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★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 4:47 am
★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Cc

Challenge 4:

Make a case for how a forceuser from the Bane-trilogy could beat Darth Nihl

The only banned characters here are Bane, Zannah and Cognus, other than that pick whoever you want. 

Time limit is the 19. November

Have fun!

Last edited by Nute_Chethray on November 11th 2020, 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Trayus Marauder
Trayus Marauder

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 8:55 am
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)

I'll keep this brief and right to the point. To summarise how Kas'im wins, it boils down to two essential factors:

1. Kas'im was able to shield against Bane's force wave which had the capability of turning a force user into a pulp and could destroy the Temple of the Ancients. Considering Nihl's feats, he wouldn't be able to output enough force damage to stop Kas'im.

Path of Destruction wrote:The concussive blast had enough power to shatter every bone in Kas'im's body and pulverize his flesh into a mass of pulpy liquid. But at the last possible instant he threw up a shield to protect himself from the attack.

2. Kas'im dueling is far better than Nihl. He is credited with knowing all 7 forms and having mastered these forms to be one of the best duelists to ever live (from a technical point of view).

Path of Destruction wrote:Kas'im had trained his entire life for this moment. After years of study, he'd mastered all seven forms of the lightsaber. Then he'd honed his skill for decades, perfecting every move and sequence until he had become the perfect weapon and the greatest living swordsman in the galaxy. Maybe the greatest swordsman ever.

Path of Destruction wrote: Kas'im's form and technique were flawless.

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 10:33 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Does Cognus count?

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 1:12 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Nihl is much weaker than Krayt and Wyyrlok.

Krayt at this time is vastly inferior to Karness Muur, Karness Muur is one of the Exiles, the Exiles showed significant inferiority to the KOTOR sith given that Malak operates the star force to 300% and The Exiles couldn’t figure out how to use it.

Bane Learnt everything from Darth Revan and Freedon Nadds Holocrons and had the biggest collection of sith artifacts and teachings since the ancient sith

But the orbalisk research was only the beginning. Freedon Nadd had been a Jedi who turned to the dark side as the apprentice of Naga Sadow, the former ruler of the ancient Sith Empire. Sadow's power had been so great, it had allowed him to survive for six centuries, fueled by the energies of the dark side. As his apprentice, Nadd had absorbed all his knowledge and teachings, transferring them into the Holocron before murdering Sadow and taking his place. Not surprisingly, most of the information inside the Holocron was hidden, locked away in the depths of its crystalline structure where it could be accessed only through time, meditation, and careful study. It would take many months, maybe even years, before Bane could lay claim to its greatest secrets.
Darth Bane: Rule of Two

Punching in the digits, he gently pushed the door open and stepped into the building that served as his private library. The interior consisted of a single square room, five meters on each side, lit only by a single soft light hanging from the ceiling. The walls were lined by shelves overflowing with the scrolls, tomes, and manuscripts he had assembled over the years: the teachings of the ancient Sith.
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil

Revan had been a true Sith Lord, unlike the simpering Masters who bowed to Kaan and his Brotherhood. And soon all his knowledge-his understanding of the dark side-would belong to Bane.
—Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Given that this is pretty early on its safe to assume that by the time of the Duel on Tython he had absorbed all the knowledge from these Holocrons, putting Bane above Freedon Nadd or are least in the same ball park
Especially given that Bane is on a Planetary scale of power which far exceeds anything the Exiles can do or even most KOTOR/SWTOR sith.
Babes power is Planetary

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★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 77d0a610

Also Given that Muur has been depicted blasting Krayt himself about the place id say it’s a given that Nihl would well be in the ragdoll range for Muur and could be one shot by someone like Malak or Revan

The Jedi who fought Bane on Tython are inferior to Lord Hoth, and they are still out of Ragdoll rage seeing as how they held their own for a bit, this means Hoth is definitely out of ragdoll Range for Bane likely being more on Banes level than anyone else’s seeing as he has been easily chopping through sith on Ruusan for 2 years and is one of the orders best Jedi

So if Hoth is not in Ragdoll range for Bane who is more powerful than the KOTOR sith he’s defiantly more powerful than someone who is Ragdoll Range for Muur who is below the KOTOR sith by a significant margin

Bane >> Hoth >>> Darth Revan >>>>>>>>Ajunta Pall > Sorzus Syn > Karness Muur >>>Vong Krayt >>> Wyyrlok >>> Nihl

Nihl is definitely in Ragdoll range for Hoth

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 1:19 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:Does Cognus count?
Good catch, and thanks for asking beforehand. No Cognus would be banned as well. Was a mistake on my part ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 1289255181

Also great job so far people!

