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Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 9:00 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I know many people hate the sequels but I think there's some great quality content in canon.
My favourites are the Vader comic series by Charles Soule, Clone Wars, Fallen Order and Mandalorian.

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 10:02 am
Bounty Hunter comics Favourite Star Wars Canon material 3344068304

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 11:23 am
Dooku Jedi Lost
Some parts of Rebels
Clone Wars 7
Master & Apprentice

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 11:33 am
I’m not too familiar with the new canon. The sequels were ass, rogue one was average, 2/3s of TCW season 7 was just filler with the sisters and discount TF2. So I’ll probably go with the Mandalorian.

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 11:42 am
In no particular order:
-All the Thrawn novels
-Darth Vader v1 (Gillen) & Darth Vader v2 (Soule). Pak's current DV series has been pretty good so far as well.
-Lords of the Sith
-The Mandalorian
-Rebels (yes, I enjoyed it for the most part.)
-Master & Apprentice
-Jedi Lost
-Dark Legends

There's probably more. Those were just the first that came to mind.

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 11:45 am
there's some great quality content in canon


Favourite Star Wars Canon material 1668617588 Favourite Star Wars Canon material 1668617588 Favourite Star Wars Canon material 1668617588
Level Seven
Level Seven

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 1:58 pm
Mandalorian, TCW, Rebels, and SoD. All vary from good to great if you separate the first three from anything to do with Legends. Really enjoying the Mandalorian right now, though the cameos are growing tiresome.
Level Four
Level Four

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 2:07 pm
BreakofDawn wrote:Mandalorian, TCW, SoD and Tarkin. All vary from good to great if you separate all of them from anything to do with Legends. Really enjoying the Mandalorian right now, though the cameos are growing tiresome.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 19th 2020, 9:19 pm
in no order:

Lords of the sith
The Mandalorian
Thrawn trilogy (including ascendancy)
From a certain point of view
Darth Vader comics
Jedi Fallen Order
Dooku Jedi Lost
Master And Apprentice
Marvel s Obi wan and Anakin
Alphabet squadron
A New Dawn


Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 20th 2020, 12:51 am
So far I've only loved the first two Darth Vader comics series and the Timothy Zahn Thrawn novels.

The jury is still out on the new Darth Vader comic series. The artwork really sucks to the point where it's distracting.

The only use I had for Rebels was canonizing Thrawn finally.

The Lords of the Sith novel was mediocre at best. It retread the same ground Luceno and Karen Traviss already covered, Paul Kemp didn't have their talent.

I've been waiting on Boba Fett before I check the Mandalorian. Most of what I've seen of it has been mediocre as well.


Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 21st 2020, 2:28 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Sith Archivist wrote:I’m not too familiar with the new canon. The sequels were ass, rogue one was average, 2/3s of TCW season 7 was just filler with the sisters and discount TF2. So I’ll probably go with the Mandalorian.

Lmao, are you referring to the Bad Batch? That's actually so true, I didn't think of them like that. I thought they were ok but they could've just  been Delta Squad. That would be so much better. Also the brute guy was annoying.

Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

November 21st 2020, 2:38 pm
Yep I'm referring to the Bad Batch lol
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Favourite Star Wars Canon material Empty Re: Favourite Star Wars Canon material

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