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The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 5:09 pm
Full hype for esb Luke
Round 1: AOTC

Round 2: Rots Dooku

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 5:15 pm
Both slaughter him.
The Witness
The Witness

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 5:39 pm
The Cosmic Force wrote:Both slaughter him.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 5:40 pm
This bait...
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 5:59 pm
Also, Dooku slaughters.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 6:35 pm
This is not a bait thread, ESB Luke is incredible this is certainly not the stomp you all think it is. At worst a fair ranking for luke is AOTC Anakin level who tagged dooku I
Per the script, I would hardly call that kind of skill and fighting ability a stomp

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 6:50 pm
The AOTC Anakin fight had context. Not to mention Dooku performs better in the movie (he almost instantly starts driving Anakin back) than in the script and the movie is > the script per the official canon policy. This isn't even considering the fact that by all accounts Anakin should be better than Luke. He had more time to train, higher potential, etc.

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 9:40 pm

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 12th 2019, 11:32 pm
ISV has shed his limitations
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 3:42 am
Level One
Level One

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 4:36 am
Base Aotc Anakin got ragdolled by a weaker Dooku, enraged he did fairly well. Luke is probably below the former and gets wasted here, especially considering this Dooku is superior to his Attack of the Clones version.

Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 5:04 am
In-sidiousvader wrote:This is not a bait thread, ESB Luke is incredible this is certainly not the stomp you all think it is. At worst a fair ranking for luke is AOTC Anakin level who tagged dooku I
Per the script, I would hardly call that kind of skill and fighting ability a stomp

Anakin was arguably enraged. Also, what’s stopping Dooku from one shotting Luke? Especially since Luke was struggling against random objects being thrown at him.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 3:14 pm
MP wrote:
In-sidiousvader wrote:This is not a bait thread, ESB Luke is incredible this is certainly not the stomp you all think it is. At worst a fair ranking for luke is AOTC Anakin level who tagged dooku I
Per the script, I would hardly call that kind of skill and fighting ability a stomp

Anakin was arguably enraged. Also, what’s stopping Dooku from one shotting Luke? Especially since Luke was struggling against random objects being thrown at him.
I doubt most Jedi could do better than Luke did when fighting Vader, again going back to the asajj ventress vs TCW Anakin fight from the micro series he is incapable of dodging or blocking the bricks asajj throws at him, so while I agree Yoda could be unfazed by the tactics Vader employed, I do not think that an opponent of the caliber I specified [AOTC Anakin] should be downplayed for his performance against the boxes and machinery.

Last edited by In-sidiousvader on June 13th 2019, 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 3:16 pm
In-sidiousvader wrote:Full hype for esb Luke
Round 1: AOTC
C canon only
Round 2: Rots Dooku

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 3:57 pm

Anakin was arguably enraged.

The quotes that say he was enraged made no mention of his rage being sustained throughout the fight and only mention the start of it where Anakin and Dooku first clash blades. The fact is rage can and has manifested itself in short bursts. So no Anakin pushing Dooku back was perfectly legitimate as was him holding his own for a decent portion of time (granted there is some context).

Last edited by The Chosen One on June 13th 2019, 7:40 pm; edited 4 times in total
Level One
Level One

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 4:03 pm
Lol is that a joke
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 13th 2019, 11:48 pm
I mean the thing is, the hype I speak of puts luke above Ben at the least and also possibly above Dooku.
Level Three
Level Three

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 14th 2019, 1:03 am
Luke’s exact level of skill as of ESB is difficult to determine, but Dooku should win every time with little difficulty. I don’t think it’s a stomp, but still fairly one-sided in Dooku’s favor.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 14th 2019, 1:41 am
@The Chosen One

The Chosen One wrote:The quotes that say he was enraged made no mention of his rage being sustained throughout the fight and only mention the start of it where Anakin and Dooku first clash blades. The fact is rage can and has manifested itself in short bursts. So no Anakin pushing Dooku back was perfectly legitimate as was him holding his own for a decent portion of time (granted there is some context).

I said it was arguable, since we don't know when he was using rage during the fight, how long, it's overall help etc.

End of ESB Luke might be able to do the same thing against AotC Dooku as Anakin: give him a little "unusual" trouble, but nothing he can't handle. That's IF Dooku decides he wants to resort to sabers, AS WELL as deciding he wants to toy around.
Level Four
Level Four

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 14th 2019, 3:36 am
Dooku cuts his brachiradialis open and Luke bleeds to death Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS 1220391476
Quorian Debatist
Level One
Level One

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 14th 2019, 4:45 pm
In-sidiousvader wrote:I mean the thing is, the hype I speak of puts luke above Ben at the least and also possibly above Dooku.

Now I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy over here, but I don't believe such proof exists, or at least not in the capacity you present it as.

I don't take promises that things exist as me being wrong either. You made this thread in confidence, and you have threatened with proof. The next step is for you to either provide said proof, or concede and let everyone make up their own minds as to whether you were lying or not.

Make this thread interesting please ISV and back up your word. Make a fool out of me here.

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 15th 2019, 2:59 am
Luke later conceded inferiority/parity to Ben as of ROTJ himself, not sure if ESB Luke even registers next to Ben
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 15th 2019, 5:00 pm
Dooku's Pinky has more power than ESB Luke tbh.

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 15th 2019, 5:23 pm
LOTL wrote:Luke later conceded inferiority/parity to Ben as of ROTJ himself, not sure if ESB Luke even registers next to Ben

Luke's opinions on Ben aren't at all accurate as he thinks he's like Sidious tier and can destroy Vader with a wave of his hand. Also doesn't this kinda destroy your argument before about Vader's "far more formidable" quote being legit given Luke is canonically equal with ROTJ Vader and if Luke is canonically < Old Ben then Vader obviously can't have grown much?

Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

June 15th 2019, 5:39 pm
Simple comparison. Anakin with the same potential + 10 years of proper training and experience could only give Dooku minor or moderate difficulty depending on the source. Luke despite being his elder by 3 years only had 3 years of informal training. Eitherway Anakin should be better than ESB Luke at this point and he's no match for the Count. Luke might press the Count if he toys with him but the moment he get's serious, Dooku stomps.
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Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS Empty Re: Esb Luke vs Count Dooku ROTS

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