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 2:41 pm
There’s no way Lord Hoth is above Vong Krayt or Darth Revan

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 2:42 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Sith Archivist wrote:Does Cognus count?
Good catch, and thanks for asking beforehand. No Cognus would be banned as well. Was a mistake on my part ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 1289255181

Also great job so far people!
Aight, I’ll try coming up with an explanation shortly.
Level Four
Level Four

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 3:02 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
KingofBlades wrote:
[size=34]Bane >> Hoth >>> Darth Revan[/size]

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 1289255181

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 4:03 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:@Vaelias
There’s no way Lord Hoth is above Vong Krayt or Darth Revan

Well seeing as VK is below Karness Muur it’s pretty likely

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 4:36 pm
And why is Hoth above Muur?
Level Three
Level Three

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 6:10 pm
ok, ngl, but i think that no bane characters can beat nihl, if they arent bane, zannah, and cognus lol like, i legit see khan struggling (was that his name?)

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 11th 2020, 9:16 pm
Really like @Vaelias's idea, good stuff, keep working and you can go pretty high imo ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 3344068304

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 4:38 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I’ll go with Raskta Lsu.
While she doesn’t have the most force feats, she’s still a powerful force user based off of the feats she has.
While amped by BM, Lsu was able to create a force barrier that defended her from orbalisk Bane’s force repulse.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Bane bellowed in rage as his weapon slipped from his grasp, the wound leaving his fingers limp and powerless. But before Johun or any of the others had a chance to finish off their unarmed opponent, they were blown backward by an explosion of dark side energy, their enemy's power fueled by the sharp, sudden pain of his wound.
Lying on the ground ten meters away, Johun watched in helpless horror as the Dark Lord's lightsaber leapt from the floor and flew back into his hand. Amazingly, his fingers wrapped themselves around the hilt and reignited the crimson blade, his injuries somehow healing almost instantly.
There was no longer anyone standing between Bane and the Ithorian; like Johun, Farfalla and Raskta had both been thrown clear. The Sith Lord raised his blade to end Worror's life, and Johun thrust out with the Force.
He knew he wasn't strong enough to penetrate Bane's defenses, but the big man wasn't his target. Instead, the powerful push struck Worror, throwing him into the corner as the lightsaber strike that would have cut him in two swished harmlessly through the air.
Johun felt his strength and energy plummet, A wave of exhaustion and fatigue overwhelmed him, the beneficial effects of the battle meditation vanishing as Worror's concentration was broken. But the Jedi Master was still alive, and Farfalla and Raskta were back on their feet.
Orbalisk Bane’s force abilities are capable of disintegrating technobeasts.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Bane thrust out with the Force, and a dozen of the oncoming creatures exploded into dust and tiny flecks of small, twisted metal.
That enemy vanquished, he used the Force to disintegrate two more advancing technobeasts, then felt something bump against his foot.
Lsu is possibly one of the best duelists in all of Star Wars. She has killed more Sith than the thought bomb and the thought bomb killed thousands.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Wielding a blue-bladed lightsaber in each hand, and shunning any form of armor, she was a terrifying figure to behold on the battlefield. Johun vividly remembered her carving great swaths of destruction through the heart of the enemy ranks, leaving a litter of bodies in her wake. It was said that, by the end of the war, as many Sith Lords had fallen under her twin blades as had been killed by the thought bomb.
Dark Forces wrote:More than a thousand highly trained minds were focused on a single task.
Lsu was able to land 6 strikes on orbalisk Bane’s abdomen while amped by BM.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:As they burst into the room a man who could only have been Darth Bane charged recklessly toward them. In any other instance the move would have spelled a quick end to the encounter, as Raskta raced ahead of Farfalla to carve the Sith to pieces.
Raska's blue blades flickered too quickly for the eye to see, neutralizing her enemy's initial, wild attack then landing half a dozen lethal blows to his chest and abdomen.
The average running speed for a human is 6.7m/s. For Lsu to land 6 strikes on Bane before he closed roughly a 2m gap she would’ve roughly had the speed of 20.1 strikes per second. This would be an underestimate since Bane would obviously be a lot faster than the average human. Overall, Lsu is possibly a Grievous level duelist.
Revenge of the Sith wrote:The electrodrivers powering Grievous's mechanical arms let each of the four attack thrice in a single second; integrated by combat algorithms in the bio-droid's electronic network of peripheral processors, each of the twelve strikes per second came from a different angle with different speed and intensity, an unpredictably broken rhythm of slashes, chops, and stabs of which every single one could take Obi-Wan's life.

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 6:16 am
KingofBlades wrote:
[size=34]Bane >> Hoth >>> Darth Revan[/size]
Please try  provide constructive critisism to people if you comment on their posts. 

Although I just realised I'm supposed to delete non-related comments anyways ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 1668617588

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 11:25 am
No one from the Bane trilogy can beat Nihl, though (including the banned characters). ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 1220391476

As usual, Bane dies.

