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Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

December 23rd 2019, 3:15 pm

chill .
you don´t see me creating those spoiler titles do you ?!

No, but I see you trying to defend people who created them, and blaming the victims for getting spoiled. That's not okay.

i´m just pointing out that if someone is enough to browse SW related forums before seeing the movie he deserves what is coming to him .

So, they deserve to get spoiled for the movie, even though the obvious presumption is that spoilers will only be in TROS threads, and that there won't be spoilers in the title (cause that's not necessary). You're acting like it's totally unreasonable for someone to not expect spoilers, and that it's totally okay that EC just went and placed spoilers in the title of half a dozen threads. Once again, you should be respectful and considerate of others.

at least i don´t promote and support human stu.pi.di.ty under the false impression of being compassionate like you .

Lol what? I never said that coming on SW forums when a new movie has been released is a good idea, just that spoiling sh*t for people is a scummy thing to do... which it is.

"oh look at me i´m a good guy" nah ...

The fact that your unironically believe that you're position has any merit to it is hilarious.

not to mention trailers are spoiling it enough already and movie itself is a huge mess  ...

The movie being a huge mess isn't grounds for spoiling it. As for the trailers spoiling it, I have no clue what you're referencing as I only watched one trailer, but I'm sure it's probably bullsh*t.

Last edited by The Apprentice on December 23rd 2019, 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

December 23rd 2019, 4:51 pm
You are aware that I changed the titles of the spoiler threads?

Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

December 23rd 2019, 4:54 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:You are aware that I changed the titles of the spoiler threads?

After literally everyone had already seen them.
Level Three
Level Three

Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

December 23rd 2019, 4:55 pm
Ok but I don’t get why you are still complaining about an issue that is resolved.

Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

December 23rd 2019, 4:59 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:Ok but I don’t get why you are still complaining about an issue that is resolved.

I'm not complaining, I was responding to dark_globe to explain to them why what you did was not at all justifiable, because they seem to think otherwise.
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Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers] - Page 3 Empty Re: Rey vs Lord Nyax [Spoilers]

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