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Level Six
Level Six

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

September 30th 2019, 11:25 am
I agree Perelta though Lamar is an arse. Carth has a good character and background but Lamar is just a fake ass Windu and has his attitude.

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

September 30th 2019, 12:11 pm
Nah I love Vrook too. He can get annoying sure, but he's usually right.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

September 30th 2019, 2:01 pm
PeraltaEagle45 wrote:Carth is a really, really good character with a great arc and development. He's one of only two major characters in the game who doesn't worship at the PC's feet at every opportunity (the other being Vrook Lamar), and they're among the two most hated characters in the game. It just reinforces my theory that most players hate everything that doesn't feed their god-complex in an RPG.

Hmm, maybe Gideon was onto something too when he said the only reason people like Revan is because you're him and everyone worships you.

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 1st 2019, 9:57 am
Azronger wrote:
PeraltaEagle45 wrote:Carth is a really, really good character with a great arc and development. He's one of only two major characters in the game who doesn't worship at the PC's feet at every opportunity (the other being Vrook Lamar), and they're among the two most hated characters in the game. It just reinforces my theory that most players hate everything that doesn't feed their god-complex in an RPG.

Hmm, maybe Gideon was onto something too when he said the only reason people like Revan is because you're him and everyone worships you.

That's definitely a factor, yeah.
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 6th 2019, 7:21 am
1. Kreia
2. HK-47
3. Canderous
4. Jolee
5. Atton
6. Visas
7. Brianna
8. Mission
9. Bastila
10. Mira
11. Bao-Dur
12. Juhani
13. Disciple
14. Hanharr
15. Zaalbar
16. G0-T0
17. T3-M4
18. Carth
Level One
Level One

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 7th 2019, 6:00 pm
Hard to rank, but my favourites are Kreia, HK-47, Canderous Ordo, Atton Rand, Jolee Bindo, Bastila Shan and Bao-Durr

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 7th 2019, 8:41 pm
1. Kreia
2. Canderous Ordo
3. HK-47
4/5/6/7. Bao-Dur / Atton Rand / Carth Onasi / Bastila Shan
8/9/10. Visas Marr / GO-T0 / Jolee Bindo
11/12/13/14. Brianna / Mira / Zaalbar / Mical
15/16. Mission Vao / T3-M4
17/18. Hanharr / Juhani
Level One
Level One

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 2:18 am
Azronger wrote:
PeraltaEagle45 wrote:Carth is a really, really good character with a great arc and development. He's one of only two major characters in the game who doesn't worship at the PC's feet at every opportunity (the other being Vrook Lamar), and they're among the two most hated characters in the game. It just reinforces my theory that most players hate everything that doesn't feed their god-complex in an RPG.

Hmm, maybe Gideon was onto something too when he said the only reason people like Revan is because you're him and everyone worships you
I certainly don't feel that way, considering the Revan I created isn't the real version of him anyway, thanks to SWTOR for giving him a face.
But that is an interesting perspective
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 3:26 am
I mean I like Revan for other reasons too. But I think there is merit to the idea.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 3:38 am
I liked him because of his mystery tbh. They should have maintained that through SWTOR, like they do with Master Chief.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 3:39 am
HellfireUnit wrote:I agree Perelta though Lamar is an arse. Carth has a good character and background but Lamar is just a fake ass Windu and has his attitude.

Vrook is the “conservative” archetypical character, and he plays it well. Of course, he personally pisses me off.
Level One
Level One

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 11:14 am
Not to mention the guy is a bitch when you fight him. He keeps spamming force heal whenever his health is low.

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 11:25 am
Azronger wrote:
PeraltaEagle45 wrote:Carth is a really, really good character with a great arc and development. He's one of only two major characters in the game who doesn't worship at the PC's feet at every opportunity (the other being Vrook Lamar), and they're among the two most hated characters in the game. It just reinforces my theory that most players hate everything that doesn't feed their god-complex in an RPG.

Hmm, maybe Gideon was onto something too when he said the only reason people like Revan is because you're him and everyone worships you.

Jedi Revan is my least favorite characterization of his character, lol.

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 12:03 pm
Foundry Revan is the best version of his character.

Fite me.
Level Four
Level Four

Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

October 8th 2019, 2:18 pm
SithSauce wrote:Not to mention the guy is a bitch when you fight him. He keeps spamming force heal whenever his health is low.
Absolutely right. Legit took me like 35 mins to beat him lol
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Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst - Page 2 Empty Re: Rank the following KOTOR companions from best to worst

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