Level Four
Level Four

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 11:47 am
Nihl dies to the Cerean Jedi from the start of DOE

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 11:52 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Nihl dies to Fohargh

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 1:34 pm
Bart wrote:Really like @Vaelias's idea, good stuff, keep working and you can go pretty high imo ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge 3344068304

Thanks Bud

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 1:36 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:@Vaelias 
And why is Hoth above Muur?

Cos he’s not in Ragdoll range for Bane
Who is far above Muur
Than then Nihl is far below Muur
So Hoth should quite easily ragdoll Nihl

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 1:44 pm
Muur wrecks PoD Bane

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 2:03 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:@Vaelias
Muur wrecks PoD Bane

Explain plz

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 2:04 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:Nihl dies to Fohargh


★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 2:04 pm
He’s too inexperienced and could barely beat Kas’im

★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 2:16 pm
Sith Archivist wrote:@Vaelias
He’s too inexperienced and could barely beat Kas’im

Kas’im still mastered all forms of combat, the BoD aren’t That bad they have about 6000 years of growth between them and Exiles and they were never stated to have grown weaker they are stated to have stagnated which means they are likely on the same level as the mid tier dark council member which isn’t too bad


★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge Empty Re: ★ Canon Conundrums - Fourth Challenge

November 12th 2020, 2:19 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Sith Archivist wrote:I’ll go with Raskta Lsu.
While she doesn’t have the most force feats, she’s still a powerful force user based off of the feats she has.
While amped by BM, Lsu was able to create a force barrier that defended her from orbalisk Bane’s force repulse.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Bane bellowed in rage as his weapon slipped from his grasp, the wound leaving his fingers limp and powerless. But before Johun or any of the others had a chance to finish off their unarmed opponent, they were blown backward by an explosion of dark side energy, their enemy's power fueled by the sharp, sudden pain of his wound.
Lying on the ground ten meters away, Johun watched in helpless horror as the Dark Lord's lightsaber leapt from the floor and flew back into his hand. Amazingly, his fingers wrapped themselves around the hilt and reignited the crimson blade, his injuries somehow healing almost instantly.
There was no longer anyone standing between Bane and the Ithorian; like Johun, Farfalla and Raskta had both been thrown clear. The Sith Lord raised his blade to end Worror's life, and Johun thrust out with the Force.
He knew he wasn't strong enough to penetrate Bane's defenses, but the big man wasn't his target. Instead, the powerful push struck Worror, throwing him into the corner as the lightsaber strike that would have cut him in two swished harmlessly through the air.
Johun felt his strength and energy plummet, A wave of exhaustion and fatigue overwhelmed him, the beneficial effects of the battle meditation vanishing as Worror's concentration was broken. But the Jedi Master was still alive, and Farfalla and Raskta were back on their feet.
Orbalisk Bane’s force abilities are capable of disintegrating technobeasts.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Bane thrust out with the Force, and a dozen of the oncoming creatures exploded into dust and tiny flecks of small, twisted metal.
That enemy vanquished, he used the Force to disintegrate two more advancing technobeasts, then felt something bump against his foot.
Lsu is possibly one of the best duelists in all of Star Wars. She has killed more Sith than the thought bomb and the thought bomb killed thousands.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:Wielding a blue-bladed lightsaber in each hand, and shunning any form of armor, she was a terrifying figure to behold on the battlefield. Johun vividly remembered her carving great swaths of destruction through the heart of the enemy ranks, leaving a litter of bodies in her wake. It was said that, by the end of the war, as many Sith Lords had fallen under her twin blades as had been killed by the thought bomb.
Dark Forces wrote:More than a thousand highly trained minds were focused on a single task.
Lsu was able to land 6 strikes on orbalisk Bane’s abdomen while amped by BM.
Darth Bane: rule of two wrote:As they burst into the room a man who could only have been Darth Bane charged recklessly toward them. In any other instance the move would have spelled a quick end to the encounter, as Raskta raced ahead of Farfalla to carve the Sith to pieces.
Raska's blue blades flickered too quickly for the eye to see, neutralizing her enemy's initial, wild attack then landing half a dozen lethal blows to his chest and abdomen.
The average running speed for a human is 6.7m/s. For Lsu to land 6 strikes on Bane before he closed roughly a 2m gap she would’ve roughly had the speed of 20.1 strikes per second. This would be an underestimate since Bane would obviously be a lot faster than the average human. Overall, Lsu is possibly a Grievous level duelist.
Revenge of the Sith wrote:The electrodrivers powering Grievous's mechanical arms let each of the four attack thrice in a single second; integrated by combat algorithms in the bio-droid's electronic network of peripheral processors, each of the twelve strikes per second came from a different angle with different speed and intensity, an unpredictably broken rhythm of slashes, chops, and stabs of which every single one could take Obi-Wan's life.

Good analysis kinda help my argument too seeing as Hoth is Lsu’s superior I wouldn’t put either of them on grievous level tho, Grievous > everyone
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