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★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 12:05 pm
Have to go for Outlander, but only if its the smuggler class
Level One
Level One

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 12:57 pm
Level One
Level One

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 12:57 pm
Syndiciate wrote:Starkiller.
It's down to just Kun and the Outlander

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 1:57 pm
Why're people commenting on the "accuracy" or "objectivity" of the list? It's designed to show community consensus - not depict the truth of how characters actually would line up within the SW universe.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 2:03 pm
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 9:50 pm
HU votes Kun:

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April 6th 2020, 9:54 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
He needs to write it in-thread, which has been a repeatedly stated rule from the start.
Level Three
Level Three

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 10:01 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
ill vote for prime kun

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 6th 2020, 10:17 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
As one of the few vets from SWEB that brought forth the insidious, dastardly, unholy, and slightly toxic wank that was Exar kun <~ ROTS Sheev, i find it within my civic duty to a slowly dying platform to push forth that stance at least one more time, in exar kuns time of need. For that purpose, i Vote Exar kun; Not for the memes, but out of respect of the fact that it was a trademark of a dying forum. 
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 2:38 am
throw me down for Exar Kun

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 7:40 am
Changing my vote to Exar Kun
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 9:23 am
NotAA3 wrote:Why're people commenting on the "accuracy" or "objectivity" of the list? It's designed to show community consensus - not depict the truth of how characters actually would line up within the SW universe.

There is no community consensus—that’s why it’s a debating forum
Level Seven
Level Seven

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 10:19 am
I'd like to know why people here are voting Kun. Please bear in mind that the Outlander by Onslaught benefits from most if not all of the scaling that Vaylin does, which Xolthol went into great detail about HERE.

I also want to raid the point that the Outlander benefits from over a year's worth of continuous power growth following the end of KOTET.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 11:03 am
I'd like to know why people are voting Outlander despite the fact that Kun's own feats compare very favorably. TOTJ's scaling chains are just as immense, if not even more potent, as I've shown and still depict Kun being a magnitude above everyone else in his era many of whom are monstrously powerful in their own right and who can match-up very well in the Outlander's era.

Frankly I find it insulting that you'd ask for reasons after me presenting four major cases thus far in the course of the tournament which may have been convincing.
Level One
Level One

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 12:30 pm
Just finished reading through the thread. Going with Kun.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 1:52 pm
going with kun too

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 2:04 pm
Changed my mind again (sorry for indecisiveness) and voting Outlander

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 2:08 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)
Kun would lose to Deceived Malgus. He shouldn't even appear on this tournament.  ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 3344068304
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 2:14 pm
Decieved Malgus would beat Revan
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 3:10 pm
The Outlander

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Sheev_sig_3

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 5:46 pm
The Merchant
The Merchant

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 8:20 pm
Level Seven
Level Seven

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 8:26 pm
*Sigh* Now you've done it.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 8:28 pm
TenebrousWay wrote:Kun would lose to Deceived Malgus. He shouldn't even appear on this tournament.

Kun one-shots, what are you talking about?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander

April 7th 2020, 9:39 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Warb Null, who has the combined combative memories of King Adas and Freedon Nadd:

Hammer wrote:Stronger… perhaps, but not smarter. Telloti knew the weapon in his hands. Somehow, he knew it. He had fashioned it, millennia ago. Or rather, the man in his vision, Shas Dovos, the man who became Warb Null had, inspired by the dark teachings of Freedon Nadd and dread King Adas before him. He knew these things. He had their memories, their wisdom, the cunning of the Sith.

King Adas spent three centuries as the greatest swordsman in the Sith Empire and wasn't succeeded until tens of thousands of years later when the Exiles arrived:

Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties wrote:Ruling nearly 3,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Republic, King Adas was a massive, regal being encased in majestic ebon warrior armor. Raised from his youth as a chosen being due to the charcoal pigment of his skin, Adas demonstrated great intelligence, fighting prowess, and a tremendous aptitude for Sith magic. With his alchemically forged battle-ax, Adas led the bloody unification of Korriban's disparate nations and became its undisputed world ruler. The Sith people came to believe that King Adas was immortal and that his reign would be eternal.

Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties wrote:Eventually, almost two-dozen millennia after Adas' death, a proper successor to Adas seemed to come at last. Known in Republic space as the Exiles, traitorous Jedi defeated in a galactic war called the Hundred-Year Darkness arrived on Korriban and cowed the Sith people with their astounding Force abilities, lightsabers, and superior technology.

Noting that the sole indication we have for their skill is when Karness Muur duels Darth Krayt and appears to have the advantage three pages later, keeping in mind that Muur has to simultaneously concentrate on imposing his will on Celeste and controlling his Rakghouls:

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Freedon Nadd defeated and killed Master Metta Tremayne; lightsaber instructor and expert in all its forms:

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Prior to learning everything Naga Sadow knew, including lightsaber techniques:

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The Dark Side Sourcebook wrote:Sadow showed him the dark side of the Force and taught him skills the other Jedi Knights had not seen in centuries. With these new powers and weapons, Nadd left Yavin 4 and traveled to the primi-tive planet of Onderon.

