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Level Three
Level Three

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 11:24 am
Not too long ago, some argued that the Legends Sources that state that TCW Maul is more powerful than TPM Maul are invalid and non canon on the basis that George Lucas said that Force users like Anakin, when they lose their limbs, have their strength in the Force diminish. So why did Maul grow more powerful while Anakin didn't?
Level Three
Level Three

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 12:32 pm
Lucas and his credibility over legends is almost non-existent at this point. Sidious says that Vaders power loss was mental, for the most part, and other sources in universe in legends say that getting ur body fucked up doesn't make lose power, and that pure will is what gives people power I'm the first place.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 1:22 pm
^ Partly this, but also Vader's situation was different. Maul wasn't burnt to a crisp, so many of his cells were still intact unlike Vader, who ended up looking like an overdone steak. Not only that, but Maul's legs were restored by Talzin, the same person who used her magic to amplify Savage's physical strength as well as his strength in the Force. It's not unreasonable to think that she imbued him somewhat, if the other, more plausible explanation doesn't appeal to you.

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 1:30 pm
^ To add to that Vader was broken psychologically after Mustafar, meanwhile Maul came back filled with desire to kill and reshaped by his near death ordeal. Their situations weren't comparable, Maul got restored to his former strength afterward, and had room for growth, Vader's potential was curbed, he was never had outside factors to bring him back to Anakin level and he was left a broken shell.
Level Three
Level Three

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 1:34 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:Lucas and his credibility over legends is almost non-existent at this point. Sidious says that Vaders power loss was mental, for the most part, and other sources in universe in legends say that getting ur body fucked up doesn't make lose power, and that pure will is what gives people power I'm the first place.

Except that Lucas worked on TCW, he was the dude who decided to bring Maul back from the dead, so I was wondering why Lucas didn't tell Filoni and the creative team to show that Maul's a shadow of his former self like Vader was.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 1:35 pm
Key case of Vader being broken is his fight with Ben. Vader's perspective in Death Star and several other depictions show Vader was still haunted by what happened on Mustafar and it massively hindered his development between ROTS and ANH, where he would have grown massively had he not been hindered. While he did grow somewhat and became a fair bit more powerful post-ANH, it wasn't nearly enough to compensate for his drop from Sidious level to sub-Dooku level at the end of ROTS, and even by ROTJ I'd peg him at Dooku level.

Not to mention he also found out he had a son so he was somewhat torn in his connection to the Dark side from pre-ESB onwards, which would have in theory further hindered his development. 

As HP said, Maul came back renewed and with a burning hatred, not as a cyborg afraid of Obi-Wan (which hindered his growth) and then as someone torn between the Dark Side and Anakin's re-emerging psyche.

Except that Lucas worked on TCW, he was the dude who decided to bring Maul back from the dead, so I was wondering why Lucas didn't tell Filoni and the creative team to show that Maul's a shadow of his former self like Vader was.

Lucas' opinions have massively changed since the days of the OT. I doubt he would still think Vader is nothing compared to MFV, though he would of course still have him quite a bit weaker.
Level Three
Level Three

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 2:31 pm
yeah, lucas isnt reliable at all when it comes to consistency lmaoo
and another thing to take note of, is that most of his power ups come from important, or dangerous, or mental afflicting moments in his life that needed, or made him stronger subconsciously almost- killing obi wan, destruction of the death star, losing to galen marek, learning that he has a son, sheev killing luke, killing his first jedi, killing roan shryne, shit like this.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

November 10th 2019, 2:41 pm
Neither Maul nor Vader lost the power of their spirit, but their midi-chlorian counts were lowered. The strength of Maul's spirit grew, however, whilst Vader's probably didn't.
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Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half? Empty Re: Why didn't Maul lose any of his power after being cut in half?

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