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The End of an Era  Empty The End of an Era

June 24th 2019, 10:43 pm
The End of an Era  Esb10

Written by Pablo Hidalgo in Star Wars Insider 72. Credit to @Jake.

Key question: Do we take this to mean even AOTC Anakin has "seriously" "greater skill and power" than Vader given this was written in 2003, or do you think Pablo's referencing the ongoing production of ROTS, which Pablo would be monitoring and giving updates on for
Level One
Level One

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 24th 2019, 10:49 pm
Stated by Hidalgo, echoed by Lucas. Something we all knew deep down.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 24th 2019, 11:46 pm
I'd hesitate to use this as concrete evidence for AotC Anakin's superiority.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 12:43 am
So we are to actually assume all of the PT Jedi are > Ben, Vader, and Luke?

How low this brigade has fallen.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 12:46 am
I wouldn't say that's what Pablo's getting at.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 2:11 am
Where's that quote where Vader is reminded of his younger self whilst fighting Luke? (And getting beaten)
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 2:27 am
It's an author quote anyway, so I wouldn't give it any stock.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 2:28 am
In-sidiousvader wrote:So we are to actually assume all of the PT Jedi are > Ben, Vader, and Luke?

How low this brigade has fallen.

AotC Anakin is superior to pretty much all council members except the obvious.... on a good day anyway.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 3:02 am
Ngl, if I saw the movies only this is the exact impression that I would get.

I guess it just comes down to whether you value the movies or the EU more
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 3:04 am
Given canon policy points to the one that wasn't nuked like 7 years ago...

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 3:17 am
Azronger wrote:It's an author quote anyway, so I wouldn't give it any stock.

The author being . . . Hidalgo?
Level Three
Level Three

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 4:11 am
But it says “as a young man”, it doesn’t specifically talk about a particular version of Anakin. I don’t understand why you think it is AOTC Anakin, it could mean ROTS Anakin.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 5:41 am
It came out before ROTS, although I’m open to the idea it’s still referring to ROTS given ROTS was currently being made.
Level Three
Level Three

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 5:47 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:It came out before ROTS, although I’m open to the idea it’s still referring to ROTS given ROTS was currently being made.
Ah sorry, I hadn’t read the “key question” carefully. I do hold Vader above AOTC Anakin, especially given some of the feats he has even during the Dark Times era. Furthermore there’s the George Lucas quote about Dooku, Maul and Vader being comparable. Just out of curiosity, why did you name the thread “the end of an era”?
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 6:49 am
The Lucas quote certainly does not mean Vader is comparable to the other two apprentices.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 6:59 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:
Azronger wrote:It's an author quote anyway, so I wouldn't give it any stock.

The author being . . . Hidalgo?

Who has what authority to dictate canon, exactly?
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 12:03 pm
We have never seen true jedis in action.
- George Lucas

Random geonosis fodder >>> ROTJ Sheev

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 2:20 pm
Azronger wrote:
DarthAnt66 wrote:
Azronger wrote:It's an author quote anyway, so I wouldn't give it any stock.

The author being . . . Hidalgo?

Who has what authority to dictate canon, exactly?

Insider has a segment where Pablo answers questions about continuity. This is in that section.

They're said to be "actual answers to your Star Wars questions." This is a straight-forward OOU source. 

The End of an Era  2019-06-25
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 25th 2019, 2:49 pm
Seeing as Chee took over the segment, they seem to be actual continuity questions and answers. And I didn't initially make note that Hidalgo referenced Lucas for his answer, so the quote seems to be fair game.

As to the question whether it refers to AotC or RotS, I think you can make a case either way.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 26th 2019, 1:44 pm
It's not just AOTC Anakin.

TPM Kenobi, Jinn and Maul are all > Vader.

The EU - intentionally or not - corroborates this by showing Maul rip the Suited Vader a new cybernetic asshole. With Vader managing an upset... TPM Kenobi fashion, with the slight caveat that Kenobi didn't have to stab himself to win and the Mighty Lord Vader did.

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 26th 2019, 2:07 pm
I don't think there's any concrete evidence to suggest it is referring to AOTC Anakin but it's a solid quote nonetheless (regardless of which version of Anakin it is referring to) and a good one to add to the Anakin>Vader collection.
Level Four
Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 26th 2019, 2:22 pm
Still better than Malgus & Maul.
The Witness
The Witness

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 26th 2019, 2:32 pm
@Darthant66 Keep in mind Pablo has also written those head to head vs books which had Kit Fisto>Maul, Vader>Yoda, AOTC Obi Wan>Dooku, Kylo Ren>Luke Skywalker
Level One
Level One

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 29th 2019, 1:49 am
I guess Vader>Yoda now since we are taking Pablo's word seriously The End of an Era  1076326320
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

June 29th 2019, 1:56 am
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The End of an Era  Empty Re: The End of an Era

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