Noting that Naga Sadow was considered the master of the Marauder caste of Sith Warriors in the reconstituted Sith Empire for a millennium:

Star Wars the Old Republic wrote:The other one was mastered by Naga Sadow, who could intuit where his foe was weakest and then strike precisely with devastating effect.

All of which was prior to a century of Nadd killing more Jedi than anyone in history had, including Tulak Hord:

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The same Tulak Hord who was one of the greatest Jedi killers and lightsaber duelists ever:

Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"This was the tomb of Tulak Hord, known as the greatest lightsaber duelist of the Sith Lords. His skill was considered remarkable even in his time, when many true lightsaber masters lived. If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old Masters."

Tomb of Tulak Hord Codex Entry wrote:His command of the dark side and mastery of lightsaber techniques won Hord many battles, and each victory earned him enemies abroad and within the Sith ranks. Of the many who challenged his might, none were successful.

That was the level of Warb Null's combative knowledge, when Ulic completely out-duelled him:

Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 3—Star Wars Insider 28 wrote:Warb Null-The leader of the dissident Naddist, Null combined martial prowess with his mastery of the dark-side of the Force. He was eventually killed by UIic Qel-Droma.

Ulic continues perfecting his sword technique in the years after:

Power of the Jedi Sourcebook wrote:While his brother [Ulic] perfected his combat skills

Until he faces Exar Kun, his perfect equal in lightsaber combat:

Dark Side Sourcebook wrote:Exar Kun and Ulic fought, but they were too evenly matched for either to gain the upper hand. Their battle might have gone on for hours

Exar Kun then completely reinvented his entire lightsaber technique to become 'virtually unstoppable' in a duel by learning the combat techniques of the mythos' most powerful Sith holocron:

The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology wrote:The most powerful Sith Holocron contained Sith teachings and histories that covered some hundred thousand years.
Jedi VS. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force wrote:
The construction and use of the first double-bladed lightsaber is sometimes credited to Jedi-turned-Sith Exar Kun, but according to the Tedryn Holocron, Exar Kun assembled his weapon by following instructions from a Sith Holocron, possibly prepared by the Jedi Exiles themselves.
The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology wrote:Some unique objects are invariably associated with their remarkable owners. The unusual double-bladed lightsaber of the fallen Jedi Exar Kun is one such artifact. This weapon as distinctive and dangerous as its builder, the Dark Lord of the Sith, who initiated the great Sith War and nearly toppled the Old Republic.


As the battle against the Jedi escalated, Kun altered his normal lightsaber into a more deadly and dangerous weapon. Kun added a second emitter matrix on the opposite end of the handgrip, allowing him to release two blue-white blades simultaneously. The dark Jedi wielded the saber much as he would a quarterstaff, using one blade to block incoming attacks, then quickly spinning the handgrip to use the second blade to strike a killing blow against his opponent.

Customized controls allowed him to adjust each blade's length from half a meter to one and a half meters. Panels controlled each blade's intensity: at its highest setting, a blade was like any other lightsaber, with the ability to cut through dense materials such as armor plating and durasteel with virtually no resistance. At the lowest power setting, a blade became a simple shaft of light, delivering no damage and providing no resistance against incoming lightsaber attacks. By abruptly shortening a blade or dropping it to the lowest power setting, Kun tricked his opponents into overextending themselves during attacks, giving him an opportunity for a dealy counterstrike. By coupling these tactics with his Force abilities to predict the actions of his opponents, Kun became virtually unstoppable in combat.

Exar's influence as a duelist appears present in Asajj Ventress, her most deadly lightsaber technique was in fact an Exar Kun technique that was basically indefensible to the likes of Anakin Skywalker:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #12 - Alliance Commander - Page 5 Screen39

Which can inform us of Kun's level in comparison to Ventress given that just one of his techniques is l
more effective and deadly than all of the rest of her's.

Kun's an incredible duelist who has indications of his skill in comparison to the modern era, and his unorthodoxy can't be hand-waved away.

Compounding all of this is his ability to render his opponent's lightsaber useless at will:

Dark Apprentice wrote:Kyp made a dismissive gesture with one hand, and a sudden wave of dark ripples splashed across the air like the shock front from a concussion grenade.
Luke stumbled backward. The lightsaber turned cold in his hand. Frost crystals grew in feathery patterns around the handle. At the core of the brilliant green blade a shadow appeared, a black disease rotting away the purity of the beam. The humming blade sputtered, sounding like a sickly cough. The black taint rapidly grew stronger, swallowing up the green beam.
With a fuzzle of sparks Luke's lightsaber died.


Luke dropped his useless lightsaber and crouched.

And if he doesn't opt for this, he wears cortosis-weave armor:

Exar Kun's battlesuit, Yavin: The Big Red One wrote:Cortosis weave -- The armor is laced with cortosis fiber.

Which will also render his opponent's lightsaber useless.

Really, he's uniquely placed to win here.
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