round 11: Ulic Qel Droma
Round 12: Exar Kun
Assume living incarnation for Muur (to prevent Krayt fanboys from having him stop at 3 Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet 4233314142 )
How far does he get?

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 4th 2021, 2:49 pm
Dreypa>Muur again, eh? Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet 815462187

Is Andeddu considered an Ancient Sith?

Does he benefit from Traya and Avellone's statements regarding the Ancients? Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet 2208776636

Last edited by VictreebelVictr on January 4th 2021, 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 4th 2021, 3:48 pm
Clears easily and can 1 shot the whole gauntlet at once.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 4th 2021, 4:26 pm
3 Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet 1019854026
The Merchant
The Merchant

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 2:56 am
Going by feats, solos. Taking Trayas words at absolute face value, stops at Ajunta Pall.

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 8:06 am
Hmm. I will try to make a case for both camps.

It is true that the ancient Sith were pioneers of numerous dark side abilities including Sith Lightning and Force Drain applications. Naga Sadow is also hinted to have knowledge and command of the (Drain Force) application in D20 sourcebooks much like Darth Revan who in turn learned from the ancients and taught his handpicked assassins. Darth Traya also benefitted from the legacy of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. However, being a Sith Lord and having an axe to grind, she was manipulating Meetra Surik to desired ends as well.

Darth Nihilus became one of the greatest masters of the Force Drain applications TBF, and this makes him a very dangerous foe to contend with. One counter to him is to mask the Force-signature and then strike at him (stealthy attributes). Incredible proficiency in Sith Sorcery will do otherwise. It depends.

The list of those who can take him out assuredly is small in my view.
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 8:54 am
Hard stop at 2

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 9:21 am

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 9:23 am
Round 7.

Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

January 6th 2021, 10:51 am
some issues with the order but dies to Kressh
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Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet Empty Re: Darth Nihilus runs the Ancient Sith gauntlet

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